The objective of this session is to continue practicing with tensors, deal with a real data-set, and get a feeling of how good/bad are the k-nearest neighbor rule and the PCA dimension reduction on MNIST and CIFAR10.
The questions should be answered by writing a source le and executing it by running the python command in a terminal, with the source le name as argument.
Both can be done from the main Jupyter window with.
• \New" ! \Text le" to create the source code, or selecting the le and clicking \Edit" to edit an existing one.
• \New" ! \Terminal" to start a shell from which you can run python.
Another option is to connect to the VM on port 2022 on the host with a SSH client such as PuTTY1.
You can get a helpful python script at
To use it, your source should start with
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import dlc_practical_prologue as prologue
You are of course free to do without it.
• Nearest neighbor
Write a function that gets a training set and a test sample and returns the label of the training point the closest to the latter.
More precisely, write:
• https://www.putty.org/
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def nearest_classification(train_input, train_target, x):
• train_input is a 2d oat tensor of dimension n d containing the training vectors,
• train_target is a 1d long tensor of dimension n containing the training labels,
• x is 1d oat tensor of dimension d containing the test vector,
and the returned value is the class of the train sample closest to x for the L2 norm.
Hint: The function should have no python loop, and may use in particular torch.mean, torch.view, torch.pow, torch.sum, and torch.sort or torch.min. My version is 164 characters long.
• Error estimation
Write a function
def compute_nb_errors(train_input, train_target, test_input, test_target, mean = None, proj = None):
• train_input is a 2d oat tensor of dimension n d containing the train vectors,
• train_target is a 1d long tensor of dimension n containing the train labels,
• test_input is a 2d oat tensor of dimension m d containing the test vectors,
• test_target is a 1d long tensor of dimension m containing the test labels,
• mean is either None or a 1d oat tensor of dimension d,
• proj is either None or a 2d oat tensor of dimension c d,
that subtracts mean (if it is not None) from the vectors of both train_input and test_input, apply the operator proj (if it is not None) to both, and returns the number of classi cation errors using the 1-nearest-neighbor rule on the resulting data.
Hint: Use in particular torch.mm. My version is 487 characters long, and it has a loop (the horror!)
Write a function
def PCA(x):
where x is a 2d oat tensor of dimension n d, which returns a pair composed of the 1d mean vector of dimension d and the PCA basis, ranked in decreasing order of the eigen-values, as a 2d tensor of dimension d d.
Hint: The function should have no python loop, and use in particular torch.eig, and torch.sort.
My version is 275 characters long.
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• Check that all this makes sense
Compare the performance of the 1-nearest neighbor rule on data projected either on a 100d random subspace (i.e. using a basis generated with a normal) and using the PCA basis for di erent dimensions (e.g. 3, 10, 50, 100).
Compare also the performance between MNIST and CIFAR. Does all this make sense?
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