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CS 203 - Object-Oriented Programming

Assignment 5 Book Store Application 


To practice Java GUI using Swing

Book Store Application

In this homework, we will be creating a software for a small bookstore in the neighborhood. The manager of the bookstore needs a computer program to keep record of the inventory and the rented books. The program should be able to perform the following operations:

Display a list of all of the books in the store (full information) [20 points]

Search a book by title and show the details of a particular book (title, author, number of pages, publisher, year, copies in the inventory, category) [20 points]

Rent a book [20 points]

Display a list of all of the bookstore’s customers (full information) [20 points]

Search a customer by name and display the details of a particular customer (firstname, lastname, email address, phone number, physical address) [20 points]

Display a list of all of the books rented by a particular customer – by last name

Display the names and authors of the books [bonus +20 points]


You will need three different list:

A list of all of the books in the store

A list of all of the customers of the store

A list of the books currently rented by the customers

You need to read keep the records in a txt file (read from file/ write to file)

You should decide the required/useful components to include.

Assume, I am your customer and don’t have a CS background. Thus, you shouldn’t expect detailed information from me. Additionally, you need to design a simple and effective GUI that I can use

Your homework will be graded by the functionality. Firstly, create something that is working without any issue, then you can improve/beautify the GUI.

It is your task to identify the necessary classes, attributes and methods.
 Homework Submission Instructions

You can work with a friend (group of two), or you can do it alone.

A well written project report (.pdf)

Explain your classes, attributes and methods. Explain how you implemented the Inheritance, and benefits of this implementation

Put the screenshots of your outputs (the working version of your code) o file

Submit the working version of the whole project file
Do not submit only the classes
Independent/group completion form

Submit your files to Canvas (other submission methods will not be accepted)

If any of the problem statements is unclear, use the Canvas discussion board to ask for clarifications.

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