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Data Structures Laboratory Solved

I . Write a program to perform the following operations usi ng a Singly Linked List:
    a. Search for a particu lar element node.
    b. Delete from end of the l ist

    2. Write program to perform the followi ng operations usi ng a Singly Linked List:
        a. Ordered Insertion
        b. Pri nt the alternate elements i n the l ist

    3. Write program to perform the following operations usi ng a Dou bly Linked List
        a. Position  Insertion
        b. Position Deletion

    4. Im plement Joseph us problem using circular l ist.

Sa. W rite a program to implement convert an Infix expression to a postfix form usi ng stack.
b. W rite a program to com pute the first n fabinocci series using recursion.

    6. Write a program perform the following implementation usi ng a stack
    a. Postfix evaluation
    b. Tower of Hanoi (Recursion)

    7. Write a program implement a queue usi ng a l i nked l ist and perform the followi ng operat ions
        a. I nsert rear end
        b. Delete at front end

    8. Write a program to construct a Binary Tree using array traverse the tree usi ng inorder & postorder traversal

    9. Write a program to construct a Binary Search Tree using Li nked List traverse the tree using preorder traversal. A lso count the n um ber of leaf nodes and com pute the height of the tree.

I 0. Construct a graph and traverse usi ng the BFS- usi ng queues/ DFS-usi ng stack. A lso cou nt the n um ber of components i n the graph.

I I . Construct a M i n Heap Tree using Top Down approach 12 . Construct a Max Heap usi ng Bottom-u p approach

    13. Im plement priority queue usi ng heap.

    14. Construct a Threaded Binary Tree and traverse usi ng preorder traversal

    15. Construct an expression tree for i nfix expression. Also eval uate the expression and traverse the tree usi ng postorder traversal.

    16. Im plement the followi ng usi ng Tries:
    a. Search a word based on prefix
    b. Delete the word

1 7. im plement hashi ng techn iq ue to avoid col l ision usi ng separate chain i ng. 1 8. Im plement hash ing techn ique to avoid col l ision usi ng l inea r probi ng.

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