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Programming Assignment 1 Solution

(i) Implement the following basic data types. Follow specifications presented in the textbook in full detail.

(40 points) Lists: two implementations, array and pointer (pages 41-46), operations: FIRST, END, RETRIEVE, LOCATE, NEXT, PREVIOUS, INSERT, DELETE, MAKENULL,

(20 points) Stacks: two implementations, array and pointer (pages 53-56), operations: TOP, POP, PUSH, EMPTY, MAKENULL,

(ii) Develop the code for the following timing experiments. Report your results in the form of tables. The first column should indicate the size of the data structure. The remaining columns should report the measured times for the procedures that you apply. Derive conclusions out of your experiments and write them down.

(25 points) Perform time measurements of the following five operations on lists: iterated insertion (in front, at the back), traversal, iterated deletion (in front, at the back). Run each of your procedures on three types of lists: a selected list type library data structure, your implementation of the list ADT with arrays, your implementation of the list ADT with pointers.

(15 points) Perform time measurements of the following two operations on stacks: iterated insertion (PUSH operation), iterated deletion (POP operation). Run each of your procedures on three types of stacks: a selected stack type library data structure, your implementation of the stack ADT with arrays, your implementation of the stack ADT with pointers.

Each student needs to submit four separate programs and a report of timing results of part (ii). Each of the programs should contain test input data and a testing code, which demonstrate that all the operations and algorithms work properly. You will need to submit your code and your report following the submission rules that will be provided at a later date.

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