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Lab 13 Solution


Learn about the pointer data type and pointer variable
Learn about dynamic arrays


Write a program that prompts the user to input a string and outputs the input string such that every even character in the string is in lower case and odd character in the string is in upper case.

1- You MUST use a dynamic array of character (C-STRING) with the length of 128 characters to store the user input string in the main function.

2- Pass the input string to a function named stringManipulator which generates the desired output in the console.

3- Finally release the allocated memory.

4- Implement the body for given function prototype to produce the final output.

void stringManipulator(char *inputCstr);

Pre-condition: Accepts a dynamic array of character (C-STRING) as the input parameter.

Post-condition: Outputs the string such that every even character in the string is in lower case and every odd character in the string is in upper case letter.

Submit a single cpp file. Write your program to get the same output.

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