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Mongo DB Assignment Solution

Assignment Objective

Provide you with hands on experience using the document database

Assignment Task

Use Blackboard as a model for this assignment.  For simplicity you can assume that there is only one class in Blackboard


1.      Create a database with the same name as your user id

2.      In this database create one or more collections to store

a.       Categories of work tasks (e.g., Assignments, Quizzes, …)

b.      Each category can have 1 or more named items (e.g., Quiz 1, MongoDB Assignment, …)

c.       The grade book has a group of students some are Graduate and some are Undergraduate

d.      Use the 2 grading criteria spelt out in the class syllabus to define 2 grading algorithms.  Create the JavaScript for the 2 grading approaches and store them in the database.

e.       Create a MongoDB query that will take as an argument a student category (Undergraduate or Graduate).  The Query will produce a list of all the students, and for each student it will give the grade for each of the graded work and use the stored grading JavaScript to derive the grade for each student

3.      You database should have sample data in it

Assignment Submission

1.      Create a dump of the mongo database using the following command


mongodump --dbpath <path to mong db --db <userid


2.      This creates directory called dump that contain the BSON and JSON dump of the data in the database

3.      Create a ZIP file containing the generated dump directory and a Instruction guide called README that says how to run the MongoDB query generated for 2e above  (providing and example always helps).

4.      Upload the ZIP file to Blackboard

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