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COMP 2012H0 Assignment 50Deque Solution

Objectives & Intended Learning Outcomes

The objective of this assignment is to provide you with practice on structs, pointers, linked lists and file IO. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

1. Use pointers to manipulate data

2. Implement a linked list and its variants

3. Use structs to define new data types.

4. Use File IO to read from / write to files.

End of Objectives & Intended Learning Outcomes

"Deque" is a special data structure,0where elements can be added to or removed from either the front (head) or back (tail).0



The goal of this assignment is to implement a "deque", which is a special data structure,0with the help of "circular doubly-linked list with a sentinel node",0a variant of the linked list we saw during class.

A "double-ended queue", or "deque" (pronounced deck) is a special data structure,0for which

l b dd d d f i h h f (h d) b k ( il) 1/15

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elements can be added to or removed from either the front (head) or back (tail).

Circular doubly-linked list with a sentinel node

Don't worry about the long name, let's break it down step by step.

Doubly-linked list

In the singly-linked list, "delete" is not a handy stuff.0Whenever you want to delete a node, you need to first delete it,0and then connect its previous node with its next node.0However, we cannot visit its previous node from itself, so0we need to iterate though the list and always keep

track of the0previous node of current node.

To solve this problem, we can connect two nodes in both ways:0if = node_y, then we also have0node_y.prev = node_x. Now, we can access the previous node from the node itself,0and when we delete node curr, we can simply =, which means "for the previous node of the deleted node,0its next pointer will point to the next node of the deleted node now";0we also need to update "the previous node of0the next node", i.e., = curr.prev.0(Note: special cases will be handled below, when the list only has 0 or 1 items)

This frees us from always keeping track of the previous node of current node.0Usually in doubly-linked list, we will store both first node and last node0of the list, so that we can iterate either from first to last or from last0to first backwards.

Sentinel node

In the singly-linked list taught during lectures, you may have already noticed0something annoying: when we insert or delete an item, we ALWAYS need to check0some special cases, e.g., if the list is empty, or if the list contains only0one element. The doubly-linked list alone will not solve the problem.0For example, when you want to delete an element in the list, you need0to consider:

1. When the element is the first element

2. When the element is the last element

3. Other cases

Example implementation in code:

if (curr -> prev != nullptr) curr -> prev -> next = curr -> next;0

else first = curr -> next;0

if (curr -> next != nullptr) curr -> next -> prev = curr -> prev;0

else last = curr -> prev;0

To avoid having to check for different cases each time we perform list operation,0we can put a dummy "sentinel node" at the beginning of the list,0no matter whether the list is empty or not:

Now the code becomes: 2/15

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curr -> prev -> next = curr -> next;0

if (curr -> next != nullptr) curr -> next -> prev = curr -> prev;0

else last = curr -> prev;0

Circular list with a sentinel

The sentinel node is never selected for deletion, so we no longer need to check if the deleted node is at the beginning of the list.0This simplifies the number of cases, but we still need to check if0the node to delete is the last element. A solution is to add another sentinel node at the end; however, it can be more efficient to reuse the existing sentinel node:

Since the last element is connected with the sentinel node, we say0the list is circular. Then there is no need to worry0whether the element we are going to delete is the first or last:0they will never be! The code now becomes:

curr -> prev -> next = curr -> next;0

curr -> next -> prev = curr -> prev;0

That's a circular doubly-linked list with a sentinel.0This kind of list should be very simple to implement because there are0no special cases to consider!

End of Introduction


Please read the FAQ section for some common clarifications. You should check that0a day before the deadline to make sure you don't miss any clarification, even if you have already submitted your work by then.

How does a deque look like?

In C++ STL (Standard Template Library), deque is provided as a standard container0in #include <deque>. It is implemented using "a bunch of arrays with fixed size". 3/15

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They do this because this structure supports very fast "random access".0For example, if we want to get the 30-th element in the deque, we can0find out which chunk to look at, and which position the element locates in the chunk0by computation, instead of iterating through 30 items from the beginning.

However, this is relatively difficult to implement and manipulate. In this assignment,0we will

replace the "map" shown in the figure above, with a "circular doubly-linked list0with a sentinel", where each node in the list is a fixed-size array.


In C++ STL, an iterator is used to point to0the memory address of the container (like deque).

For better understanding, you can relate them with a pointer, to some extent.

Why do we need the iterator? Consider the following case: when you now points0at the last item in a node, and you want to move on to next item, you need to0move to next node in your list. However, it is not possible with only a pointer:0you don't know which node you are currently at, not to mention where is your next node!

To solve that situation, we wrap the pointer and which node we are currently at,0into a structure. To be more convenient later, we will record the first and last0address of this node, and also keep them in the structure.0That's an iterator, and that's exactly what C++ does in its STL.

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COMP 2012H Assignment 5: Deque

struct Node {0

int arr[CHUNK_SIZE];

// the chunk0

Node* prev;

// previous Node0

Node* next;

// next Node0


struct Iterator {0

int* current; // current position0

int* first; // begin of the chunk, i.e., the position of first item0

int* last; // end of the chunk, i.e., the position after the last item0

const Node* node; // current Node0


Back to the situation we discussed above, when we need to move on to next node,0we will have:

You may notice that the "last", or "end" (if we use STL) pointer in the0iterator always points at the position next to the last item. This is designed in such a way0to distinguish when a container is empty / has one item.0Meanwhile the "first", or "start" (if we use STL) pointer always points0at the first item.

A Deque

Now, what we need in a deque is (1) two iterators, representing the position of first item0and the position next to the last item in the deque, as well as (2)0a circular doubly-linked list with sentinel, where each node is an array of0fixed size. We use 8 in this assignment0(stored in a const variable CHUNK_SIZE).

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COMP 2012H Assignment 5: Deque

struct Deque {0

Iterator start;

// the position of first item in deque0

Iterator end;

// the position after last item in deque0

Node* sentinel;

// sentinel of the circular doubly-linked list0

int ll_size;

// size of linked list, this is number of chunks, not items0


In this assignment, you are required to:

Implement the basic functions of a deque Iterator.

Implement the basic functions of a deque.

Additional Remarks

You are required to implement

All part I tasks in Deque_Iterator.cpp,

All part II tasks in Deque.cpp,

You need to create these two files on your own, and submit only these two files to ZINC0for grading.

You are allowed to define your own helper functions, but be careful as ZINC won't be able to know0of their existence. This shouldn't be a problem as long as the tasks' function return values are as expected.

All the task functions are in global scope, and you are allowed to have the task functions call0each other for easier implementation. Be careful when two or more functions call each other0reciprocally, as they may enter an infinite loop.

You are only allowed to use two header files #include <iostream>0and #include <fstream> for File IO, in addition to the two header files0Deque_Iterator.h and Deque.h we provided.

You are strictly forbidden to modify the two header files we provide,.0i.e., Deque_Iterator.h and Deque.h.0However, you can overload the functions in them. When we grade your program, if we cannot find0the exact function whose signature is what we given in0the header files, you will have no score for that task.0This situation is unlikely to occur if you never modified the main function0and if it runs well.

End of Description


This section describes the functions that you will need to implement.0Please refer to the main function given in0skeleton to see how they are invoked.

Part I: Deque Iterator

Task 1 - Implement the equal() and value() functions 6/15

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bool equal(const Iterator& it1, const Iterator& it2);0

int value(const Iterator& it);

The equal() function checks whether the two iterators point to0the same address, i.e., whether their current positions are the same.0If they point to the same address, we consider they are equal, and return0true; otherwise, return false.

The value() function returns the value that the iterator is0currently pointing at. It should be a value in the deque.

You don't need any validity checking. We assure the iterators passed in0are always well-initialized and point to meaningful addresses during grading.0However, if you use them in other tasks later, make sure you pass valid parameters.

Task 2 - Move the Iterators

void set_node(Iterator& it, Node* new_node);0

Iterator next(const Iterator& it);0

Iterator prev(const Iterator& it);

The set_node() function will let the iterator it point0at node new_node. Note that you should not update it.current,0since this pointer is not determined by the node, while other variables in0the iterator should be determined by the new node.

The next() function returns an iterator that points to0the position next to the given it.0You should not modify the it passed in, you need to0create a new iterator and return it, so we passed it0by const to avoid modifying.

The prev() function is similar to next(),0but returns an iterator that points to0the position before the given it.

You don't need any validity checking. We assure the iterators passed in0are always well-initialized and point to meaningful addresses during grading.0However, if you use them in other tasks later, make sure you pass valid parameters.

Note for Part I: The sample main() function we provided0(i.e., the sample input/output) does not directly call those functions in Part I0(other than prev being used for one function call).0It is mainly used to check the correctness of your deque in Part II; nevertheless,0many Part II functions require Part I implementations to work properly.0However, please bear in mind that we will directly call those functions0in Part I during actual grading.

Part II: Deque

Task 3 - Create and destroy the deque

Deque create_deque();0

void destroy_deque(Deque& deque);

The create_deque() function returns an empty deque containing0no elements. However, the linked list should contain0one sentinel node and at least one normal node with no element in its array,0so that the start and end Iterator of the deque0both point at some position of the array in a normal node.0(Recall that they should point at same position for an empty deque,0but for simplicity you don't have to let them both point at the first position as the image shown below) 7/15

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The destroy_deque() function destroys the deque given.0It should deallocated all memories allocated for this deque, if any,0and also set sentinel to a nullptr.0After the deque is destroyed, the deque becomes "empty" and should never be used again.

Task 4 - Front and back of the deque

Iterator begin(const Deque& deque);0

Iterator end(const Deque& deque);0

int front(const Deque& deque);0

int back(const Deque& deque);

The begin() and end() function0simply return iterators that represent the start and end iterator of the deque.0Recall that end() should point to the position next to the0last element in the deque. (hence the address may not belong to the deque,0that's ok)

The front() and back() function0returns the value of first and last element in the deque.0If the deque is empty, you should print

cout << "Cannot get front: deque is empty" << endl;0

// or0

cout << "Cannot get back: deque is empty" << endl;

and we will not care about the return value, you may just return -10or any unused integer. (Additional note: in STL, get the first/last element0in an empty deque will raise an error. In this PA, we simply0do this because we haven't learned how to raise an error)

Task 5 - Size of the deque

bool empty(const Deque& deque);0

int size(const Deque& deque);

As indicated by their names, empty() returns0true if the deque is empty, and false otherwise; while size() returns the number of elements in0the deque. Hint: you don't need to iterate through the deque0to get this value, you can compute it since each node has a fixed size of array.

Task 6 - Operate the deque at front or back

void push_back(Deque& deque, int val);0

void push_front(Deque& deque, int val);0

void pop_back(Deque& deque);0

void pop_front(Deque& deque);

The push_back() function inserts the val0as the last element in the deque, while push_front()0function inserts the val as the first element. 8/15

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On the other hand, the pop_back() function removes0the last element in the deque while pop_front()0removes the first element. If the deque is empty, you should print

cout << "Cannot pop_back: deque is empty" << endl;0

// or0

cout << "Cannot pop_front: deque is empty" << endl;

and the function does nothing other than printing the message.0(Additional note: in STL, pop from an empty deque will raise an error.0In this PA, we simply0do this because we haven't learned how to raise an error)

These four operations are basic operations for a deque, which is where0the name of deque (double-ended queue) comes from.

Hint: You may need to create a new node or delete an existing node0when you insert or delete an element.

Hint: Values outside the deque.start and deque.end range0are treated as garbage values and would be overwritten if new values are added at their positions.0In other words, you don't need to worry about deleting/setting the int values to 00when removing an element from the deque.

Task 7 - Print the deque

void print_deque(const Deque& deque);

This function prints the whole deque, in the format like0[2, 1, 3] (you may see examples in sample output).0If the deque is empty, simply print [].0The print should end with an endl (see sample output).

Hint: You may use iterator to walk through the deque, from start to end.

Task 8 - Insert into / erase from the deque

void insert(Deque& deque, const Iterator& pos, int val);0

void erase(Deque& deque, const Iterator& pos);

The insert() function insert the given value val into the deque,0before the item indicated by pos. For example, if pos0points to the first item in deque, then we insert val before the first item,0i.e., val will be the first item in the new deque.

The erase() function remove the value at the position indicated by0pos. After removal, elements after pos should be moved0forward, i.e., each array should be continuous, there should not exist a "blank position".0For example, if we remove 3 in [2, 3, 1], it should become0[2, 1] rather than [2, _ , 1]

During actual grading, the pos iterator will always be valid.0For example, we will never call erase() on deque.end iterator,0which points outside the deque.

Additional note: Though we usually operate at the beginning or end of a deque,0these two operations0are still supported by the deque in STL. However, instead of using indices,0we use iterators to represent positions. This will be much easier to implement.

Hint: You may need to create a new node or delete an existing node0when you insert or delete an element.

Task 9 - Serialize the deque

void store_deque(const Deque& deque, const char* filename);0

Deque load_deque(const char* filename); 9/15

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In most computer programs, if you close the software, or even shutdown your computer,0your data will still be kept after you restart the software.0This is usually done by writing your data into a file and then re-load the data0from the file later.0If an object (like deque here) supports such operations, we say it is serializable.

The store_deque() stores all information of the given deque0in the file identified by filename.

Meanwhile, the load_deque() function loads the0deque stored in file filename.

You may write anything to the file filename,0as long as you are able to load deque from that file later.0During the grading process when we do load_deque,0the file filename always exists, and0is always written by your program via store_deque().

You don't need to ensure the structure of the deque loaded from file is exactly the0same as the one you stored. As long as their contents are the same, that will be fine.

End of Tasks

Resources & Sample I/O

Skeleton code: download here

Demo programs: We don't provide demo programs for this PA,0since deque is an "Abstract Data Type (ADT)". The main.cpp0should have provided a good reference on how to invoke each functions0you implemented and how to test them. They are quite similar0to what we will do later in actual grading.

Sample program outputs: you should get the following outputs by directly0run the main.cpp we provided without any modification.0Here is an online file compare tool. 10/15

11/25/22, 9:50 PM COMP 2012H Assignment 5: Deque

• Test create and destroy deque =====0

Deque created0

The deque now is: []0 Deque destroyed0

• End Test =====0

• Test push back =====0

The deque now is: [10, 2012, 2022]0

• End Test =====0

• Test push front =====0

The deque now is: [2022, 2012, 10]0

• End Test =====0

• Test get front and back =====

Cannot get front: deque is empty0

Cannot get back: deque is empty0

front: 10, back: 100

front: 10, back: 150

front: 20, back: 150

• End Test =====0

• Test empty and size =====0

deque is empty: true0

size of deque: 00

deque is empty: false

size of deque: 10

deque is empty: false

size of deque: 20

deque is empty: false

size of deque: 30

• End Test =====0

• Test pop back =====0

Cannot pop_back: deque is empty0

The deque now is: [20, 10, 15]0

The deque now is: [20, 10]0

The deque now is: [20]0

• End Test =====0

• Test pop front =====0

Cannot pop_front: deque is empty0

The deque now is: [20, 10, 15]0

The deque now is: [10, 15]0

The deque now is: [15]0

• End Test =====0

• Test insert =====0

The deque now is: [10, 15, 25]0

The deque now is: [5, 10, 15, 25]0

The deque now is: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]0

• End Test =====0

• Test erase =====0

The deque now is: [10, 15, 25]0

The deque now is: [15, 25]0

The deque now is: [15]0

• End Test =====0

• Test store and load deque =====0

The deque now is: [10, 15, 25]0

Successfully stored deque to 'deque_demo.txt'0 The restored deque is: [10, 15, 25]

• End Test ===== 11/15

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Compress the two source code files Deque_Iterator.cpp0and Deque.cpp as PA5.zip0for submission to the ZINC Autograding System.0The ZINC submisssion portal for PA3 will be available soon after the announcement of this assignment.

Late Policy:0

Please refer to the 3-day late budget policy.

The main.cpp we given in skeleton will be replaced when we grade your program.0You are strictly forbidden from modifying the given header files.0However, you can overload the functions in them. When we grade your program,0you should not submit the header files, and we will use the ones provided in skeleton code.0If we cannot find the exact functions whose signature is given in0the two skeleton header files, you will have no score for that task.0This situation is unlikely to occur if you do not modify main.cpp and it runs without error.

Before deadline, the test cases on ZINC will only contain a few cases. If you passed0those tests, it only means your program can successfully run on ZINC and can pass0those test cases. The result is by no mean complete and the score are irrelevant to0your actual score.0In actual grading stage after deadline, we will use a different set of0test cases, which is expected to be more complete and more strict,0to test the correctness your program. Your score will be determined based on the number of test cases you passed.

Please bear in mind that we will also check memory leak in test cases.0If your program has memory leak for a test case, you may lose 50% of the score for that case.

Grading Scheme

The actual grading will use Unit Testing,0i.e., we will test each functions individually, invoke the function you implemented,0and check the return value/expected behavior of that function.0The actual grading will also only be triggered, with the scores and test cases revealed, after the deadline. This hidden grading policy is for all the PAs in order to prevent reverse-engineering of0the test cases, since the PAs are a significant part of the course assessment and course grade.

However, please bear in mind that for some functions, we cannot test it without the help0of other functions you implemented. For example, if we want to test print_deque(),0we must first push, or insert some items into the deque.0This is only possible if we invoke your functions like push_back(),0since each student may have a different deque structure and we cannot directly modify the inner structure of deque.0If any test case fails because of another function you implemented is wrong,0it is possible that you may submit an appeal and ask TA to manually check0your implementation. More details will be provided after grading process.

We will execute unit testing on the task functions individually, and some0test cases may include invalid input values.0All situations for possible invalid inputs have been described in0Tasks section. You don't have to check other special cases.

Please ensure that you submit to ZINC well before the deadline as all late submissions will be automatically rejected.

End of Submission & Grading

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My code doesn't work, there is an error/bug, here is the code, can you help me fix it?0

A: As the assignment is a major course assessment, to be fair, you are supposed to work on it on your own and we should not finish the tasks for you. We are happy to help with explanations and0advice, but we shall not directly debug the code for you. 12/15

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Q: What are the restrictions regarding modifying the header files, writing our own helper functions, including extra header files, etc.? 0

A: The only hard restriction is that you can only submit Deque_Iterator.cpp0and Deque.cpp to ZINC,0and can only use two header files #include <iostream> and0#include <fstream> in addition to the two header files0Deque_Iterator.h and Deque.h we provided.0Anything else that you do, while not strictly prohibited, will be at your own risk regarding the PA50grading result. Please keep in mind that there is a grade penalty for all grade appeals that0include modifications to your already submitted code (no matter how trivial the modification is).

Q: Am I allowed to use local function declarations (function declaration inside an existing function) for my helper functions?

A: You are strongly discouraged from doing so, as that "feature" is a leftover merely for backwards compatibility with C. In C++, it is superseded with class functions and lambda functions,0which will be taught later in this course.

Q: I am confused about the first, last, start0and end pointers.0


first and last pointers are data members of Iterator0that point to the beginning and end of the Node's array. Essentially, first, last and node should always be updated together0to point to the Node containing the item being pointed at by current.0They don't care about the Deque structure or how it is implemented (but you can assume0the current Node's next and prev are pointing at valid Nodes).

start and end Iterators are data members of Deque0that point to the start and end of the Deque's data range. Their purpose is to tell the0Deque which range of items are actually data of the Deque, and any items outside the range0are treated as "garbage" values. These should be updated accordingly when the number of items in the Deque is changed via element insertion or deletion.

Q: When doing insert() and erase(), should we move the elements0on the left or right of the inserted/deleted element?0

A: Either is fine, as long as the Deque is printed out correctly. For example, if your current Deque looks like:0


and item 5 is deleted, your implementation can cause the Deque to become either of these: 0



but as long as the Deque is printed as [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8], then you should get the point for relevant test cases.

Q: After adding the last item to a Node (for example, push_back() on a Deque0so that the final Node's arr[7] is updated), should Iterator end be0pointing at the position after arr[7] in the Node, or at the first item in the next0Node (>arr[0])?0

A: It should point at the first item in the next Node (you may need to make a new Node).

Recall that end is an Iterator, so end.current can only point at positions0arr[0] to arr[7].

Q: Does deque.ll_size count the Sentinel node? For a newly initialized Deque,0should deque.ll_size be 1 or 2?0

A: Strictly speaking, deque.ll_size does not count the Sentinel node because0it does not contribute to the Deque's items. So for a newly initialized Deque, ll_size0is 1. However, this property is only for you to help maintain the Deque structure and assist in0counting number of items, and not tested in any of the test cases. As long as you maintain this variable0and use it correctly, there should be no problem.

Q: What does it mean by items having "garbage" values?0

A: Whenever you initialize a Node with array of size 8, the 8 array elements might hold some garbage random int values, or set to some value upon initialization. But we don't say that an item is "deleted" when its value is 0, because it is still a valid integer value. The only thing determining whether an item is in the Deque or not is if its position is between the start and 13/15

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end Iterators.0

For more concrete example, suppose your Deque looks like this:

[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]0

^ ^

start.current end.current0

where deque.start.current points at 3 and end.start.current points at 12. What this means is that the Deque values are from 3 to 11 (remember end points to the position after last element) - in other words, if you print out the Deque, it should be:0

[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]0

Even if the remaining array positions hold values 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, they don't belong in the Deque, so we don't care what values they hold. Now, if you "delete" element 7 by simply changing its value, the new value just becomes a new element in the Deque. You need to maintain the start and end Iterators, such as: 0


12, 13, 14, 15, 16]0





Now, when printing the Deque, element 7 is truly deleted:0

[3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11]

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