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Challenge: Interactive ML model training


In this challenge, you will create an interactive human-in-the-loop training system using a simple machine learning model.

You are given parts of a web application and must implement the backend for this system

The frontend (shown above)

Allows users to interactively add data points to a graph

Sends data points to the backend

Receives model parameters from the backend and plots a density over the points

The backend must

Accept these data points and train the model

Return the parameters of the model to the front-end

Detailed requirements

Read through the provided code

Implement a backend API service that hosts the model, trains it, and returns model parameters
When `p` is pressed, you need to retrieve the parameters of the model and pass them to the frontend for plotting

Implement a logging solution for the model so that you can keep track of:

training loss

model versions

data used to train each model

Implement a solution to visualize each training result

Submit a README.txt containing details about the methods you implemented, problems you ran into, and how to improve your submission if you had more time

Provided code

Web application: web application. Root endpoint takes the user to the app shown above. You’ll need to implement any other endpoints in this file

© Quilt Labs, Inc. | 2023


index.html: static HTML page with layouts for visual elements of the app

static/script.js: Contains plotting code for the web app

Model training code: contains Pytorch model class, function to train the model, function to extract parameters from the model and return them as lists of floats

Judgment criteria

Does your web app work? For your submission to be considered complete, it must run on our Ubuntu 20.04 VM. If you choose to include additional requirements, please be sure to mention them in your README.txt
How clean is your code? Do you use comments? Type annotations?

Do you discuss testing in README.txt? How would you think to test an application like this?

How did you implement logging and model versioning? How do you store metadata associated with a trained model?
How easy to understand is your visualization of training results?

How memory-efficient is your code? What is the runtime of a training run?


Which files can I edit? Anything in the folder can be edited

Can I use other packages? Yes, just list them in your README.txt so we can install them before judging
Do I need to worry about cleaning up visualizations? Not really, as long as they’re easy to understand
How should I submit the code? Please zip your submission and upload to Google Drive, then share a public link with us via email

© Quilt Labs, Inc. | 2023