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Project 2 Guitar Solution


In this project, you will write a program to simulate plucking a guitar string using the Karplus-Strong algorithm. This algorithm played a seminal role in the emergence of physically modeled sound synthesis (where a physical description of a musical instrument is used to synthesize sound electronically). The Karplus-Strong models the vibration of a guitar string with a remarkably simple process: Maintain a bu er of displacements; then, repeatedly delete the rst displacement from the front of the bu er and append the average of the rst two displacements, scaled by an energy dissipation factor, to the end of the bu er. The size of the bu er determines the frequency of the guitar string. To represent a guitar, you will create many guitar strings (of di erent frequencies), process keystrokes to identify which strings get plucked, superpose the resulting sound waves, and sonify the results. The key data structure needed to perform the Karplus-String simulation e ciently is a ring bu er (bounded queue).


2.1 Digital Audio

Sound waves travel through the air by the changes of air pressure at di erent moments in time. The stronger the change in pressure, the louder the sound. As the speed of the air pressure increases, the perceived pitch becomes higher. These changes of amplitude (loudness) and frequency (pitch) are the two principal factors of sound. Digital recording of sound is performed at regular time intervals, when the amplitude of an analog sound wave is recorded, generating a sample. The closer together that sam-ples are recorded, the more accurate the recording becomes. The rate of sample measurement is called the sampling rate (or sampling frequency). The g-ure on the right shows how an analog sound wave is sampled at regular time intervals.

2.2 Simulate the plucking of a guitar string

When a guitar string is plucked, the string vibrates and creates sound. The length of the string deter-mines its fundamental frequency of vibration. We model a guitar string by sampling its displacement (r 1=2) at N equally spaced points (in time), where N equals the sampling rate (44,100 samples/second)

divided by the fundamental frequency, which is the lowest frequency produced by the oscillation of an object (rounding the quotient up to the nearest integer).

CSCI 230 Data Structures and Algorithms Spring 2020

Plucking the string. The excitation of the string can contain energy at any frequency. We simulate the excitation with white noise: set each of the N displacements to a random real number between 1=2.

The resulting vibrations. After the string is plucked, the string vibrates. The pluck causes a displacement which spreads wave-like over time. The Karplus-Strong algorithm simulates this vibration by maintaining a ring bu er of the N samples: the algorithm repeatedly deletes the rst sample from the bu er and adds to the end of the bu er the average of the rst two samples, scaled by an energy decay factor of 0.994.

2.3 Why it works?

The two primary components that make the Karplus-Strong algorithm work are the ring bu er feedback mechanism and the averaging operation.

The ring bu er feedback mechanism. The ring bu er models the medium (a string tied down at both ends) in which the energy travels back and forth. The length of the ring bu er determines the fundamental frequency of the resulting sound. Sonically, the feedback mechanism reinforces only the fundamental frequency and its harmonics (frequencies at integer multiples of the fundamental). The energy decay factor (.994 in this case) models the slight dissipation in energy as the wave makes a roundtrip through the string. The averaging option.The averaging operation serves as a gentle low-pass lter (which removes higher frequencies while allowing lower frequencies to pass, hence the name). Because it is in the path of the feedback, this has the e ect of gradually attenuating the higher harmonics while keeping the lower ones, which corresponds closely with how a plucked guitar string sounds.

2.4 Project Requirements

Ring Bu er

Write a class named RingBuffer that models a ring bu er by implementing the following API: { RingBuffer(int capacity): creates an empty ring bu er, with given max capacity.
{ RingBuffer(): creates an empty ring bu er with capacity of 100

{ int size(): returns the number of items currently in the bu er

{ boolean isEmpty(): returns whether the bu er is empty (size equals zero)

{ boolean isFull(): returns whether the bu er is full (size equals max capacity)

{ void enqueue(double x): add item x to the end or throws a RingBufferException excep-tion if the bu er is full (you can de ne RingBufferException to be a subclass of Exception, as a public class nested in the RingBuffer)

CSCI 230 Data Structures and Algorithms Spring 2020

{ double dequeue(): delete and return item from the front; throws a RingBufferException exception if the bu er is empty

{ double peek(): returns (but does not delete) the item from the front of the list.

Implement RingBuffer using a double array. For e ciency, use a cyclic wrap-around: Maintain one integer instance variable first that stores the index of the least recently inserted item; maintain a second integer instance variable last that stores the index one beyond the most recently inserted item. To insert an item, put it at index last and increment last. To remove an item, take it from index first and increment first. When either index reaches the end of the array, make it wrap-around by changing the index to 0. Note: You must implement the ring bu er in this manner to get full credits.

Guitar String Write a class named GuitarString that models a vibrating guitar string by imple-menting the following API:

GuitarString(double frequency): creates a guitar string of the given frequency, using a sam-pling rate of 44,000 by creating a RingBuffer of the desired capacity N (sampling rate 44,100 divided by frequency, rounded up to the nearest integer), and initializes it to represent a guitar string at rest by enqueueing N zeros.

GuitarString(double[] init): creates a guitar string whose size and initial values are given by the array by creating a RingBuffer of capacity equal to the size of the array, and initializes the contents of the bu er to the values in the array.

void pluck(): sets the bu er to white noise by replacing all items in the ring bu er with random values between -0.5 and +0.5.

void tic(): advances the simulation one time step by applying the Karplus-Strong update: delete the sample at the front of the ring bu er and add to the end of the ring bu er the average of the rst two samples, multiplied by the energy decay factor of 0.994.

double sample(): returns the current sample by returning the value of the item at the front of the ring bu er.

int time(): return number of tics by returning the total number of times tic() was called.

Write a program GuitarHero that is similar to GuitarHeroLite but supports a total of 37 notes on the chromatic scale from 110 Hz to 880 Hz. The program should also plot the sound wave in real-time. is a sample GuitarString client that plays the guitar in real-time, using the keyboard to input notes. When the user types the lowercase letter ’a’ or ’c’, the program plucks the corresponding string. Since the combined result of several sound waves is the superposition of the individual soundwaves, we play the sum of all string samples. (See Code 1: GuitarHeroLite)

CSCI 230 Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2020

Code 1: GuitarHeroLite

public class
GuitarHeroLite {

static void main(String[] args) {

create two guitar strings, for concert A and C double CONCERT_A = 440.0;

double CONCERT_C = CONCERT_A * Math.pow(1.05956, 3.0); GuitarString stringA = new GuitarString(CONCERT_A); GuitarString stringC = new GuitarString(CONCERT_C);

while (true) {

check if the user has typed a key; if so, process it if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) {

char key = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped();

if (key == a ) { stringA.pluck(); }

else if (key == c ) { stringC.pluck(); }


// compute the superposition of samples

double sample = stringA.sample() + stringC.sample();

play the sample on standard audio;

advance the simulation of each guitar string by one step stringA.tic();





In general, make the i-th character of the string

String keyboard = "q2we4r5ty7u8i9op-[=zxdcfvgbnjmk,;/ "

play the i-th note.

The i-th character of the string corresponds to a frequency of 440 1:05956(i 24), so that the character ’q’ is approximately 110Hz, i is close to 220 Hz, ’v’ is close to 440Hz, and ’ ’ is close to 880 Hz. Do not include 37 individual GuitarString variables or a 37-way if statement! Instead, create an array of GuitarString objects and use the indexOf member method to gure out which key was typed. Make sure your program does not crash is a key is played that is not one of your 37 notes.

Plot the sound waves in real-time, as the user is playing the keyboard guitar. The output should look something like this, but change over time.

CSCI 230 Data Structures and Algorithms Spring 2020

Hint: Use a RingBuffer object to store the sound samples that have been generated. Drawing methods of the StdDraw class are described here. Use the StdDraw.line method to draw the sound wave (you can calculate the coordinates using the samples stored in the ring bu er). To avoid signi cant time delay when the curve is being drawn use the method to display the animation. For example:

Code 2: DrawExample;


use StdDraw.line to generate the sound waveform;

Object-oriented design principles, including data encapsulation and information hiding, should be used.

Code should be well-documented, including all classes and class members. Follow the style guidelines for the Javadoc tool.

All source code and runnable jar les must be submitted properly on Canvas. (Note: If I am not able to read your source les and/or run your executable, your project will not be graded. It is your responsibility to make sure all les are submitted correctly before the deadline.)

2.5 Create a Runnable JAR File

To create a new runnable JAR le in the Eclipse workbench:

From the menu bar’s File menu, select Export

Expand the Java node and select Runnable JAR le. Click Next.

In the Runnable JAR File Speci cation page, select a ’Java Application’ launch con guration to use to create a runnable JAR.

in the Export destination eld, either type or click Browse to select a location for the JAR le.

Select an appropriate library handling strategy. Choose \Package required libraries into generated JAR".

Be sure to test the runnable JAR le by opening it.


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