Starting from:


Assignment 5 Solution

Inter-Process Communication

For this lab, you will make an API similar to Assignment 4. This time you will implement GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE

routes with data retrieved from a second process. You will also continue to practice your usage of redis and async / await


You will promisify the redis-client for use, and you will use all of its methods with the use of the awaitkeyword.

For this lab, you will use a worker to do all database-like operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Normally, you

would only pass writes off to the worker.

You will not have to utilize a cache for this assignment

You will need to run two programs!

Running 2 Processes with your npm start command

For your npm start command, simply do something like:

"start": "node worker/index.js && node server/index.js

In order to run both at once.

For the sake of this assignment, please make only one package that has dependencies for both the worker and


Your worker

You will make a file, worker.js, that performs the following:

1. When the worker starts up, it will download the dummy data


/5cf15393d245b38a2d86ce8207d5076c/raw/d529fb474c1af347702ca4d7b992256237fa2819/lab5.json) and store it in memory,

similar to last week. NOTE: you must download this data, not hardcode it.

2. The worker should respond to a request to provide the person listed at the supplied ID

3. The worker should respond to a request to create a person with the supplied information; the response should have the

newly created person data

4. The worker should respond to a request to update a person with the supplied information; the response should have the updated person data

5. The worker should respond to a request to delete a person with the supplied ID; the response should simply indicate

that the deletion was successful.

Your Routes

You will only have 4 routes!

GET /api/people/:id

This route will publish a message to request a person from the worker, and render JSON of the person (or of an error,

should once occur)

POST /api/people

This route will publish a message to request that the worker creates a person, and render JSON of the person created (or of

an error, should once occur)

DELETE /api/people/:id

This route will publish a message to request that the worker deletes a person, and render JSON stating that the operation

completed (or of an error, should once occur)

PUT /api/people/:id

This route will publish a message to request that the worker updates a person, and render JSON of the person updated (or

of an error, should once occur)

General Requirements

1. Remember to submit your package.json file but not your node_modules folder.

2. Remember to check for errors, everywhere!

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