1. Read-in command line arguments
2. Read a file
3. Loop through an array
4. Split a string
5. Create an array of struct types
6. Pass by reference
Write code to complete the Problems 1 and 2. Implement each of the problems separately.
Problem 1
Overview: You will write a program that reads up to 100 numbers from a file. As you read the numbers, insert them into an array in ascending order.
1A.Write a function called insertIntoSortedArray.
i. It should take three arguments -
a. myArray[ ] : sortedarray that should be able to hold at most 100 integers.
b. numEntries : the number of elements inserted so far.
c. newValue : the incoming value to be inserted into the sorted array (i.e. myArray[]).
ii. The insertIntoSortedArrayfunction should return a count of the elements inserted so far (i.e. the current size of the array)
This function is defined as follows:
int insertIntoSortedArray(int myArray[], int numEntries, int newValue);
1 B. Write a complete programto do the following:
i. Reading the file: Your program should take a single command line argument i.e. the name of the file where the integers are present.
a. This file needs to be stored in the same directory as your program.
b. The file should store up to 100 integers on separate lines. You can use the file named“numbers.txt”on Moodle, or create your own if you prefer.
ii. In the main function:
a. Create an array of integers to store at most 100 integers.
b. Open the file that was passed via the command line
i. If there is any error in opening the file then print the below statement std::cout << “Failed to open the file.” << std::endl;
c. Use the getlinefunction to read the integers one by one.
d. Store these integers in a sorted array by passing them to the insertIntoSortedArrayfunction (you can use the code from part 1A).
e. Each time a new number is read, print out the entire array after insertion.
The Input and Output formats are shown below:
Testcase 1:
FileContents: arr.txt
Your Output:
1, 6
1, 2, 6, 12
1, 2, 5, 6, 12
CSCI 2270 – Data Structures
Problem 2
Overview:In this question, you will write a program that:
a) Reads a “.csv” file with up to 100 lines and columns containing information on national parks.
b) Stores the information in an array of structs.
c) Write the lines where the area of the park is greater than the minimum value into the output.csvfile.
d) Prints the content of the entire array.
Create an array that holds the Park struct objects. Use the following struct declaration:
struct Park {
string parkname;
string state;
int area;
2A. Write a function named addPark:
a. The addParkfunction has the following signature:
◦ length: Number of items currently stored in the array
void addPark(Park parks[], string parkname, string state, int area, int length);
b. Instantiate a struct and store theparkname, state, area values in it.
c. Add the struct to the parks array.
2B. Write a function named printList:
b. TheprintListfunction has the following signature:
◦ length: Number of items in the array
void printList(const Park parks[], int length);
c. Loop through the parksarray.
d. Print out each element of the parksarray in the following format. “<PARKNAME> [<STATE>] area: <AREA>” using the below cout statement
std::cout << park.parkname <<" [" << park.state << "] area: "<< park.area <<
Example, “Acadia National Park [ME] area: 47390”
2C. Write a complete programwhich includes the following:
I. The parkstruct and the addPark, printList functions coded above.
II. A main()function defined as below:
1. Your main() should handle three command line arguments: the name of the input “.csv” file, the name of the output “.csv” file and a minimum area respectively.
2. Input and output files need to be stored in the same directory as your program.
3. Read from the input file, “park.csv” :
a. Each line of the file can be read using getline function.
b. Parse each line using stringstream and convert each entry into its appropriate data type. parkname should be a string, state should be a string, and area should be an integer. (Hint: Use stoi, stof functions to convert from strings to numbers)
c. Call addParkfunction to update the parksarray.
4. Call the printList function after the array has been filled with data.
5. Write into output“.csv”file:
a. Write the <parkname>, <state>, <area> of the parks, whose
<area> is more than the minimum_area (read from command line) into the output “.csv”file.
6. Make sure you close the file when you are done.
Check next page for sample input and output.
Sample Input and Output:
Testcase 1:
File Contents: data.csv
Acadia National Park, ME, 47390
Arches National Park, UT, 76519
Badlands National Park, SD, 242756
Big Bend National Park, TX, 801163
Biscayne National Park, FL, 172924
Your print Output:
Acadia National Park [ME] area: 47390
Arches National Park [UT] area: 76519
Badlands National Park [SD] area: 242756
Big Bend National Park [TX] area: 801163
Biscayne National Park [FL] area: 172924
Your output.csv file with minimum area 200000 should contain the following:
Badlands National Park, SD, 242756
Big Bend National Park, TX, 801163