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CS 212 –Project 2 - Solved

Create a Class for Roman Numerals

Create a class called RomanNumeral which has two private instance variables: the String value of the Roman numeral, and an int for the Arabic value. It should have a one- argument constructor that takes a String as a parameter for the Roman Numeral. For this project we will not do error checking. The constructor should set the Roman numeral instance variable, and convert the Roman numeral to Arabic and set the Arabic integer value. Provide get and set methods for the String RomanNumeral and a get method for the Arabic value. Other methods to include are equals, toString, and compareTo.

Use linked lists to store and sort RomanNumerals

Create a class called RomanNumeralList based on the linked list with head node as shown in lecture.

The data in the nodes should be a RomanNumeral.

Create a class called UnsortedRomanNumeralList that extends RomanNumeralList. It should have an append method that takes a RomanNumeral as a parameter and adds it to the end of the list.

Create a class called SortedRomanNumeralList that extends RomanNumeralList. It should have a method called add which takes a RomanNumeral as a parameter and inserts that word into the list in a position so that the list remains sorted.

Read from the file and add to the sorted list

For each line in the input file (same file as in project 1), break the line into individual RomanNumerals (Strings) and insert each RomanNumeral into the unsorted list (using append), and into the sorted list (using add).

Display the results in a GUI with a GridLayout of one row and three columns. The first column, as in project 1, should contain the original RomanNumerals, the second column the unsorted Arabic values, and the third column the sorted Arabic values.

Submitting the Project.

You should now have the following files to submit for this project:

(You do not have to submit or the input file.)

Submit a jar file.

Create a jar file called Project2.jar making sure that it contains source code (.java files) and submit that.

Upload your project to Blackboard by the due date for full credit. Do not send projects by email.

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