The purpose of this assignment is to practice your understanding of 2D arrays and union-fnd.
Start your assignment early! You need time to understand the assignment and to answer the many questions that will arise as you read the description and the code provided.
Refer to our Programming Assignments FAQ for instructions on how to install VSCode, how to use the command line and how to submit your assignments.
See this video on how to submit into Autolab.
Conway Game of Life is a cellular discrete model of computation devised by John Horton Conway. The game consists of a game board (grid) of n x m cells, each in one of two states, alive or dead.
The game starts with an initial pattern, then it will change what cells are alive or dead from one generation to the next depending on a set of rules. As the Game of Life continues, the game will keep making a new generation (based on the preceding one) until it reaches one of three states.
Each cell can be in one of two states, alive or dead, and it has 8 neighboring cells which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. The fgure below exemplifes neighboring cells on a game board of 4 x 4 cells.
Rules of the Game
The game starts with a initial set of alive cells (this is the frst generation). The next generation evolves from applying the following rules simultaneously to every cell on the game board, i.e. births and deaths happen simultaneously. Afterwards, the rules are iteratively applied to create future generations. Each generation depends exclusively on the preceding one.
Rule 1
Alive cells with no neighbors or one neighbor die of
Rule 3
Alive cells with two or three neighbors survive.
Rule 2
Dead cells with exactly three neighbors become alive by
Notice the center cell comes to life but the other three die
from Rule 1.
Rule 4
Alive cells with four or more neighbors die of overpopulation.
Notice the top right cell has four neighbors and dies from over population, the topmost dies from Rule 1, the other three from the square survive from Rule 3, and two cells come to life from Rule 2.
States for the Game
There are three states that the game can reach in regards to the rules provided.
1. There are no more living cells for the next generation.
2. There are living cells, but the next generation is the same as the last (stable game).
3. The next generation infnitely cycles throughout the game.
Note that there are more scenarios for states 2 and 3, these are just one example for each.
State 1: No Living Cells
State 2: Stable Generation
State 3: Infnite Generations
Overview of fles provided
GameOfLife class holds all of the methods to be written that will then be tested when running the game. Edit the empty methods with you solution, but DO NOT edit the provided ones or the methods signatures of any method. This is the fle you submit. WeightedQuickUnionUF class, which houses the union-fnd data type. Do not edit this class. This newly learned algorithm holds two useful methods to operate on a given data structure. The find method will return a parent index of an array given the element you are looking for. The union method fnds the parent of two elements given and will determine how to join the two elements together. You will need to utilize an instance of this class in the GameOfLife class to compute the number of communities of cells.
Driver class, which is used to launch the Game Of Life and test the various methods. You can run the driver by simply hitting the run button above the main method or clicking the run button in the top right of the IDE (recommended). Alternatively you can type in java Driver in the IDE terminal (just make sure you are in the correct directory with the ls command and make sure everything is compiled, look at “Executing And Debugging” section below for more info). Feel free to edit this class, as it is provided only to help you test. It is not submitted and it is not used to grade your code.
Board, Button, Page, Rectangle, Text, and StdDraw classes hold various methods to support the interactive driver.
StdIn and StdOut, which are used by the driver. Do not edit these classes..
Multiple text fles (grid0.txt, grid1.txt, grid2.txt, grid3.txt, grid4.txt, grid5.txt, grid6.txt, grid7.txt) which contain the initial pattern, and are read by the driver as test cases.
Feel free to edit them or even make new ones to help test your code. They are not submitted.
DO NOT add new import statements.
DO NOT change any of the method’s signatures.
Methods to be implemented by you:
1. GameOfLife – One argument constructor
This method builds your game board (grid) from the input fle (initial game pattern).
You have been provided some input fles to test this method (input1.txt, input2.txt, input3.txt). The format is as follows:
One line containing the number of rows in the board game
One line containing the number of columns in the board game
Several lines (one for each row) containing the cell state (false for dead, true for alive) for each column in the board, space separated
Use the StdIn library to read from a fle:
StdIn.setFile(filename) opens a fle to be read
StdIn.readInt() reads the next integer value from the opened fle (weather the value is in the current line or in the next line)
StdIn.readBoolean() read the next boolean value from the opened fle (weather the value is in the current line or in the next line)
2. getCellState
Given two integers representing the cell row and column this method returns true if the cell is alive and false if the cell is dead.
Test this method using the driver:
upon clicking the button Cell State you will be prompted to select a cell
select a cell by clicking in one square
the selected cell will light up red and the driver will state whether the cell is living or dead.
Example with default constructor
3. isAlive
Returns true or false based on whether or not there are living cells within the board (grid)
Test this method using the driver. Click on the Is Alive button and the driver will display whether or not there are living cells on the board game.
Example with default constructor
4. numOfAliveNeighbors
Given two integers representing the cell row and column this method returns the cell’s number of alive neighbors of a maximum of 8 neighbors.
Test this method using the driver:
upon clicking the button Alive Neighbors you will be prompted to select a cell
select a cell by clicking in one square
the selected cell will light up red and the driver will state the total number of alive cells around the selected cell
Example with default constructor
5. computeNewGrid
This is where you will be using the rules of the game (stated above) to compute the next generation of cells.
create a new board (grid) to be returned, representing the new generation
for each cell, use the numOfAliveNeighbors method to determine how many cells are alive around a cell
then using the number of alive neighbors with the rules of the game determine if the cell will be set to be alive or dead in the new grid
6. nextGeneration
Update the board (grid) with the board returned by the computeNewGrid method.
Test this and the computeNewGrid methods using the driver by clicking the Next Generation button.
The driver will state Next generation calculated.
Example with default constructor
7. nextGeneration – One argument
The input integer parameter represents the number of generations to compute (fast forward).
Test this methods using the driver:
upon clicking the Next N Generations button you will be prompted to enter a number
enter a number and click the Submit button
the driver will state that the board has evolved the number of generations requested
Example with default constructor
8. numberOfCommunities
This method computes and returns the number of separate communities of cells in the board. A community is made of connected cells.
Recall that Union-Find keeps track of connected components. In this assignment each connected component is a community of cells (all the cells in the community are connected).
Cells from separate communities are not connected.
In algorithm Weighted Quick Union UF each community (connected component) is a tree. The community’s representative is the root of the tree.
To connect two cells use the union method
To fnd the root of the tree a cell belongs to use the fnd method
To fnd the number of communities count the number of unique roots of trees
Test this methods using the driver by clicking the Communities button.
The driver will state the number of communities currently on the board.
Find below the expected outputs after going through one generation of grids 1-6
Implementation Notes
YOU MAY only update the methods GameOfLive(String), getCellState(), isAlive(), numOfAliveNeighbors(), computeNewGrid(), nextGeneration(), nextGeneration(int), and numOfCommunities().
DO NOT add any instance variables to
the GameOfLive class.
DO NOT add any public methods to the GameOfLive class. YOU MAY add private methods to the GameOfLive class. DO NOT use System.exit()
VSCode Extensions
You can install VSCode extension packs for Java. Take a look at this tutorial. We suggest:
Extension Pack for Java
Project Manager for Java
Debugger for Java
Importing VSCode Project
1. Download GameOfLife.zip from Autolab Attachments.
2. Unzip the fle by double clicking.
3. Open VSCode
Import the folder to a workspace through File > Open
Executing and Debugging
You can run your program through VSCode or you can use the Terminal to compile and execute. We suggest running through VSCode because it will give you the option to debug.
How to debug your code
If you choose the Terminal:
frst navigate to GameOfLife directory/folder
to compile: javac -d bin
to execute: java -cp bin conwaygame.Driver
Before submission
Collaboration policy. Read our collaboration policy here.
Submitting the assignment. Submit
GameOfLife.java separately via the web submission system called Autolab. To do this, click the Assignments link from the course website; click the Submit link for that assignment.
Getting help
If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to drop by offce hours or post a question on Piazza.
Find instructors offce hours here
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In addition to offce hours we have the CAVE (Collaborative Academic Versatile Environment), a community space staffed with lab assistants which are undergraduate students further along the CS major to answer questions.
Problem by Seth Kelly and Maxwell Goldberg
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