1. Implementation of Hack CPU. The Hack ALU implemented in the Assignment 7 should be used. For registers, available chips can be used.
2. Implementation of Hack Computer. The above implementation of Hack CPU should be used. The Hack Computer should have a 64x16-bit memory, for which the available chip can be used. Locations 0 to 15 in memory are reserved. Locations 16 to 63 can be used to store data and instructions.
3. Execution of sequences of instructions for the following higher level language statements:
d = a + b - c (All operands are unsigned)
if (a > b) then c = a - b else c = b - a (All operands are unsigned)
int i = 1
int sum = 0
while (i < 100)
{ sum = sum + i;
i = i + 1;