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In this homework you will choose a topic related to computer science , research about it and then prepare a 2 -3 pages report paper written in your own words. You will use Libre Writer which is one of the most frequently used word processors in Linux.

You can choose any topic that you wonder about computer science and some example research topics are given below:

A biography of a computer scientist

Introduction of a computer device such as monitors or printers and developments about it over years

The history of computer

Introduction of a popular computer application

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

The format of the report is given below:

Font type and size of the report should be FreeSans and 12 pt.

All the headings should be bold and should be formatted as 14 pt.

All of the pages except the cover page should have top information with the name of the course.

All of the pages except the cover page should have page numbers.

All of the pages except the cover page should have margins as 0.78’’.

Your paragraphs should be aligned to both sides.

Upload your .odt file to the “HW1 Upload” link on moodle.

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