Introduction: Mission to Mars
Your friend has been playing a new Mars Colony simulator nonstop! They are always talking about how cool it would be if they could be a on the first real-life mission to Mars! To amuse your friend, you have decided to create a series of programs about the possible first colony on Mars.
Problem: Stock up on Water (marswater.c)
Congratulations! Our Mars colony is established and ready for human residents. Before they get here we should stock up on as much ice as we can. Ice can be melted and purified for our human residents to use for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.
Our autonomous robots can search for and detect deposits of ice on the surface of the red planet. However, they can only detect ice within a fairly narrow range. Likewise, they can only carry a certain amount of ice back to the storage facilities.
In this program we want to send our robots to check the areas around our colony and return with any ice and information that they find.
Program Details
The colony has four robots that detect and retrieve ice deposits. Each robot has a specific range that it can search in and a certain amount of ice that they can carry. Some ice may be too buried for a robot to detect and some ice deposit may be too large for a robot to retrieve.
Your program will searching the surrounding area for ice deposit and managing the robots to retrieve them. The colony’s accessible area has been split into a 3x3 grid of spaces to search. Not all spaces are guaranteed to have ice in them. The user will simulate the management program to track how deep each deposit of ice is buried. For each hour, the user will need to choose which section of the area to send each available robot to. As each robot is deployed, your program should update the map.
In order to determine if ice is available, we need to send a robot with a sufficiently high detection range to that space. Then, the ice can be picked up by any robot. Ice may be picked up in pieces, so even if the robot does not have enough capacity to carry all of it, they can move some of the ice to the storage facility.
The program should run until all of the ice has been picked up for the colony.
Consider the following example:
4 Range |
1 Range |
3 Range |
2 Ice |
1 Ice |
1 Ice |
1 Range |
2 Range |
3 Range |
1 Ice |
1 Ice |
1 Ice |
1 Range |
5 Range |
1 Range |
1 Ice |
3 Ice |
1 Ice |
There are 2 cubic feet of ice, buried 4 feet deep in the upper left corner.
Our autonomous robots might have the following qualities:
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Range: 3 |
Range:2 |
Range: 5 |
Range: 1 |
Capacity: 1 |
Capacity: 5 |
Capacity: 1 |
Capacity: 3 |
Robot 2 is the only robot that can detect that there is ice in the upper left corner of out map. However, it can only carry one cubic feet (one unit) of ice. In the next hour, the management program should send a different robot to that square. Either robot 1 or robot 3 would be ideal, because they have enough capacity to retrieve both units of ice.
Your program should prompt the user for instructions for each crew robot. Ask which section of the map they are being sent to. Let them know if there any ice has been detected in that section yet. If no ice has been detected, the robot must use their detect action. Once ice has been detected, the ice can be picked up. A robot can only transport an amount of ice equal to their capacity value.
Your program should run until all the ice has been picked up.
Implementation Restrictions
You must use the following structures to store information:
struct robot
int range;
int capacity;
struct map
int range;
int ice;
It is not sufficient to simply have the structures in your program, you must use them store information and process operations for the program. You may use type definition if you prefer.
Though function prototypes will not be provided, it is expected that you follow good programming design and create at least four functions with well-specified tasks related to the solution of this problem. Make sure to pay very careful attention to parameter passing.
Create a 3x3 array for the map. The value range indicates how deep any ice in that section is buried. A robot who can sense to that depth is required to verify whether there is any ice in that section or not. The value ice indicates how much ice is in that location. Both values will be provided by an input file. See below for specifications.
Create a 1x4 array for your robots. These values will also be provided by an input file. Consider making an initialization function to process this file and initialize your data structures for the program.
When a section has been scanned, reduce the range value of that section to 0 so that you can tell it has been scanned already.
Input Specification
The input file will contain 9 pairs of integers representing the range and ice values (in that order) for each square. This will be followed by 4 pairs of integers representing the range and capacity values (in that order) for the robots. Here is the sample file that matches the above example:
4 2 |
1 1 |
3 1 |
1 1 |
2 1 |
3 1 |
1 1 |
5 3 |
1 1 |
Remember to prompt the user for the name of the input file and open the file that they specify.
The user will input directions in a 1-based, left to right fashion:
1 1 |
1 2 |
1 3 |
2 1 |
2 2 |
2 3 |
3 1 |
3 2 |
3 3 |
Output Specification
At the start of each hour, display the status of the four robots:
Robot |
Range |
Capacity |
1 |
X1 |
Y1 |
2 |
X2 |
Y2 |
3 |
X3 |
Y3 |
4 |
X4 |
Y4 |
Then, for each robot, show the user the current state of the map:
4u |
1u |
3u |
1u |
2u |
3u |
1u |
5u |
1u |
(example initial map; use u to indicate an area is UNSCANNED)
2I |
1u |
3u |
1u |
1I |
1I |
1u |
5u |
1u |
(user has scanned sections 1 1, 2 2, and 2 3; use I to indicate ice has been detected)
- |
1s |
3s |
1s |
1T |
1I |
1s |
5s |
1s |
(player has both scanned and retrieved the ice from section 1 1; use - to indicate no actions remain for that section)
Then prompt the user with a robot number and ask where they should be sent:
Where would you like to send robot X?
Immediately resolve this by sending the robot to the corresponding section on the map. If the section has not been scanned yet, check the range of the robot. If their range is not equal to or greater than the range required for that space, there is nothing the robot can do. If the range is sufficient, mark the section as scanned. If the section has already been scanned in a previous hour or by a previous robot, the current robot can pick up the ice. They can only carry as much ice as their capacity allows.
The robot has not found any ice.
The robot has scanned this section and located some ice!
The robot takes all of the ice back to the storage facility!
The robot takes some of the ice back to the storage facility.
This section has already been cleared.
When all of the ice has been retrieved, print:
All of the ice in the surrounding area has been moved to your colony storage facility!
Input/Output Sample(s)
Sample input and output files will be provided on the webcourse.
Acceptable Resources
Remember, the use of online help sites is strictly prohibited. The only acceptable resources for these assignments are below:
Structures: Examples
Style Notes
Please review the course Style Guide on the webcourse, with special attention to the following notes:
One source file: marswater.c for your solution to the given problem submitted over WebCourses.
Although you may use other compilers, your program must compile and run using Code::Blocks. Your program should include a header comment with the following information: your name, course number, section number, and assignment title. Also, make sure you include comments throughout your code describing the major steps in solving the problem.
Grading Details
Your programs will be graded upon the following criteria: