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CISC2000: Computer Science II LAB rectangle class

Below is some code for a rectangle class that needs to be completed. The goal is to code the class so that it works without changing the main program.

Starter Code

This is the starter code. Declare the member functions, define the accessors and fill in the member function code.

#include <iostream> using namespace std;

// rectangle has a vertical height and horizontal width

// The class below is a rectangle. It has two private

// data members: height and width.

// TODO: Complete the class declaration and definition. class rectangle {


// TODO: declare a default constructor that sets height & width to 1.

// TODO: declare member function void add

// @param int height, int width

// TODO: declare member function void set

// @param int height, int width

// TODO: declare member function void draw

// TODO: define accessor for width (remember it must return int)

// TODO: define accessor for height

// TODO: define a function to tell if a rectangle is a square private:

int width, height;


// TODO: Implement a default constructor to initialize height and width to 1.

// The default constructor executes when the object is first declared.
// It is a function with the same name as the class (see below).

// It also has no return type




// TODO: Implement add to increment the dimensions

// add the given addHeight to height and addWidth to width

void rectangle::add(int addHeight, int addWidth)



// TODO: Implement set to overwrite the data members void rectangle::set(int h, int w)



// TODO: Implement draw to draw a rectangle using '#' characters void rectangle::draw()



// TODO: Define getWidth and getHeight

// TODO: Implement isSquare to indicate if a rectangle is a square. int main()


// Declare 2 rectangles rectangle r1, r2;

// Print unit rectangle

cout << "unit rectangle" << endl; r1.draw();

// Set, print dimensions and draw r1.set(4, 3);

cout << "r1 is " << r1.getHeight() << " x " << r1.getWidth() << endl;


// Assign, increment, print dimensions and draw r2 = r1;

r2.add(3, 4);

cout << "r2 is " << r2.getHeight() << " x " << r2.getWidth() << endl;


if (r2.isSquare())

cout << "r2 is a square" << endl; else

cout << "r2 is not a square" << endl;

return 0;


Program Output

unit rectangle #

r1 is 4 x 3 ###

### ### ###

r2 is 7 x 7 ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### ####### #######

r2 is a square

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