- Problem:
- Design an abstract class called Shape that you will use with Circle, Rect, and FilledRect class:
- Private variables double x and y
- Constructor shape (x, y)
- function area take no parameters return double const equal zero
- function draw take ostream file return void and equal zero
- make deconstruct ~Shape
- Hint: you need to use virtual
- Design class Circle that inherit class shape functions
- private variable x, y, radius
- Make the following functions:
- Circle constructor that take x, y, radius, Note that x and y are assigned to Shape(x,y)
- for example constructor_name(double x, double y) : Shape(x,y)
- draw that take ostream file to write postscript instruction the function return void
- area take no parameters and return double
- ~Circle deconstruction
- Design class Rect that inherit class shape with same functions as class Circle
- private variables are x, y, weight, height
- Design class FilledRect that inherit class shape with same functions as class Circle
- private variables are x, y, weight, height
- Hint for Circle, Rect, and FilledRect: you will need to use override keyword
- e.g.: data_return_type function_name(inputs) <b>override</b> {}
- Design class Drawing that take all shapes created and save it in vectors. Then use draw function for each Shape to write test.ps file with postscripts instructions
- it has private variables of type: ofstream and vector<Shape> "Polymorphism"
- Drawing constructor that take location to open "test.ps" file.
- void add function that push_back new shapes to vector. It takes "Polymorphism" shape.
- void draw function take no parameter that loop through all shapes and write postscript instruction for each shape.
- void showArea take no parameters and loop inside vector to run area function for each shape class
- void setrgb function take three double for red, green, and blue. It writes postscript to change the color for all shapes.
Postscript language:
- [Check Wiki. for some background about Postscript](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript)
- [You can use online website to view .ps file](https://products.aspose.app/page/viewer/ps)
- Postscript line you need to use to draw shapes are given in the code.
- Your test.ps file should generate the following results
<img src="/resultsOfDraw.png" width="600" > </div>
- clone your repo to your local computer
- ''' <b>git clone repo_https_url</b> '''
- repo https url is found under code tab in your github
- Edit your name on top on README.md file.
- Edit the main function (file name: main.cpp):
- Write your classes in main.cpp
- Your code should run fine with main() function and output test.ps file
- Push your answers
- use git in your terminal to add files, and add comments on your commits, and finally submit files
- ''' <b>git add specific_file1.x specific_file2.x</b> '''
- ''' <b>git commit -m "add message here for commits"</b> '''
- ''' <b>git push</b> '''