Due: 11:55 pm on the connex site.
Files to hand in
These files contain your answers
to the following 4 questions.
10 marks total
Worth 10% of your final grade
Question 1: Logical expression [2 marks]
Write a logical expression that produces the truth table depicted.
You may use AND, OR and NOT.
Question 2: Gates [4 marks]
Use AND, OR and NOT Gates to build a circuit for the following truth table:
Question 3: Sorting [2 marks]
Research the sorting algorithm “Timsort” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort, and other sources you can find.
In your own words, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this sorting algorithm with regards to the efficiency of algorithms as discussed in chapter 3 and the lectures. (Hint: compare it to other sorting algorithms). Write a 100-200 word answer.
Question 4: Vigenère cipher [2 marks]
Research the Vigenère cipher:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher, and other sources.
(This cipher will also be shown in your lab)
Using the key : yyj encrypt your name. For example using this key my name: tibor
would be encrypted as: rgkmp.
Your answer should look like this:
key: yyj
plain text: <YOUR_NAME
encrypted text: <YOUR_NAME_ENCRYPTED