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CS-C3100 Assignment 3: Hierarchical Modeling

In this assignment, you will construct a hierarchical character model that can be in-teractively controlled with a user interface. Hierarchical models may include humanoid characters (such as people, robots, or aliens), animals (such as dogs, cats, or spiders), mechanical devices (watches, tricycles), and so on. In the latter half of the assignment, you will implement skeletal subspace deformation, a simple method for attaching a \skin" to a hierarchical skeleton which naturally deforms when we manipulate the skeleton’s joint angles.

Requirements (maximum 10 p) on top of which you can do extra credit

Calculating joint positions (1 p)

Rotating the joints (2 p)

Visualizing joint coordinate systems (2 p)

Skeletal subspace deformation (4 p)

Skinning for normals (1 p)

Getting Started

By now you are familiar with the development environment, so we’ll cut right to the chase!

In this assignment, we’ll be applying what we know about hierarchical transforms and skinning. The end result is an articulated character that you can pose by keyboard controls, and that gets drawn using an actual skinning! For easy extra credit, you can implement the SSD deformation on the GPU’s vertex shaders.

Play around with the solution executable for a bit to see what you’re supposed to achieve. The number keys toggle between di erent rendering/visualization modes. The on-screen text on the lower left describes the other controls. There are two les you can try, Model1 and mocapguy. mocapguy has a short dancing animation you can see by pressing the button in the GUI.

We’ll be using the terms joint and bone interchangeably. Both are really just mental helpers; what matters for skinning is that we have a set of hierarchically linked transfor-mations (i.e., local coordinate systems) that our vertices are attached to using weights.

 Detailed instructions

Complete R1 rst. You can work with the rest of the requirements in any order. Before you delve in, be sure to take a moment to look through skeleton.hpp. It contains the class de nitions for the joints and the skeleton, which you’ll be working with. You’ll see that the important stu happens in classes Skeleton and Joint. To the outside caller, the joints are accessed through the accessor functions found in the skeleton class, and are identi ed using indices.

R1 Calculating joint positions (1 p)

Our rst priority is to visualize the skeleton somehow so we can see how our manipulations a ect it. Let’s kick things o by visualizing the positions of the joints.

The code that loads the skeleton already sets up the to parent transform matrix for every joint. to parent transforms points from the joint’s space to the parent joint’s space (and in the root joint’s case, to world space). Your job is to use these for building transform matrices which take us directly from a given joint space to world space.

Fill in Skeleton::updateToWorldTransforms() which recursively walks through the joints and writes the current joint-to-world transformation in each joint. (In this case recursion is simplest, but if you wanted to, you could use a stack data structure instead.) This pretty directly implements the hierarchical traversal we saw on lecture 5.

Code that draws a set of positions as white dots (and the selected joint as red) is already in place in App::renderSkeleton(), but you have to add one line there to obtain the world position of the joint once you’ve computed the joint-to-world transforms. Obtain-ing the position from the matrix is easy if you’ve built a good understanding of how transformation matrices work. The joint’s position in world space is just the origin of its own coordinate system. (If you’re having trouble, think about what happens when you feed the origin (0,0,0,1) through the joint-to-world transformation matrix.)

When this is done, you will see the shape of your skeleton (Figure 1).

R2 Rotating the joints (2 p)

At the beginning, we assume no rotation has been applied to any of the joints. In other words: in the bind pose, our character’s bones are translated, but not rotated. Skeleton has two methods for modifying its joint positions, setJointRotation() and incrJointRotation(), which the UI uses to move the skeleton. Your job is to implement setJointRotation(). When you are done, you’ll be able to move the skeleton using the UI.

We represent the joints’ local rotations using Euler angles (yikes!). To rotate a joint with respect to its parent, we just have to alter its to parent matrix. This happens in setJointRotation(), which takes in Euler angles and where you have to update the


Figure 1: The skeleton with joint positions visualized (R1).

to parent transform matrix to match the desired rotation. updateToWorldTransforms() propagates any changes made to to world transforms, and Skeleton already calls it be-fore using the transforms.

The dimensions of the rotation angles vector correspond to the rotation angles (so, for example, euler angles.x is the rotation around the x axis), and the order of rotations used in the example is rotZ*rotY*rotX { note that this is a completely arbitrary choice.

When you’re done, you will be able to see how the joints move around when you change their rotations using the keyboard.

R3 Visualizing joint coordinate systems and parents (2 p)

Seeing the joint locations as points is better than nothing, but it’s hard to tell what stance the skeleton is in, and some rotations | those of the bones that have no children in the hierarchy | are invisible.

Fill out the rest of App::renderSkeleton(). You have to draw some colored lines to show the local coordinate systems at each joint. This will let you verify that your R2 is really working correctly. Also draw lines for "bones" between joints to make the skeleton look the part. Inspect the header skeleton.hpp for the data you need, e.g., parent links.

Contrary to what we said in the last assignment, we will again use old (immediate mode) OpenGL, but only for this speci c debug visualization task. Modern OpenGL involves always loading data to GPU bu ers and setting up shader programs, and that is too much code to write for simple debug graphics like these. Also note that we are drawing a very small amount of things, so performance is not an issue. You need to use two OpenGL functions: glVertex3f(), which speci es a vertex position (naturally, two positions are needed for a line) and glColor3f() which sets the vertex color for the following glVertex calls. This will be clear when you look at the code.


Figure 2: The skeleton, now complete with local coordinate system and parent link visualizations (R3).

See the documentation for glBegin/glEnd for details.

R4 Skeletal subspace deformation (4 p)

Now that we have our skeleton, it’s time to get it moving with the skin!

Our work starts in the Skeleton class. First, ll in computeToBindTransforms(). This function is only called once, after the skeleton is loaded and is still in its bind pose, to store the world-to-bind transform Bi 1 for each joint. Then, continue to ll in getSSDTransforms() which produces transforms between the bind pose and current pose, exactly as we saw in class. You need to use the joint-to-world transforms you’ve already computed and stored earlier. This function is called each frame by the rendering code.

The last piece of the puzzle is App::computeSSD(). It uses the transforms from Skeleton and the mesh we previously loaded where each vertex has joint attachment information, and produces a mesh of plain vertices that have been deformed to conform to the current position of the joints. You job is, for each vertex of the skin, to loop over all the weights in every skin vertex (see WeightedVertex in App.hpp), transform the vertex using the relative SSD transformation, and nally blend the results together using the weights, again, precisely as shown on the lecture slides.

All the rendering code that handles the vertices after computeSSD() is already in place.

Be aware that SSD is a rather heavy operation for the CPU, and our code is going to be particularly slow with a Debug build. Using a fast desktop computer, we saw about 40 frames per second in Release, and only about one frame per second in Debug.


Figure 3: Left: Bone weights visualized on the vertices in bind pose. Middle: bind pose

mesh lit using simple directional lighting. Right: Deformed skin, waist rotated to y=0.70.

R5 Normals for skinning (1p)

Extend your SSD code from above to skin the normals as well. You can cut corners and treat the normals as usual vectors and not care about the inverse transpose from the lecture slides. That’s what the solution executable does anyway.

The only thing you need to think about here is how transforming vectors (\directions") di ers from transforming points. The lecture slides on transforms contain hints. (It’s really not hard.) Note that FW has a slight caveat here; multiplying a 4 by 4 matrix with a 3-dimensional vector (which is, in general, unde ned) is handled as implicitly converting the vector to 4 dimensions { treating it as a position. You want to do this conversion explicitly instead.

 Extra credit

As always, you are free to do other extra credit work than what’s listed here | just make sure to describe what you did in your README. We’ll be fair with points, but if you want to attempt something grand, better talk to us beforehand.

3.1 Recommended

Easy: SSD on the GPU (2p).

SSD on the CPU is much too slow for the real world; we should do it on the GPU instead. Depending on the computer hardware, this might make your program run 5x faster or more. The starter code contains a stub shader you can extend into performing skinning on the GPU. You only need to write a bit of GLSL code that does exactly what you already did with C++ in R4 and R5. This is a good chance to get familiar with GLSL if you haven’t already!

Medium: Add a \wrist" joint to both hands (5p)

Our skeleton has no way of moving the hands separate from the elbows. Examine the skeleton de nition le and add new joints as children of the elbow joints. This is pretty easy; the hard part is changing the weights of the vertices in the skin mesh’s hands to tie to the new joint you’ve just created. We recommend you come up with a proximity-based hack. In any case, report what you did in your README!

Medium/hard: IK (8p)

Add a method for picking bones in the skeleton visualization by the mouse, and moving the joint directly in the current camera XY plane when some mouse button (right, say) is pressed, and in the current camera Z direction when another button is pressed.

You will need to gure out how all the joint rotations need to change in order for the bone to go where the user points. The hard part is guring out the deriva-tives of the bone position with respect to all the rotation parameters of all the bones in the hierarchy above, i.e., computing the Jacobian. Using the pseudo-inverse to steer the angles to the right direction is not that di cult afterwards1.

Instead of writing the math out in symbolics and using e.g. Mathematica to get you the required derivatives, you can Google for \automatic di erentiation"; it’s a numerical method for computing derivatives in code. You’d then need to extend the matrix and vector classes to use \dual numbers" instead of just oats. The Wikipedia article is a good source on the general idea; pay special attention to how one computes Jacobians.

You can combine this with the animation extra below: add a capability for ani-mating the IK target for some more points!

1We recommend you use the easy-to-use Eigen C++ template library for the necessary matrix compu-tations; in particular, it’s easy to build a pseudoinverse using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

 3.2 Easy

Animation (3 pts)

Add methods for taking snapshots of your character’s pose, and a method for interpolating between them. This will allow you to create simple animations! Add functionality to start and stop the playback of the animation by pressing a key.

Dual quaternion skinning (4 p)

Implement Dual Quaternion Skinning of Kavan et al. in order to alleviate the squashing issues you see with rotating joints.

3.3 Medium

Other skeletons and skins (5 pts)

Scour the web for skeletons and skinned meshes, and write code for converting them into the format read by your software. Note that you will probably need to extend the le format to support non-identity rotations for the bind pose. Tell us where you got the data and what you had to do to perform the conversion.

3.4 Hard

Use pose capturing to control your character (10p)

OpenPose is a library that lets you t skeletons to videos in real time. You can nd it here: GitHub. Using some input, extract a skeleton and retarget it into your own skeleton to pose it using a human actor. Another alternative is Microsoft’s Kinect, which can be found here: Kinect SDK. Use either library to drive your character based on your own movement.

Getting the code up and running so that you can get to the skeleton is not overly hard; the di culty is in the next step, where you have to take their skeleton and its pose, and somehow map it to the pose of your own skeleton. You can appreciate the di culty: nothing says they have the same con guration (or even number) of bones, or that the hierarchy would be the same. You will need to use inverse kine-matics -type of methods to perform the retargeting.

When submitting, you can add a video showing how well your system performs. We will grant you points based on how robustly your system operates, with a maximum of 10p. (If you attempt this, we recommend you also add the capability to record an entire animation and play it back on your own skeleton and mesh | this will earn you an extra 3 points, as per the animation extra above.)

Style-based inverse kinematics (10p) Implement style-based inverse kinemat-ics. This IK technique is based on machine learning. It works by rst training on a set of input poses to learn a model of what a valid pose looks like, and then uses this training set to guide an IK solver to better, more natural poses. (If you don’t


do this in your IK solver, you will notice that the poses produced are not necessarily all that natural. See the video on the linked page for details; we also saw this in class.)

In order to generate the training set, you will most likely need pose capturing as you need many input poses2.

This is a lot of work for a 2-week deadline; if you end up going this route, you can forgo the extra credit and use this for a B.Sc. thesis subject or similar. If you want to attempt it, talk to Jaakko.

Make sure your code compiles and runs both in Release and Debug modes on Visual Studio 2019, preferably the VDI environment. Comment out any functionality that is so buggy it would prevent us seeing the good parts. Check that your README.txt (which you hopefully have been updating throughout your work) accurately de-scribes the nal state of your code.

Fill in whatever else is missing, including any feedback you want to share. We were not kidding when we said we prefer brutally honest feedback.

Package all your code, project and solution les required to build your submission, README.txt and any screenshots, logs or other les you want to share into a ZIP archive. Note: the solution le itself does not contain any code, make sure the contents of src/ are present in the nal submission.

Sanity check: look inside your ZIP archive. Are the les there? (Better yet, unpack the archive into another folder, and see if you can still open the solution, compile the code and run.)

Submit your archive in MyCourses folder:

"Assignment 3: Hierarchical Modeling".