- Problem:
- Design Merge class that merge overlapped intervals
- Use template class with Merge class ,i.e., Merge<datatype> objectNName;
- No private/public variable or data member
- No need for constructor
- Write the following functions:
- merge function that take vector of vector
- write code that solve the problem of merging intervals that overlap
- implement exception handling for given (vector of vector) that have less than two intervals, e.g., [(1,2)] this is not accepted as input. because it has only one interval
- use error handling: try, throw, and catch
- print function that print out intervals
- example of merging the following intervals: [(2,5),(1,4),(3,9),(20, 29),(7,16), (15, 27)];
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15 16 17 18 ... 20 ... 27 28 29
The merge result wil be interval from (1, 29)
- Hint:
- You will need to sort the input first then look for overlapping intervals
- you may use sort function built in vector class.
- clone your repo to your local computer
- ''' <b>git clone repo_https_url</b> '''
- repo https url is found under code tab in your github
- Edit your name on top on README.md file.
- Edit the main function (file name: main.cpp):
- Write your classes in main.cpp
- Push your answers
- use git in your terminal to add files, and add comments on your commits, and finally submit files
- ''' <b>git add specific_file1.x specific_file2.x</b> '''
- ''' <b>git commit -m "add message here for commits"</b> '''
- ''' <b>git push</b> '''