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Homework #8 Solution

.  [10  points]  K-Means



(a)  Mention  if K-Means is a supervised  or an un-supervised method.


Your answer:








(b)  Assume that you are trying to cluster  data  points  xi for i ∈ {1, 2 . . . D} into K clusters each  with  center  µk   where  k  ∈  {1, 2, . . . K }.   The  objective  function  for  doing  this clustering  involves minimizig the euclidean  distance  between  the points  and the cluster centers.  It is given by



Min min E E ½ rik II xi – ukII2/2





How do you ensure hard  assignment of one data  point to one and only one cluster  at a given time?  Note:  By hard assignment we mean that your are 100 % sure that a point either  belongs or not belongs to a cluster.


Your answer:










(c)  What  changes must  you do in your answer of part  b, to make the hard  assingment into a soft assignment?   Note:  By soft assignment we mean that your are sure that a point either  belongs or not belongs to a cluster  with some probability.


Your answer:








(d)  Looking at the following plot, what  is the best choice for number  of clusters?




Your answer:







(e)  Would  K-Means  be an effecient  algorithm  to cluster  the  following data?   Explain  your answer in a couple of lines.

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