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Introduction To Computer Science Hw 09 Solution

PART 1 (Submit to moodle / .py file)

class SortedList:

theList = []

def add(self, number):

def remove(self, number):

def printList(self):

def binarSearch(self, number):

sorted = SortedList() #create a SortedList object

Fill the function definitons of the SortedList class given above. Test your class by calling the functions by using the object “sorted”.

PART 2 (Submit moodle / .txt file)

Assume we have the database which is shown in lab hour. ( Write the SQL queries that returns the following tables.

1. OrderID, CustomerName with 196 records

2. OrderID, FirstName (employee), LastName (employee) with 196 records

3. Country, ProductName, ShipperName with 518 records

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