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Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Assignment 3 Solution

As usual, each part of this assignment is submitted as a separate le. As you nish up the parts, you can turn them in at Before the deadline, you can submit updated parts of any section whenever you want. They’ll automatically replace your previous submission.

Be sure you use the right lename for each part of the assignment, including the right capitalization, and don’t pack multiple les into an archive for submission. You’ll get a small penalty if we have to rename les or unpack them from an archive before we grade them (or just to tell what you’ve submitted).

This assignment includes a couple of programming problems and some problems where you get to write up an argument or an analysis. For the non-programming problems, you’ll need to turn in a PDF le for your solution. You can prepare the solution in any software package you like (e.g., Microsoft Word, Open O ce, LaTeX), but you’ll need to use correct mathematical notation in whatever package you choose, and you’ll need to create a PDF version of your work when you turn it in.

For your programming problems, you’ll need to submit an implementation that compiles and runs using the instructions from the previous assignment. For programs, you’ll generally be expected to read input from standard input and write output to standard output. Try to match our expected output format exactly, without printing extra output (like prompts) that the assignment didn’t ask for.

    1. Matrix Chain Multiplication (25 points)

You’re going to write a program called mult.c (or mult.cpp, or, depending on your language choice). This program will solve the matrix chain multiplication problem. It will read in the dimensions of a series of matrices and report the least expensive way to multiply them as a fully parenthesized product of matrices.

If there’s more than one equally good way to parenthesize the matrix chain, either answer is ne (I won’t test your program on inputs like this).

Input Format

Input will be given on standard input. It will start with a positive integer, n. This gives the number of matrices that are to be multiplied. This will be followed by n + 1 positive integers, one value per line. The rst value is the height of the rst matrix in the chain. The next value is the height of the second matrix (and also the width of the rst matrix). This will continue up to the last value, which gives the width of the last matrix.

The input for the simple example we looked at in class would be given as:











Print a single line of output (to standard out) giving fully parenthesized expression showing how the product should be computed in order to minimize computation cost. The names of the matrices will


be written as M1 M2 ... Leave one space between matrices, parentheses and multiplication operators, and don’t put parentheses around individual matrices or around the entire expression. The output for the example above should look like:


Sample Execution

Once you program is working, I should be able to run it as follows. The following shows how it would be run if it was written in python. Shell commands would be similar if it was written your solution in a di erent language.

    • Run the program on the smallest input, saving output to

    • a file.

$ python ./ < input_m1.txt > output.txt

# Get diff to see if there are any differences in the output. $ diff output.txt expected_m1.txt

    2. Look at problem 15-9 on page 410 of your textbook. Describe a dynamic programming algorithm for solving this problem and present a short analysis for the amount of space needed for the algorithm and its running time. This should take about half a page. You don’t have to give code for your algorithm. Just describe the table of subproblems it lls in and give a rule for lling it in, like in equations 15.6 or 15.9 in your book. Write up your answer as a le named break.pdf (10 pts).

    3. Greedy techniques don’t always work. Consider the activity selection problem. Our greedy solution always selects the activity with the earliest nish time from among those activities that start after the most recently selected activity. What if we selected the activity with the earliest start time instead? This wouldn’t always produce an optimal solution. Prove this by describing a speci c example where this technique fails to produce an optimal solution. Write up your explanation in a le called activity.pdf. (10 pts)

    4. Strongly Connected Components (25 points)

When you’re teaching a new subject, you often have to think about dependency among the topics you need to cover. For example, it’s probably necessary to understand what a variable declaration is before you start trying to learn about scope, and it’s probably necessary to understand something about types before you can understand a variable declaration. Sometimes, there may be so much dependency that you have some sets of topics that can’t be presented in an order that satis es the dependency. For example, topic A may require that you rst understand B. Topic B may require that you rst understand C and C may require that you rst understand A. In cases like this, the best you can do is to try to introduce all of the topics at once during the same lecture. Your job is to write a program that nds sets of topics like this and reports them. This way, an instructor can think ahead a bit and try to anticipate lectures that will go a little bit long.

Call your solution dependency.c, dependency.cpp, or, depending on your implementation language.

Input Format

Input will be given on standard input. It will start with a positive integer, n. This gives the number of di erent topics that need to be covered in the course. The next n lines each give the name of a topic. All topic names are sequences of non-whitespace characters (so they should be easy to parse). The list


of topics is followed by a non-negative integer m and a list m of dependencies between pairs of topics. A dependency is given as a pair of course topics where you must understand the rst topic before you can understand the second. For example, if a dependency is given as:

types declarations

it means you have to understand types in order to understand declarations.


Print out all topic sets, S, where jSj > 1 where the topics in S must all be covered in the same lecture. List topics in each set on a single line, space separated and sorted in the same order they were given in the topic list at the start of the input. List sets of topics sorted by the order their rst topic was given in the input.

Sample Execution

I’m providing a few sample inputs and expected outputs for your dependency program. For C and C++, you should be able to compile your program and run it like the following. As with the earlier examples, I’m using shell comments to explain what I’m doing. If you’re programming in Java or Python, you can modify these examples, to try out your solution.

    • Run the dependency program on a simple input.  The same

    • problem as in input_d1.txt.  I just cut-and-pasted it into

    • the terminal, instead of redirecting input from a file

    • so you could see what the input looks like.  I’m sending the

    • output to a file, so it’s clear what’s input and what’s

    • output.

    • ./dependency > output.txt

5 variables types scope assignments declarations 5

types declarations variables scope scope declarations declarations variables variables assignments variables scope declarations

# Have a look at the output it produced.

    • cat output.txt declarations scope variables

# Run on a slightly larger input

    • ./dependency < input_d2.txt apples foil

boxes detergent eggplant


    5. Hu man Codes (15 extra credit points)

Write a program named hu man.c (or hu man.cpp, hu or hu, as appropriate). This program will read a sequence of bytes from standard input until it reaches the end-of- le. Your program will build a Hu man code based on the frequency of byte values seen in the input.

We want a code that will be able to encode any sequence of bytes (not just the particular byte values that happened to show up in the input), so your program will create codes for every possible byte value, plus one more code to represent the end of the encoding. When you build your Hu man code, assume the following frequencies:

If character c didn’t occur in the input, it will be given a frequency of 1. So, character c will have a code, but it will probably be a long code, since we’re giving it such a low frequency.

If character c occurred f times in the input, it will be given a frequency of f + 1. So, characters that occur in the input will have a higher frequency than characters that don’t occur.

An imaginary symbol, EOF will be given a frequency of 1. This will give us a code we can use to mark the end of le in the compressed representation. Remember, since a Hu man code is a variable length code, the last code may end part-way through the last byte of a compressed le. Having a code for EOF gives us a way to mark where the sequence of codewords ends, even if it doesn’t fall right at the end of the last byte.

Recall that the algorithm for generating Hu man codes uses a priority queue of nodes, so it can easily choose the two lowest-frequency nodes. For this, you will use your trinary heap from the previous assignment. You’ll need to modify it some; previously it just had to store key values, but now it will have to store the node you’re usinging to build your Hu man coding tree (or, more likely, pointers to nodes).

Once you’ve determined codewords for every value, your program will print out a table of Hu man codes for each possible byte value, and an extra code for marking the end-of- le. Print your table with the byte value right-justi ed in a 3-column eld to the left, then a space, then the Hu man code as a sequence of bits (a string of 1 and 0 characters). For bytes between 33 and 126 (inclusive), assume the byte represents the ASCII code for a character and print it out as a one-character symbol. For other byte values, just print a 2-character hexadecimal value for this byte. At the end, print the code for marking the end-of- le. For this code, just print EOF in the left-hand column.

Sample Execution

For this problem, you’re getting a few sample input les. The rst two are text les, but the last one is binary (so it will probably look like garbage if you try to view it in a text editor). Your program should be able to handle any of these. For this problem, depending on how you break ties, you may end you with a di erent Hu man code than I did (even one with di erent codeword lengths for some codes). That’s ne; that’s why the sample output les are called \typical" rather than \expected". When we test your solution, we’ll try to see if you got a correct code even if you didn’t get exactly the same code we did.

    • Generate a huffman code for a short text file, where lower-

    • case letters and newlines are the only symbols it actually

    • contains.

    • ./huffman < input_h1.txt 00 10010100110 01 10001100111


<a few lines omitted>

    9 10010010010

0A 011011

0B 111001010100

<lots of lines omitted>

‘ 111001011101 a 1111

b 110110 c 10100 d 000010 e 0001 f 00000 g 1110011 h 10101 i 0011

j 0110100 k 1101111 l 11010 m 0100

n 11101 o 1011 p 100000 q 1001111 r 0101

s 0111 t 0010 u 1100

v 1000101 w 111000 x 000011 y 01100 z 1101110

{ 10001111111

<lots of lines omitted>

    FF 10001100110 EOF 10010100111