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Engineering Programming Project 2: Matrix Calculator Solution

Project Description

• You should implement a simple matrix calculator.

• The maximum score you can get from this project is

200 points, if you implement all the requirements.

• Do everything by your own exertion!

Project Description

• You should implement the following functions:

- matrix creation

- matrix deletion

- matrix transpose

- matrix addition

- matrix multiplication

- matrix scalar multiplication

- to save/load/show matrices

Matrix Creation

• When you create a matrix, make sure that your matrix variable is created in the heap space. That is,

you should use “malloc” or “new” to create a matrix. All the matrices in this project should be

row-major order.

• You should implement 3 different creation functions:


create and fill all the elements in the matrix with 0.


create and fill all the elements in the matrix with 1.


create and fill all the elements in the matrix with randomly generated numbers.

• Example

A = zeros(3, 5); // A is a matrix with 3 rows and 5 columns

B = rand(4, 4); // B is a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns


Matrix Deletion

• Since your matrix variable is in the heap space, you should

be in charge of deleting it when the variable is no more needed. Make sure that the memory space for the input

• Example


Matrix Transpose

• The output of the transpose function should be a newly allocated matrix,

i.e., you should create a new matrix inside the transpose function and return the matrix whose elements are filled with those of transpose of the matrix A.

• You should make sure that the other functions like addition and multiplication to be implemented in this way

• transpose

transpose given matrix variable.

• Example

R = transpose(A)

Matrix Addition

• Matrix addition function will take two or three inputs(bonus points)

and add them together. Make sure that the size of the input matrices are equal. Otherwise the return value should be NULL.

• add

add all the given matrices.

• Example

R = add(A, B)

R = add(A, B, C)

Matrix Multiplication

• Matrix multiplication function will take two or three inputs(bonus

points) and multiply them together. Make sure that the size of the input matrices are valid to be computed. Otherwise the return value should be NULL.

• multiply

multiply all the given matrices.

• Example

R = multiply(A, B)

Matrix Scalar Multiplication

• Matrix scalar multiplication function will take a matrix

variable and a scalar variable, and multiply them.

• multiply (use function overloading)

multiply all the given matrices.

• Example

R = multiply(A, c) // A is a matrix and c is a scalar

Matrix Load/Save

• As the name suggests, matrix save/load function will save/load the computed a

matrix into/from a formatted file. There’s no specific format for these functions. You may define the format by yourself.

• load

load a matrix with the given filename.

• save

save a matrix into a file with the given filename.

• Example

load(“A.txt”) // load the matrix A from the file “A.txt”

save(A, “A.txt”) // save the matrix A into the file “A.txt”

Displaying a Matrix

• You should implement a function to show a matrix.

• show

show the given matrix. There should be 3 spaces between each element.

• Example

show(A) // show the matrix A

1 2 3 // result of show function with




// 2 by 3 matrix A (Row-major matrix)


Basic Requirements

(100 points)

Creation Deletion Transpose Addition with two inputs


Multiplication with two inputs


20 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 15 ptsMultiplication Save Load Show

5 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts


Bonus Points

(100 points)

Binary file save/load

(10 pts)

Implement bsave/bload for binary file to be saved/loaded. (You should use ios::binary option)

Addition/Multiplication with three inputs

(20 pts)

Implement addition/multiplication with three inputs.

Efficient multiplication with three inputs

(20 pts)

Considering the order of multiplication of given three matrices, you should implement the multiplication with three inputs efficiently.

For example, A is a 100000 x 5 matrix, B is a 5 x 5 matrix, and C is a

5x1 matrix. In this case, (A*(B*C)) will be much more efficient than


Sparse Matrix

(50 pts)

Implement all the functions specified with sparse matrix form. If you don’t know what sparse matrix is, you can refer to the Wikipedia

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skeleton code will be given. It consists of three files: main.cpp,

matrix.h, and matrix.cpp

• main.cpp

You can test the functions which you implemented in the main function. The sample test code is given.

• matrix.h

Do not touch this file!!

• matrix.cpp

You should implement the functions in this file.

• Submit matrix.cpp only!