Objective: Learn memory organization/layout, data transfer concepts and instructions, direct memory access, memory allocation.
1. (5 points) Implement the following expression in assembly language:
EDX = (val3 + val4) - (val2 - val1) - (5/3)*7
▪ Assume that val1, val2, val3 and val4 are 16-bit integer variables
▪ You need to implement the expression the way it is provided, you cannot do any reduction on the expression while implementing it.
• Initialize val1 with 120 (hexadecimal), val2 with 39 (hexadecimal), val3 with 20 (hexadecimal) and val4 with 27 (hexadecimal)
• You are NOT allowed to update the values of any variables.
▪ Use ONLY mov, add, sub, movzx, movsx, or neg instructions whenever needed.
▪ Use the debugger to verify your answer.
◦ Submit the following:
• Save your source code using your last name, Lastname1.asm and upload the Lastname1.asm
• Screenshot (showing the code and register window) of AX register contains the correct result.
2. (5 points) Implement the following expression in assembly language:
ECX = –(val3 + val1) + (-val4 – val2) + 3
▪ Assume that val1 is 8-bit variable, val2 is 16-bit variable, val3 is 32-bit variable, and val4 is 8-bit variable.
▪ You need to implement the expression the way it is provided, you cannot do any reduction on the expression while implementing it.
▪ Initialize val1 with 12 (decimal), val2 with 9 (decimal), val3 with 2 (decimal), val4 with 20 (decimal),
▪ You are NOT allowed to update the values stored in val1, val2, val3 and val4
▪ Use mov, add, sub, movsx, movzx, or neg instructions whenever needed.
▪ Use the debugger to verify your answer.
◦ Submit the following:
• Save your source code using your last name, Lastname2.asm and upload the Lastname2.asm
• Screenshot (showing the code and register window) of ECX register contains the correct result.
3. (5 points) Write an assembly program to compute the following expressions
• Create a DWORD array named ‘z’ of size 3 using DUP operator. Leave the array ‘z’ uninitialized. You can denote the items in the array as [, where is the first item, is the second item, is the third item
• Update each array item using the following expressions.
• Where x, y, r are 16-bit integer memory variables.
• x = 10, y = 15, r = 4
• Use mov, movzx, movsx, add, sub instructions only.
• (hint: Do not alter the value of x, y and r during the computation. Transfer them to appropriate registers to do computation)
• At the end, open memory window to see the variable z stored in memory (little endian format).
• Use the debugger to verify your answer.
◦ Submit the following:
▪ Rename the asm file using your last name as Lastname3.asm
▪ Screenshot of the code and memory window showing the content of the variable z (little endian format).
• Submit your source code by only uploading .ASM file using iCollege in the respective assignment dropbox:
• Lastname1.ASM, Lastname2.ASM, Lastname3.ASM
• Put the following information as Comment header for .ASM files:
Student: Full name
Class: CSC3210
Assignment#: 2
Description: This program ………….
• Follow the program standards as presented in your book. Pay more attention to code comments and
consistent indentation.