- Problem:
- Design String class with private integer variable length of string and pointer to character str
- make the following functions
- default constructor String (length, str) with length = zero and str pointer to nullptr
- non-default constructor that take const character pointer
- Use strlen() function to find the char length
- Creat new dynamic array str with the new length
- You will have to loop to assign each character
- make deconstruct ~String that delete char pointer
- Overload << operator to print out string.
- Copy constructor String
- Move constructor String
- Assign operator = for copy constructor
- Overload + operator to add/combine to String cat + dog => catdog
Hint: for overload operator use friend keyword.
- clone your repo to your local computer
- ''' <b>git clone repo_https_url</b> '''
- repo https url is found under code tab in your github
- Edit your name on top on README.md file.
- Edit the main function (file name: main.cpp):
- Write your class String in main.cpp
- your class should work fine with int main(){}
- Push your answers
- use git in your terminal to add files, and add comments on your commits, and finally submit files
- ''' <b>git add specific_file1.x specific_file2.x</b> '''
- ''' <b>git commit -m "add message here for commits"</b> '''
- ''' <b>git push</b> '''