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Compare two back ends for a dictionary

The description provided for this problem:

Compare two back ends for a dictionary, such as a binary tree and a hash table.  For example, in the C++ standard library, std::multimap can be used to easily store a dictionary of key-value pairs in a balanced binary tree, while std::unordered_multimap can be used to store values in a hash table.  Other structures such as a sorted array could also be used as possible dictionary back ends..

In theory, a hash table should be faster for insertions and deletions, but how much faster?  Compare the two for insertion of n = 10, n = 100, n = 1000, ..., n = as high as you need to go for at least one of the data structures to take more than 3 seconds to run.

Generate a graph comparing the performance.  You may use other data structures and implementations in another language if you prefer not to use C++, but make sure you know what you are using.

Upload your write-up (see the assignment description for what should go into the write-up) as a pdf along with any associated supporting files (e.g., source code, etc).

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