Objectives : To practice programming an application with multiple threads of execution and
synchronizing their access to necessary shared objects.
Description : In this programming assignment you will simulate the package shipping management
system for an automated package shipping operation similar to the one depicted here:
This example package shipping operation has five routing stations (S0 – S4), each of which has an
input and output conveyor connecting to conveyor lines (C0 – C4) that go elsewhere in the system.
Resources were limited when the system was built so each conveyor going to the rest of the facility
must be shared between two routing stations. Since each routing station simultaneously needs an
input and output connection to function, access to the shared conveyor lines must be strictly regulated.
Flow direction in not important in our simulation.
You have been hired to design a simulator for a new package management system being built with
the same design, but possibly fewer/more stations. You are to implement this simulator in Java and
CNT 4714 – Project 2 – Spring
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have each routing station function in its own thread. A routing station moves packages from one of
its connected conveyors to the other. A station’s workload is the number of times that a routing
station will move packages. There are a varied and unspecified number of packages in a package
group and each station will have different workloads (number of package groups). A station must
have exclusive access to the requested input and output conveyors during movement of packages. A
station will move packages for a random amount of time to simulate the random number of packages
in each group. Once a station has moved all of the packages in one group, it will reduce its total
workload by 1 and go into an idle state (i.e., sleeping) for a random period of time before moving its
next package group. A routing station thread terminates when its workload reaches 0.
To prevent deadlock from occurring, you must ensure that each routing station acquires the necessary
locks in increasing numerical order (serial order).
1. Your source files should begin with comments containing the following information:
Name: <your name goes here>
Course: CNT 4714 Spring
Assignment title: Project 2 – Multi-threaded programming in Java
Date: February 13,
Class: <name of class goes here>
2. You must use a the java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock interface. In
other words, do not create your own locking system nor implement a Boolean semaphore-like
system to control the locking.
3. Do not use a monitor to control the synchronization in your program (i.e., do not use the Java
synchronize statement).
4. You must use an ExecutorService object to manage a FixedThreadPool(MAX),
where MAX is the upper limit on the number of stations which we’ll set to be 10 (see below
under Input Specification).
5. Your station threads must implement the Runnable interface and not extend the Thread
class in order to utilize the ExecutorService object mentioned in 4 above.
Input Specification:
Your program must initially read from a text file (config.txt) to gather configuration information
for the simulator. The first line of the text file will be the number of routing stations to use during
the simulation. Afterwards, there will be one line for each station. These lines will hold the workload
value for each station (i.e, the number of times it needs to move packages on the conveyor system).
Only use integers in your configuration file, decimals will not be needed. You can assume that the
maximum number of stations will be 10.
Output Specification:
Your simulator must output at least the following text to let the user know what the simulator is doing
in each of these situations:
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1. An input conveyor is assigned to a routing station: Routing Station X: Input conveyor set to conveyor number Cn.
2. An output conveyor is assigned to a routing station: Routing Station X: Output conveyor set to conveyor number Cn.
3. A routing station’s workload is set: Routing Station X: Workload set. Station X has a total of n package
groups to move.
4. A routing station is granted access to its input conveyor: Routing Station X: holds lock on input conveyor Cn.
5. A routing station is granted access to its output conveyor: Routing Station X: hold lock on output conveyor Cn.
6. A routing station unlocks its input conveyor: Routing Station X: unlocks/releases input conveyor Cn.
7. A routing station unlocks its output conveyor: Routing Station X: unlocks/releases output conveyor Cn.
8. A routing station unable to lock its output conveyor and releases its input conveyor lock: Routing Station X: unable to lock output conveyor Cn, unlocks input
conveyor Cm.
9. A routing station has completed its workload: Station X: Workload successfully completed. Station X
releasing locks and going offline
10. A routing station successfully moves packages in and out of the routing station: Routing Station X: CURRENTLY HARD AT WORK MOVING PACKAGES.
11. A routing station completes a workflow: Routing Station X: has n package groups left to move.