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Homework #4 Solution

Intermediate R


Complete the following course that  you started last week: Datacamp R course.  The website will automatically record your completion  of the course, so don’t worry about  putting in a record of completion.



Poisson Regression


Poisson  regression  is used to model count  data. It falls in a class of generalized  linear  models  that extend linear  regression  and  include  things  like logistic regression.  These  can generally  be fit efficiently using the maximum  likelihood estimation process that  we described for linear regression, making them  a good class of models for practical machine learning.  R has a built  in glm function  which will fit them,  very much like the lm function.


The Poisson  distribution  is a probability distribution on the non-negative integers


N = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,


that has the following probability mass function:


P (n|λ)  =

e−λ λn



meaning  that the  probability assigned  to  the  number n  is given  by  the  above  expression  and  λ   0 is a parameter.  The  probability assigned  to  n is meant to  represent the  probability of observing  exactly  n independent occurrences of an event that occurs at  a given average  rate  over a fixed interval of time.  For example,  the number  of cars passing by in the course of 10 minutes  should follow a Poisson  distribution.


1.  Prove  that this  defines  a  probability distribution.  The  only  thing  to  show  here  is that the  total probability assigned to N is 1.


Hint: Remember  the definitions  of eλ .


2.  The  λ parameter represents the  average rate  of events  occurring. That means  that λ should  be the expected  value of the random  variable  f (x) = x on N with this Poisson  distribution. Prove  this fact.


Hints: Either  remember  the series defintion  for eλ or how to differentiate eλ .


3.  In fact, λ is also the variance  of the above random  variable.  Prove  this as well.


Hint: Another  expression  for the variance  of a random  variable  X  is E(X 2 ) − (E(X ))2 .


4.  Let Y  be a target  feature  that  we are seeking to predict  and X  an m-dimensional feature  space.  Then the model for Poisson  regression is



λ(x)  = eβ·x


where y is an observed count that  is sampled from λ(x),  and β is a vector in Rm . Put  another  way, for each xi ∈ X , we have some Poisson  distribution determined by its rate  λ(x), and  we assume  the  observed  count data  yi  is sampled  from this  distribution. Our  prediction for this  model is then  λ(x),  as this  represents the average  value of the distribution defined by λ(x)  from problem  2.


Note:  This is the same thing that  we did in linear regression: for each xi , we had a distribution β · x + N (0, σ)

of possible yi  values, and our predicted  value was the average:  β · x.

5.  Given a training set {(xi , yi )}, write an expression  for the log-likelihood as a function  of β.


6.  Write  the  log-likelihood function  in R in the  case where X  is 1-dimensional  and we have an intercept term.  Do this as a function  of the training data  and β = (β0 , β1 ).  That is, you should have a function


1_dim_poisson_log_lik <- function(beta, x, y){




that spits out a real number.


7.  Use the  R function  optim to write  a function  that maximizes  the  above likelihood function  over β in order to fit the regression model.  This should be similar  to last week’s one_dim_lm function.


1_dim_poisson <- function(x,y){




It should spit out a named  list with the estimated coefficients, predicted  values, residuals.


Hint: Make sure you understand how the  optim function  works – it requires  a real-valued function  of the parameters to minimize,  so in the  1_dim_poisson, you will need  to construct an intermediate likelihood function  that is a function  of just  β.


8.  Use the following data  set to test  your regression.  It is a simulated data  set where num_awards is the outcome  variable and  indicates the  number of awards  earned  by students at  a high school in a year, math is a continuous predictor variable  and represents students’ scores on their  math  final exam,  and prog is a categorical predictor variable  with  three  levels indicating the  type of program in which the students were enrolled.


count_data <- read.csv("")


Use your function  to fit a model num_awards ~ math. What  do the coefficients tell you?


9.  R  has   a  built   in  glm function   that  extends lm,  and   can   do  Poisson   regression,    using   the family="poisson" argument.  Use this to fit a model that  also includes prog. How does this compare? What  do the coefficients tell you?