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CS Cloud Computing Assignment 1 Solved

Solve the following problems in Python 3.6+ .

In addition to making sure that your code gives the correct solution, each solution must meet the following conditions.

    1. Your function parameters must be [type-hinted](]). These need not be perfect, but should be generally correctly describe your input and output.

    2. Your functions must have a doc-string describing what the function does. Keep is succinct and concise.

    3. Use a auto-formatter such as [black]( or [autopep8](

    4. Write atleast 2 simple [doctests]( per solution to verify that your code is working correctly.

    5. Use descriptive variable names.

Here is an example of what your code should look like.

For example
from typing import List

def average(num_list: List[int]) -> float:
"""Finds the average of a list of numbers.

    • average([1,2,3,4,5])
    • average([0])
list_sum = sum(num_list)
list_size = len(num_list)

avg = list_sum/list_size
return avg

if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

## Problem 1
Write a function to break down a string into a list of characters.
Input: "abc"
Output: ['a','b','c']

## Problem 2
Write a function to reverse output of the problem 1 back into a string
Input: ['a','b','c']
Output: "abc"


## Problem 3

Write a function generate a list of n random numbers.
Use the inbuilt `random` module.

Input: 5
Output: [5,2,3,1,5]

## Problem 4
Write a function a sort a given list of numbers in descending order.

Input:    [1,2,3,4,5]
Output: [5,4,3,2,1]

## Problem 5
Write a function to get frequency of each numbers in a list of numbers.
Use a python `dict` to solve this.

Input:    [1,1,3,2,3,2,3,2,2]
Output: {1: 2, 3: 3, 2: 4}

## Problem 6
Write a function to get all the unique elements from given list.
Your solution must use `set` to solve this.

Input:    [1,1,3,2,3,2,3,2,2]
Output: {1,2,3}

## Problem 7

Write a function to get the first repeating element from list. Your solution must use `set` to solve this.

Input:    [1,2,3,4,5,1,2]
Output: 1


## Problem 8

Write a function that takes an integer n and output a `dict` containing keys from 0,2 ... to n and each key is mapped to a list containing the square and cube of the number.


Input: 3



## Problem 9

Given two lists of equal size, write a function to create tuples of each consecutive element having same index. Use `zip` in some capacity to solve this.


Input: [1,2,3,4], ['a','b','c','d']
Output: [(1,'a'), (2,'b'), (3,'c'), (4,'d')]

## Problem 10

Write a function that uses list comprehension to generate the squares of 0 to n.

Input : 5
Output : [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

## Problem 11

Write a function that uses dictionary comprehension to generate a mapping from (0 to n) to their squares.

Input : 5
Output : {0:0, 1:1, 2:4, 3:9, 4:16, 5:25}

## Problem 12.
Write a `class` such that :

    1. The initializer takes an arbitrary list of atomic values as input and saves it in a instance variable.
    2. Has a method called `apply` which has the following functionality:

        1. Accepts a function as a parameter. You can use a lambda function.

        2. Applies the function to saved list and return the output. The instance variable must not be modified.

        3. If it fails `raise` an `Exception` with a custom error message. You can use `try` and `except` here.

def sq(x):
return x**2

c1 = MyClass([1,2,3,4])

print(c1.apply(lambda x:x**2))

c2 = MyClass(['a','b','c'])


Exception: Custom Error

Traceback (most recent call

## Problem 13

Write a function takes as input a list of words and upper-cases each word. Use `` in some capacity to solve this.

Input : ['aa','bb','cd','e']
Output : ['AA', 'BB', 'CD', 'E']

## Problem 14:

Write a function to find the product of all the numbers in a list using `functools.reduce` in some capacity.

Input : [1,2,3,4,5]
Output : 120

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