Upgrade the simulator to a discrete event simulator.
Inputs and Outputs
The inputs and outputs stay the same. The inputs are the configuration file, the path where the statistics file is to be created, and the object file. The output is the statistics file. Report throughput in terms of instructions per cycle in the statistics file.
New Source Files
Place the new source files Element.java, Event.java, EventQueue.java, ExecutionCompleteEvent.java, MemoryReadEvent.java, MemoryResponseEvent.java, MemoryWriteEvent.java in the generic package.
Updation of Simulator.java
Add the following data member to the class: static EventQueue eventQueue;.
Add the following line to the constructor: eventQueue = new EventQueue();. Update the loop in simulate() to look like this:
while (not end of simulation )
performRW performMA performEX
eventQueue . processEvents (); performOF
increment clock by 1
Add this function to the class:
public static EventQueue getEventQueue ()
return eventQueue ;
Discrete Event Simulator Model
An event is a tuple of the form:
<event_time, event_type, requesting_element, processing_element, payload>.
The event queue is a list of events ordered by time. An event is said to “fire” when the current clock cycle is equal to the event_time. When this happens, the handleEvent() function of the processing_element is invoked. Handling of an event may in turn lead to more events being generated, for the same clock cycle, or for some future clock cycle.
Decide which units you wish to work using events, and which directly through function calls from the main loop. For all units that you believe will receive events, make them implement the Element interface. This will then require you to implement a handleEvent() function for that unit.
You may create more Event classes, or modify the existing ones.
Below is a brief illustration of the Instruction Fetch stage. It is by no means complete. It is only to give you the basic idea.
public void performIF ()
if( IF_EnableLatch . isIF_enable ())
if( IF_EnableLatch . isIF_busy ())
return ;
Simulator . getEventQueue (). addEvent (
new MemoryReadEvent (
Clock . getCurrentTime () + Configuration . mainMemoryLatency , this ,
containingProcessor . getMainMemory (),
containingProcessor . getRegisterFile (). getProgramCounter ()));
IF_EnableLatch . setIF_busy ( true );
public void handleEvent ( Event e) {
if( IF_OF_Latch . isOF_busy ())
e. setEventTime ( Clock . getCurrentTime () + 1); Simulator . getEventQueue (). addEvent (e);
MemoryResponseEvent event = ( MemoryResponseEvent ) e; IF_OF_Latch . setInstruction ( event . getValue ());
IF_OF_Latch . setOF_enable ( true );
IF_EnableLatch . setIF_busy ( false );
Below is the code snippet from the MainMemory.java class.
public void handleEvent ( Event e) {
if(e. getEventType () == EventType . MemoryRead )
MemoryReadEvent event = ( MemoryReadEvent ) e; Simulator . getEventQueue (). addEvent (
new MemoryResponseEvent (
Clock . getCurrentTime (),
this ,
event . getRequestingElement (),
getWord ( event . getAddressToReadFrom ())));
Functionalities to be Implemented
Modeling the latency of the main memory
– This should reflect in both instruction fetches and load/ store operations
Modeling the latencies of di erent functional units: ALU, multiplier, divider, etc.
Submission Instructions
Commit and push your changes to the lab5 folder of the master branch of your repository. A report that contains a table with
– the number of cycles taken by each benchmark program,
– the throughput in terms of instructions per cycle.
Comment on your observations. Correlate with the nature of the benchmarks.