This section describes the Python environment that will be used during the grading of your homework. You do not have to follow the same setup as long as you meet the requirements listed in the instructions and get proper grades. However, it is recommended to follow the same setup to avoid inconsistencies that you may encounter while working on the assignment.
The Python environment will be managed by conda . If you have not used it before, take this as a chance to get used to that good practice.
conda create -- name cs461 - hw2 python =3.6
4. Confirm the prompt ”Proceed ([y]/n)?” by pressing enter.
This will activate the environment you just in parentheses at the beginning of the line.
conda activate cs461 - hw2
Python 3.6.9 :: Intel C o r p o r a t i o n
You are now familiar with the Pacman environment from your first assignment [4]. In the first assignment, you implemented algorithms for a single Pacman agent to explore the given environment to find the best path to complete the tasks. However, Pacman is originally a multi-agent game in which Ghosts are independent agents chasing the Pacman agent. In this assignment, you will implement algorithms for the multi-agent version of the Pacman environment. There are five questions in this assignment including a reflex agent, three adversarial searches, and an evaluation function. Since the questions can be implemented and evaluated separately, it is possible to work on multiple questions at the same time.
Question 1 [20 Points]
ReflexAgent. In this question, you will complete the ReflexAgent class in the multiAgents.py file. The
ReflexAgent should consider the positions of both the foods and the other agents (Ghosts) to find the best path to avoid being killed by Ghosts and looking for food at the same time. In the default function, you are provided with example codes that get information about the environment. You will use this information to make decisions. Your main objective is to complete the evaluation function, but you are also allowed to change the getAction function if you need to.
Grading. Your code will be graded by an autograder. However, since the agent will perform differently in every trial, we will run your code 2N times (on a specific layout). You will get 10 points if your agent wins between N and 2N times, and you will get 20 points if your agent wins all the games. You can evaluate your implementation by running the following command in your active Python environment:
python pacman . py -p R e f l e x A g e n t -l t e s t C l a s s i c
Note that your code will be graded using more complicated cases than the basic test case in all questions. You can run the same test cases using the command below:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q1
Question 2 [20 Points]
Minimax. The second question is to implement an agent based on the Minimax adversarial search algorithm. You will complete the MinimaxAgent class in the multiAgent.py file. The implemented minimax algorithm should work with any number of ghost, and your implementation should be able to expand the tree to an arbitrary depth given as an input. A tree of depth K involves K movements of Pacman and each of the Ghosts. You have access to the depth of the tree and also to the evaluation function to evaluate each state. As a hint, you can implement your algorithm recursively.
Grading. Your code will be graded by an autograder. This evaluation partly depends on when you call the GameState.generateSuccessor function, and you will receive a higher grade if your implementation makes better decisions in this regard. You can evaluate your implementation by running the following command:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q2
Question 3 [20 Points]
Alpha-Beta Pruning. Complete the AlphaBetaAgent class in the multiAgent.py file implementing the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm. Alpha-Beta Pruning is more efficient than the Minimax algorithm, and you should notice a speed-up using this algorithm compared to Minimax. You can test the speed of your algorithm using the command below. It should not take more than few seconds for each move.
python pacman . py -p A l p h a B e t a A g e n t -a depth =3 -l s m a l l C l a s s i c
Grading. Your code will be graded again by an autograder. You should use GameState.generateSuccessor when necessary, as you did in Question 2. Please note that since the grading includes the check for the right number of states, you should perform alpha-beta pruning without reordering children. You can evaluate your implementation by running the following command:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q3
Note that you should not prune in equality. Although you can normally prune in equality, the provided autograder is implemented assuming that pruning is not performed in equality.
Question 4 [20 Points]
Expectimax. Here you should implement another adversarial search agent, this time based on the Expectimax algorithm. Unlike Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning, Expectimax does not assume opponents with optimal decisions and, therefore, performs closer to the real case scenarios. Expectimax is a probabilistic agent suitable against non-optimal adversary agents as it can take risks and end up in better states which the optimal agent would not. You will complete the ExpectimaxAgent class in the multiAgent.py file.
Grading. Your code will be graded again by an autograder, and you can evaluate your implementation by running the following command:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q4
Please note that this algorithm fails in some cases. The correct implementation is expected to fail in some cases.
Question 5 [20 Points]
Evaluation Function. Finally, you should implement a new evaluation function which evaluates the states rather than actions. You will implement the betterEvaluationFunction function in the multiAgent.py file.
Grading. Similar to the first question, your code will be graded by an autograder, and we will run your code multiple times:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q5
Run the following command to run in the --no-graphics mode:
python a u t o g r a d e r . py -q q5 --no - graphics
Although your homework will be graded using an autograder with the mentioned details, your implementations will also be checked. In any case, only the correct implementations will be accepted.