• Introduction
The objective of the final homework is to understand and implement some operations on the FAT32 filesystem by creating a shell like application that read the relevant information from a FAT32 formatted image file, output information and/or modify contents.
Keywords: FAT32, filesystems
• FAT32
2.1 Filesystem Details
FAT is a file system primarily developed for floppy disks and later became the default for Microsoft Windows computers before giving way to NTFS filesystem. The filesystem uses an index table to identify chains of clusters of a file, called File Allocation Table (FAT). The table consists of linked list of entries for each cluster.
The root directory contains the number of the first cluster of each file in that directory. It is possible to traverse each file by looking up the cluster number of each successive part of the disk file as a cluster chain until the end of the file is reached. The sub-directories are implemented as special files containing directory entries of their respective files. The table entries are fixed in size and this determines the version of the FAT. FAT32 uses 32 bit(4 bytes) size table entries.
Figure 1: FAT32 Layout
FAT layout is shown in Figure 1 consists of four main parts. First there are reserved sectors for general information about the filesystem and its parameters. Following that part, there are the File Allocation Tables. More than one of them can exist for redundancy sake and the default number is two. Third is the root director region which only exists in FAT12/16 versions so it is not relevant in our case. Finally there are the data regions which for FAT32 contain the root directory. The regions, their sizes and contents can be summarized by the table below:
Table 1: Main Regions and Their Information
Size in sectors
Boot Sector
Reserved sectors
(# of reserved sectors)
FS Information Sector (FAT32 only)
More reserved sectors (optional)
FAT Region
(# of FATs) * (sectors per FAT)
File Allocation Table #1
File Allocation Table #2 ... (optional)
Root Directory Region
(# of root entries * 32) / (bytes per sector)
Root Directory (FAT12/16 only)
Data Region
(# of clusters) * (sectors per cluster)
Data Region (for files and directories)
The first part of the reserved sector is the boot sector which contains crucial file system information. It is called BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) and it has the same structure across all FAT versions. It contains information as bytes per sector and logical sectors per cluster. Moreover, it is possible use the values of the first three bytes to perform an integrity check on the FAT system if needed. There are also some FAT12/16 parameters which will not be needed for FAT32. The parameters can be seen below:
BIOS Parameter Block
struct BPB_struct {
uint8_t BS_JumpBoot[3];
// Jump Instruction. Size: 3 bytes
uint8_t BS_OEMName[8];
// The system that formatted the disk.
uint16_t BytesPerSector;
// Bytes per logical sector
uint8_t SectorsPerCluster;
// Logical sectors per cluster
uint16_t ReservedSectorCount;
// # of reserved logical sectors
uint8_t NumFATs;
// Number of file allocation tables.
uint16_t RootEntryCount;
// It is 0 for FAT32.
uint16_t TotalSectors16;
// Total logical sectors.
uint8_t Media;
// Media descriptor
uint16_t FATSize16;
// It is 0 for FAT32.
uint16_t SectorsPerTrack;
// Not relevant
uint16_t NumberOfHeads;
// Not relevant
uint32_t HiddenSectors;
// Not relevant
uint32_t TotalSectors32;
// Total logical sectors
BPB32_struct extended;
// Extended parameters for FAT32
This structure is followed by version specific information called Extended BIOS Parameter Block (EPBP) follows. It contaisn information about drive description, version and the cluster of the root di-rectory. It also contains the boot signature to determine FAT version. Finally, the size of the FAT table is given, to calculate necessary information for accessing the data region. The structure can be seen below:
Extended BIOS Parameter Block
struct BPBFAT32_struct {
uint32_t FATSize;
// Logical sectors per FAT.
uint16_t ExtFlags;
// Drive description/Mirroring flags.
uint16_t FSVersion;
// Version.
uint32_t RootCluster;
// Cluster number of root directory start.
uint16_t FSInfo;
// Sector number of FS Information.
uint16_t BkBootSec;
// First sector of a copy FAT32 boot sector.
uint8_t Reserved[12];
// Reserved bytes.
uint8_t BS_DriveNumber;
// Physical drive number.
uint8_t BS_Reserved1;
// Reserved.
uint8_t BS_BootSig;
// Boot signature. 0x29 for FAT32.
uint32_t BS_VolumeID;
// Volume ID.
uint8_t BS_VolumeLabel[11];
// Volume Name.
uint8_t BS_FileSystemType[8];
// File system type.
2.1.1 File Allocation Table
A volume’s data area is split into identically sized clusters. Each file may occupy one or more clusters depending on its size. Thus, a file is represented by a chain of clusters (a singly linked list). The FAT32 file system uses 32 bits per FAT entry, with each entry spanning four bytes in little-endian byte order. The four top bits of each entry are reserved for other purposes; they are cleared during formatting and should not be changed otherwise. They must be masked off before interpreting the entry as 28-bit cluster address. The File Allocation Table (FAT) is a contiguous number of sectors immediately following the area of reserved sectors. It represents a list of entries that map to each cluster on the volume. Each entry records one of five things:
• the cluster number of the next cluster in a chain
• a special end of cluster-chain (EOC) entry that indicates the end of a chain
• a special entry to mark a bad cluster
• a zero to note that the cluster is unused
An example FAT can be seen below:
Table 2: Example File Allocation Table
• First chain (1 cluster) for the root directory, pointed to by an entry in the FAT32 BPB (here: #2)
• Second chain (6 clusters) for a non-fragmented file (here: #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8)
• Third chain (7 clusters) for a fragmented, possibly grown file (here: #9, #A, #14, #15, #16, #19, #1A)
• Fourth chain (7 clusters) for a non-fragmented, possibly truncated file (here: #B, #C, #D, #E, #F, #10, #11)
• Empty clusters (here: #12, #1B, #1C, #1E, #1F)
• Fifth chain (1 cluster) for a sub-directory (here: #13)
• Bad clusters (3 clusters) (here: #17, #18, #1D)
2.1.2 Directory Table
A directory table is a special type of file. Each file or sub-directory stored within the table is represented by a 32-byte entry. Each entry records the name, extension, attributes (archive, directory, hidden, read-only, system and volume), the address of the first cluster of the file/directory’s data, the size of the file/directory, and the date and also the time of last modification. The first byte of the filename can be marked to indicate four cases:
• 0x00: Entry is available and no subsequent entry is in use.
• 0x05: Initial character is actually 0xE5.
• 0x2E: Dot’ entry; either “.” or “..”.
• 0xE5: Entry has been previously erased and/or is available. Directory entry can be structured with the following format:
FAT Directory Entry in 8.3 format
struct FatFile83 {
uint8_t filename[8];
uint8_t extension[3];
uint8_t attributes;
uint8_t reserved;
uint8_t creationTimeMs;
uint16_t creationTime;
uint16_t creationDate;
uint16_t lastAccessTime;
uint16_t eaIndex;
uint16_t modifiedTime;
uint16_t modifiedDate;
uint16_t firstCluster;
uint32_t fileSize;
• Filename for short filenames.
• Remaining part
• Attributes
• Reserved to mark extended attributes
• Creation time down to ms precision
• Creation time with H:M:S format
• Creation date with Y:M:D format
• Last access time
• First two bytes of the first cluster
• Modification time with H:M:S format
• Modification date with Y:M:D format
• Last two bytes of the first cluster
• Filesize in bytes
If the filename does not fit within the 11 byte space in the previous structure, additional long filename structure can be added before the directory entry. It is called VFAT long file names (LFN). LFNs can be added as much as needed until the maximum filename size 256 is reached. The structure contain 13 more character spaces in UTF-16 format (which is backward ASCII compatible). There are also three different parameters that differ from 8.3 filename format to indicate whether it is a LFN or not. LFNs causes the operating systems to ignore the name written in the 8.3 structure. In the modern systems, there is always at least one LFNs preceding 8.3 filename format and it solely stores the name of the file. This means that name of the file or folder in a directory is stored using only LFNs. Finally it contains a checksum to calculate whether the structure is correct. The structure is given below:
VFAT Long File Name Structure
struct FatFileLFN {
uint8_t sequence_number;
uint16_t name1[5];
// 5
Chars of name (UTF-16 format)
uint8_t attributes;
// Always
uint8_t reserved;
// Always
uint8_t checksum;
// Checksum of DOS Filename.
uint16_t name2[6];
// 6
chars of name (UTF-16 format)
uint16_t firstCluster;
// Always
uint16_t name3[2];
// 2
chars of name (UTF-16 format)
The following links contain more details about FAT32 and should be your go-to references when writing your code:
• Design of the FAT file system article on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design of the FAT filesystem
• OSDev wiki article on FAT: https://wiki.osdev.org/FAT
2.2 Image Creation
To create an FAT32 filesystem image, first create a zero file via dd. Here’s an example run creating a 100MB file (102400 1024-byte blocks).
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=example.img bs=1024 count=102400
Then, format the file into a filesystem image via mkfs.vfat. The following example creates an FAT32 filesystem with 2 sectors per cluster and a sector size of 512 bytes. Sector size will always be 512 for this homework.
$ mkfs.vfat -F 32 -S 512 -s 2 example.img
You can check filesystem details with thefsck.vfat command:
$ fsck.vfat -vn example.img
Now that you have a filesystem image, you can mount the image onto a directory. The FUSE based fusefat command allows you to do this in userspace without any superuser privileges (use this on the ineks1). The below example mounts our example filesystem in read-write mode:
$ mkdir fs-root
$ fusefat -o rw+ -o umask=770 example.img fs-root
Now, fs-root will be the root of your filesystem image . You can cd to it, create files and directories, do whatever you want. To unmount once you are done, use fusermount:
$ fusermount -u fs-root
Make sure to unmount the filesystem before running programs on the image. On systems where you have superuser privileges, you can use the more standard mount and unmount:
• sudo mount -o rw example.img fs-root
• sudo umount fs-root
You can check the consistency of your filesystem after modifications with the samefsck.vfat command. The below example forces the check in verbose mode and refuses fixes (-n flag). This will help you find bugs in your implementation later on.
$ fsck.vfat -vn example.img
1Note that fusermount does not currently work on the ineks without setting group read-execute permissions for the mount directory (chmod g+rx) and group execute permissions (g+x) for other directories on the path to the mount directory (including your home directory). This is not ideal and unfortunately there is no fix. My suggestion is to during the period where your home directory is readable quickly make changes and unmount the image file. After that you can fix the permission to the previous settings
2umask is critical when mounting on ineks. Otherwise you will not be able to unmount the image file and would need to restart the pc. On your own pc, it is not required.
• Implementation
You are going to implement a shell like application that contains six file system operations. It should take a single image file as an argument and execute the operations on that image file. During execution, it should print a prompt containing current directory in the following format:
• current_working_directory ] >[ space ]
Current working directory is given as an absolute path from the root separated with / character. Example prompt can be written as:
After every operation, your program should print the prompt again, even if there is no output from the operation. At the beginning of the execution, the current directory is root. Full example from start is given below:
./hw3 example.img
The program should continue until receiving the quit command. The operations your program must implement is given below:
• Change Directory
• List Directory Contents
• Make Directory
• Create File
• Move File/Directory
• Show File Contents
3.1 Change Directory
Your program should change its working directory with the change directory command. The command is same as the linux shell command cd. It takes a single argument, which is the target directory. It can be a relative or absolute path. Examples:
/> cd /home/pictures/cat
/home/pictures/cat> cd ..
/home/pictures> cd ../videos
/home/videos> cd /img/source
If the folder does not exists, simply keep the previous directory without any change. Example:
/home/pictures> cd wrongfolder
3.2 List Directory Contents
Your program should print the directory contents to the standard output upon receiving this command. The command to list directory contents is the same as the linux shell command ls. It can be called with up to two arguments. If it is called without any arguments, it should print the files in the current working directory separated with a space. Example:
/home/pictures/cat> ls
cat1.png cat2.jpg fluffy.png
It can also take a directory as an argument in relative or absolute path. In this case it should print the files of that folder.
/home/pictures/cat> ls /home/videos
graduation.mp4 cats.mkv dogvideos
Finally it can take -l as argument to print more information to the output. This argument can be called with or without a directory, however, it will always be given before the directory path. The print format should be the same as the linux command. However, since the FAT32 filesystem does not support file permissions, file ownership, and links, the beginning is fixed. Format for every file and folder in the directory is given below. File:
<file_size_in_bytes> <last_modified_date_and_time> <filename>
0 <last_modified_date_and_time> <filename>
If it is called without a folder argument, it should print the current working directory in detail. Example:
/> ls -l
root root 2464 May
25 10:12 f1
root root 10240
May 23 17:21 f2
root root 0
15:36 f3
root root 0
15:37 t5
root root 0
15:37 t6
root root 0
15:37 t7
Similarly, it can also be called with an additional folder argument. Example:
/> ls -l /home/pictures
root root 0
June 17 03:01 cat
If the directory given as an argument does not exists, there should be no output.
Note: Do not forget that every file or folder has at least one LFN to represent its filename.
3.3 Make Directory
Your program should create a directory with the make directory command. The command is same as the linux shell command mkdir. It takes a single argument, which is the target directory to be created. It can be a relative, absolute path or just the folder name. In the last case, the folder should be created in the current working directory. Examples:
/home/pictures> ls
cat dog etc
/home/pictures> mkdir birthdays
/home/pictures> ls
cat dog etc birthdays
/home/pictures> mkdir /home/pictures/flags
/home/pictures> ls
cat dog etc birthdays flags
/home/pictures> mkdir ../videos/movies/catvideos /home/pictures> ls ../videos/movies graduation.mp4 cats.mkv dogvideos catvideos
If the folder already exists or the path is wrong, there should be no changes and no output to indicate failure.
Note: Please create at least one LFN to represent the filename of a file or directory before 8.3 structure. Even if the filename is shorter than 11 characters. You do need to set the filename to a unique value in the 8.3 format to prevent duplicate filename error on fsck. Recommended format:
where index is the order file has appeared. Make sure to write down the checksum correctly.
3.4 Create File
Your program should create a file with the create file command. The command is same as the linux shell command touch. It takes a single argument, which is the target filename to be created. It can be a relative, absolute path or just the filename. In the last case, the file should be created in the current working directory. Examples:
/home/videos> ls
graduation.mp4 cats.mkv dogvideos
/home/videos> touch footage.mkv
/home/videos> ls
graduation.mp4 cats.mkv dogvideos footage.mkv /home/videos> touch /home/pictures/cute.png /home/videos> ls /home/pictures cat dog etc cute.png
/home/videos> touch ../pictures/cat/cat3.png
/home/videos> ls ../pictures/cat
cat1.png cat2.jpg fluffy.png cat3.png
If the file already exists or the path is wrong, there should be no changes and no output to indicate failure. Note: Please create at least one LFN to represent the filename of a file or directory before 8.3 structure. Even if the filename is shorter than 11 characters. You do need to set the filename to a unique value in the 8.3 format to prevent duplicate filename error on fsck. Recommended format:
where index is the order file has appeared. Make sure to write down the checksum correctly.
3.5 Move File/Directory
Your program should move a directory with the move command. The command is same as the linux shell command mv. It takes two arguments. First argument is the source file/folder and the second argument is the destination directory. Both can be a relative, absolute paths. First argument can also be just the file/folder name. In that case, the file/folder should be moved from the current working directory. Unlike the actual linux command, this cannot be used to rename files/folder. The second argument just shows the destination directory. Examples:
/home/videos/dogvideos> ls
terrier.mp4 lucky.mkv
//home/videos/dogvideos> mv ../cats.mkv .
/home/videos/dogvideos> ls terrier.mp4 lucky.mkv cats.mkv /home/videos/dogvideos> mv cats.mkv /home/videos /home/videos/dogvideos> cd .. /home/videos> ls /home/pictures
cat dog etc
/home/videos> mv /home/pictures/cat ../pictures/etc/ /home/videos> ls ../pictures/etc waterslide.png vacation.jpeg cat
If the file/folder already exists in the destination or any of the paths are wrong, there should be no changes and no output to indicate failure.
3.6 Show File Contents
Your program should print the contents of a file with the show file contents command. The command is same as the linux shell command cat. It takes a single argument, which is the target filename to be shown. It can be a relative, absolute path or just the filename. In the last case, the file should be in the current working directory. Examples:
/home/books> ls
magna_carta.txt fantasy scifi
/home/books> cat magna_carta.txt
JOHN, by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and
... seventeenth year of our reign (i.e. 1215: the new regnal year began on 28 May).
/home/books> cat scifi/dune1.txt
<contents of dune>
If the file does not exists or the path is wrong, there should be no changes and no output to indicate failure.
3.7 Algorithms for FS Operations
Here in this subsection, there will be step by step instructions to guide your implementation. There is one important algorithm you need to implement every operation. That is to locate a file or folder from a path. Therefore I will start with that operation. All of them will contain step by step instructions.
3.7.1 Locate File/Folder
For this algorithm, I recommend keeping track of current and parent directory clusters.
Algorithm 1 Locate File/Folder Algorithm
1: current ← current directory cluster
2: parent ← parent directory cluster
3: procedure Locate(path)
4: Separate path into a list by separating with ‘/’
5: if First element is “.” or direct filenamethen
6: current clust ← current
7: else if First element is “..” then
8: current clust ← parent
9: else
10: current clust ← root
11: end if
12: while current clust ̸= EOF do
13: for name ← elem in list do
14: Retrieve current clust from disk
15: Record parent of current clust using “..” entry with parent clust
16: Search all of the sectors in current clust for the name.
17: if found then
18: if last element in the list of names then
19: Return (current clust, parent clust, found sector, found offset)
20: else
21: Update current clust with the directory entry’s cluster number
22: Continue;
23: end if
24: else
25: Return Error
26: end if
27: end for
28: Check the FAT and set the current clust to the next in chain.
29: end while
30: end procedure
3.7.2 Change Directory
Algorithm 2 CD Algorithm
1: procedure CD(path)
2: Locate(path)
3: if returns error then
4: Return
5: else
6: Record return info for future use
7: Update prompt
8: Return
9: end if
10: end procedure
3.7.3 List Directory Contents
Algorithm 3 LS Algorithm
1: procedure LS(is detailed, path)
2: if path then{
3: Locate(path)
4: Use the return info and retrieve the path cluster }
5: else
6: Retrieve the current directory cluster
7: end if
8: while cluster chain continues do
for every entry in the retrieved cluster do
▷ Entries are considered LFNs and 8.3
10: Combined LFN names if necessary
11: if is detailed then
12: Print detailed information based on previous explanation together with a newline
13: else
14: Print the name of the entry with a space if the entry is not the last
15: end if
16: end for
17: end while
18: end procedure
3.7.4 Make Directory and Create File
Algorithm 4 MKDIR/TOUCH Algorithm
1: procedure MKDIR/TOUCH(path)
2: Separate the last entry from path following ‘/’
3: Put the remaining into parent path
4: Locate(parent path)
5: if returns error then
6: Return
7: else
8: Retrieve parent path directory cluster
9: if There is partial space in the cluster then
10: Allocate new cluster and update the FAT
11: else
12: while There is no space in the cluster do
13: if There is no next cluster then
14: Allocate one and update the FAT
15: else
16: Continue to the next cluster using FAT
17: end if
18: end while
19: end if
20: Create the necessary LFN entries and 8.3 entry into the space
21: Fill the checksum, creation and modificate date and times, attributes, eaIndex and first cluster info
22: Update the modification time for the parent directory of the newly created folder
23: end if
24: end procedure
The only difference is the attributes between touch and mkdir algorithms.
3.8 Move Folder/Directory
Algorithm 5 MV Algorithm
1: procedure MV(original, path)
2: Locate(original)
3: if returns error then
4: Return
5: end if
6: Separate the last entry from path following ‘/’
7: Put the remaining into parent path
8: Locate(parent path)
9: if returns error then
10: Return
11: else
12: Copy all of the original’s info to memory
13: Mark as deleted or delete the original
14: if original is a filethen
15: TOUCH(path)
16: else
17: MKDIR(path)
18: end if
19: Fill the remaining values on the newly created file or folder using copied info (do not copy modification time as it should be the same as new creation)
20: end if
21: end procedure
3.9 Show File Contents
Algorithm 6 CAT Algorithm
1: procedure CAT(path)
2: Locate(path)
3: if returns error then
4: Return
5: else
6: if path is a directory then
7: Return
8: else
9: Set current clust to the first cluster of the found file. ▷ Combination of eaIndex and first cluster in 8.3
10: while current clust ̸= EOF do
11: Print cluster until EOF is encountered
12: Check the FAT and set the current clust to the next in chain.
13: end while
14: end if
15: end if
16: end procedure
• Specifications
◦ Your program must terminate when the user gives the quit command. Otherwise your homework will not be able to be graded.
◦ When creating a file withtouch or a folder with mkdir command, creation and modification dates and times should be set to the current date and time. Move command is not considered modification so there is no need to update the time.
◦ Please create at least one LFN to represent the filename of a file or directory before 8.3 structure. Even if the filename is shorter than 11 characters. You do need to set the filename to a unique value in the 8.3 format to prevent duplicate filename error on fsck. Recommended format:
where index is the order file has appeared. Make sure to write down the checksum correctly.
However, this error will NOT take any points from your grade so it is not critical.
• Evaluation will be done using black box technique. So, your programs must not print any unnec-essary characters.
• The file and folder names will not contain any spaces.
• Folders given as arguments do not contain the ‘/’ at the end.
• The filesystem should not be corrupted after executing commands.
• During grading, commands will be both tested individually and together. Both of them will consists of equal parts of the grade for that command.
• Tentative grade percentages for commands are:
– cd: %10
– ls: %25
– mkdir: %15
– touch: %15
– mv: %15
– cat: %20
• Regulations
◦ Programming Language: Your program should be coded in C or C++. Your submission will be compiled with gcc or g++ on department lab machines. Make sure that your code compiles successfully.
◦ Late Submission: Late submission is allowed but with a penalty of 5 ∗ day ∗ day.
◦ Cheating: Everything you submit must be your own work. Any work used from third party sources will be considered as cheating and disciplinary action will be taken under or ”zero tolerance” policy.
◦ Newsgroup: You must follow the ODTUClass for discussions and possible updates on a daily basis.
◦ Grading: This homework will be graded out of 100. It will make up 10% of your total grade.
• Submission
Submission will be done via ODTUClass. Create a tar.gz file namedhw3.tar.gz that contains all your source code files along with a makefile. The tar file should not contain any directories! The make should create an executable called hw3. Your code should be able to be executed using the following command sequence.
• tar -xf hw3.tar.gz
• make
• ./hw3 <image_file>