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Assignment 2 Solution

(15 points) Complete the attached program plot.c to plot a function f(t), e.g. f(t)=t^2-4t+5 for values of t between two values as specified as two variables low and high on line 11 in plot.c. Note, first, nested loops are NOT allowed in your program; second, I am going to change the definition of f(t) when testing your program; third, I am going to change the values of low and high when testing your program.

Please find a few example f(t)shown as comments in the bottom of plot.c. The following are their corresponding outputs.

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 2 25 0 26 30 13 25 30 13 0

The first non-repeated digit is 2. The last non-repeated digit is 26. The first repeated digit is 25. The last repeated digit is 0. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 26 25 0 26 30 13 25 30 13 0

There isn't any non-repeated digit. The first repeated digit is 26. The last repeated digit is 0. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D

-/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ ./repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 1 21 0 21 4 21

The first non-repeated digit is 1. The last non-repeated digit is 4. The first repeated digit is 21. The last repeated digit is 21. -/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution $ D


7 hash

—/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/al/solution (master) $ repeated_nonrepeated In the array of 1 2 0 4

The first non-repeated digit is 1. The last non-repeated digit is 4. There isn't any repeated digit. —/Documents/workspace/3335/assignments/a1/solution (master) $


First, for all t between low and high, find the minimum f(t) and maximum f(t), let’s call them f_min and f_max respectively.

Then create an array of characters (i.e. a string) whose size is f_max-f_min+2. This is of course taking advantage of the fact that in C, when defining an array, its size is allowed to be a variable. For instance:

int m=3*6;

char ex[m];

Then for each value of t, in the string you created above, store an asterisk in the element whose index is corresponding to the function value f(t-f_min), while all leading elements before the asterisk (if any) are blank and the element at f(t-f_min+1)is a ‘\0‘. This is of course assuming that the f(t-f_min)value is rounded to an integer. Print the string out, clear it up, and go on to the next value of t.


(10 points) Change the bitmasks.c program by adding the following two functions and change the main function accordingly to test them.

unsigned setbits (unsigned x, int p, int n, unsigned y) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p (right-adjusted) set to the rightmost n bits of y, leaving the other bits unchanged. Note: it does not change the values of x and y though.

For instance, if x is equal to 2004384122

0111 0111
0111 1000
0111 1001
0111 1010

and y is equal to 1634952294

0110 0001
0111 0011
0110 0100

Then setbits (x, 20, 4, y) returns

0111 0111
0110 1100
0111 1001
0111 1010

unsigned invertbits (unsigned x, int p, int n) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p (right-adjusted) inverted, i.e. 1 changed to 0 and vice versa, leaving the other bits unchanged. Note: it does not change the value of x though.

For instance, if x is equal to 2004384122

0111 0111
0111 1000
0111 1001
0111 1010

Then invertbits (x, 19, 9) returns

0111 0111
0111 0111
1000 0001
0111 1010

What to turn in?

Create a tarball file by the name of cs3335_a2_yourlastname.tar that includes

Completed source code file plot.c for question 1.
Completed source code file bitmasks.c for question 2.

Submit the tarball file through BlazeVIEW by the due time.