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Project 2: Card game conundrum Solution

(Last updated March 24, 2019)


Over spring break, my friend and I were playing a card game. The game was kind of a strange mix of Uno and War, played with a standard deck of playing cards. Each player has a hand of 5 cards. The game starts by dealing a card from the deck onto a pile in the middle. Players then take turns playing a card from their hand. The card they play must have the same suit, as the card in the middle, or the same or higher rank. Play goes back and forth until one of the players is unable to play a card. At that point the other player gets one point. The rst player to 10 points wins.

As far as things go this is a rather silly game, but there is some strategy to it. In fact my roommate was winning pretty regularly. Therefore I came up with a cunning plan: I would program a version of this card game in java and test several simple AIs against each other. By seeing what types of AIs perform the best I would learn what strategies work the best.

1.1 Learning Goals

This assignment is designed with a few learning goals in mind:

Implement several special purpose array-based data structures

Implement a substantial example of polymorphism through interfaces

Implement several simpler objects in java (you can never have enough practice with the basics!)

See how AI driven simulations can provide insight into competitive strategies

The UnoWar card game

The card game you will be implementing is a rough mix of Uno and War. The game is played with a standard deck of cards. Each player has a 5 card hand. After playing a card each


player can draw another card. When the deck is empty it is re-shu ed (In our computer simulation we will reshu e with a new set of 52 cards, however, in real-life play only the cards not being used would be shu ed)

Each round of the game starts with a card being drawn from the deck and put in the middle. Then players take turns playing a card into the middle from their hand. A player can only play a card that has equal or higher rank (the number of the card, aces, twos, and threes are low, 10, jacks, queens, and kings are high, and so-forth.) than the card in the middle, or cards with the same suit as the card in the middle. If a player cannot play a card they can pass their turn, in which case the other player wins the round and plays rst in the next round. Play goes back and forth in this way until one player has won 10 rounds. The rst player to get 10 points in this way is the winner.

We will be implementing and testing three di erent simple strategies for this game. The rst plays a random valid card. While this is unlikely to be a good strategy, it is easy to implement and serves as a baseline strategy to compare others against.

The second strategy is to play the largest valid card every time. The idea here is to nish a round quickly and decisively, intimidating your foe into defeat.

The nal strategy is to play the smallest valid card each round. The idea here is to wait and let your opponent exhaust their good cards before you use any of yours. While this may be worse in the short term, it saves up good cards for the long term.

At the end of this assignment you will have a program that can tell you roughly how often one strategy beats the other.

Random Number generation in Java

The Java class library provides a class called Random that implements a random number generator. You will use it to help shu e the deck. To use Random, you must put the following line at the start of your program.

import java.util.Random;

You need only Random's constructor and its method nextInt. The constructor call new Random() returns a new instance of the class Random. If r is an instance of Random, then r.nextInt(10) returns a randomly generated int between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive). You can pass whatever upper bound you want into nextInt to generate numbers from 0 to any speci ed upper bound.


The design for this program is very typical of an Object-Oriented design. This is to say, it has many classes, most of which are small and serve one well de ned purpose:

Card - represents one playing card

Deck - represents a deck of playing cards


Hand - represents a hand of playing cards

CardPile - represents a pile of playing cards

UnoWarMatch - represents a match-up of two AIs at UnoWar (one match-up may be settled by thousands of actual games, this object handles both single games, and multiple game series)

AI - a Java Interface describing what methods an UnoWar AI has.

RandomCardAI - an AI that plays the rst valid card it nds in its hand. SmallestCardAI - an AI that plays the lowest-rank valid card in its hand. BiggestCardAI - an AI that plays the highest-rank valid card in its hand.

Tournament - a driver class with a main method that reports the win-rate for every possible pair of AIs.

While this may sound like many classes to write, most of them are relatively simple on their own. By splitting the behavior up like this you can also focus on single classes at a time. You could, for example, try to write one (and only one) class a day and be done in a little over a week.

4.1 Card

The Card class represents a single playing card. There are MANY ways to represent a playing card in any modern programming language. We are going to represent these with two integers: rank (the number on the card) and suit. For rank we will use 1 to represent \Ace", 2 to represent \Two", and so-forth until we hit 11 (Jack) 12 (Queen) and 13 (King). For suit we will use 1 to represent Spades, 2 to represent Hearts, 3 to represent Clubs, and 4 to represent Diamonds.

Your card object should be immutable, meaning that once constructed there should be no way to change it. Your Card class can have any other variables or methods you want, but it must have all of the following methods. These methods must have these exact names, and parameter types (although you can name the parameters di erently)

public Card(int rank, int suit)

Constructor - the rst int should indicate the rank of the card (1 = Ace, 2 = Two, ..., 11 = Jack, 12 = Queen, 13 = King) The second int indicates the suit 1 = Spades, 2

= Hearts, 3 = Clubs, 4 = Diamonds. This constructor should validate it's inputs { if an invalid suit or rank is given it should throw an IllegalArgumentException.

public int getRankNum()

This method should return the number representation of the cards rank.


public String getRankName()

This method should return the string naming the cards rank. (I.E. \Ace", \Four", \Ten", \Queen" etc.) All rank names should be capitalized

public String getSuitName()

This method should return the string naming the cards suit (\Spades", \Hearts", \Clubs", or \Diamonds")

public String toString()

Your Card should override the default toString method to one that prints a human readable name for the card. Once written this will help you when using print to debug since it provides a human readable description of the card. Examples of the type of output we are looking for can be found in the test les.

public boolean equals(Object obj)

You card class should override the default equals method. A Card should only be equal to other instances of the Card class, and then only other cards that have the same rank and suit.

4.2 Deck

The Deck class represents a deck of cards. It must use an array of type cards (length 52) to represent the cards and their current order. Other variables may be useful as well.

We are going to implement Deck so that if you draw from an empty deck it automatically reshu es. In the real world reshu ing a deck of cards would only replace cards not otherwise in use. To make life simpler, however, we will reshu e a new deck of 52 cards. While this may lead to certain cards being duplicated in our game, it shouldn't substantially e ect the quality of our simulation.

Your Deck can have any other variables or methods you want, but it must have all of the following methods. These methods must have these exact names, and parameter types (although you can name the parameters di erently)

public Deck()

Constructor - creates a new deck. Makes an array containing 52 di erent Cards. You must use one or more loops: you will receive no points if you just write 52 assignment statements. The order of Card's within the array does not matter. The last line of your constructor should call your shu e method so that all decks are shu ed by default.

public void shuffle()

Shu e the deck of Card's that is represented by the array you made in the constructor.

The easiest way is the Durstenfeld-Fisher-Yates1 algorithm, named after its inventors.

For more information on this algorithm I recommend the Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Fisher-Yates_shuffle| it is both informative, and currently free of actual Java source code (looking up source code for this algorithm would be cheating, so be careful what you search)


The algorithm exchanges randomly chosen pairs of array elements, and works in O(n) time for an array of size n. You must use the following pseudocode for this algorithm.

Do the following steps for the integer values of i starting from the length of the array minus one, and ending with 1.

Let j be a random integer between 0 and i, inclusive.

Exchange the array elements at indexes i and j.

public Card draw()

Draw and return the next card. Whatever card is drawn should not be drawn again until the deck is shu ed again. This should decrease the number of cards remaining. You need not pick a Card at random, because the Card's in the array will already be shu ed into an appropriate order. This method must work in O(1) time (unless it needs to reshu e). If the deck is empty it should shu e the cards and then deal the new top of the deck.

public int cardsRemaining()

Returns the number of cards remaining before the next reshu e. This should return 52 after constructor or a call to shu e, and decrease with calls to draw down to 0.

public boolean isEmpty()

Returns whether or not the deck is empty. If this returns true, the next call to draw will trigger a reshu e.

4.3 Hand

The Hand class represents a hand full of cards. To make this class easier to use, we will make the hand class automatically draw cards from a deck as cards are removed from the hand. While we will only use one hand size for this speci c program, the Hand class should be designed to work with any sized hand. Designing it this way will let this class be reused in the future.

The Hand class must represent the hand of cards using an array of cards.

public Hand(Deck deck, int size)

Constructor. This should create an array to store cards of the given size, and then draw it full of cards using the supplied deck.

public int getSize()

Get the size of the hand.

public Card get(int i)

Get the card at the given index in this hand. If the index is 0 it would be the rst, card, 1 should give the second card, etc. If an index is given that is out of bounds this method should throw a IllegalArgumentException.


public boolean remove(Card card)

This method should remove a given card from the hand. If the card is found in the hand it should be removed, and a replacement card should be drawn from the deck. In this case the method should return true. If the card is not found in the hand it should return false. You should design this method to work if the input card is null (you can, however, safely assume that the cards in the hand are not null)

4.4 CardPile

The CardPile class represents the pile of cards that players play onto, and is where several of the rules of the game are implemented. We could use an array or linked stack to represent the card pile (cards are always placed on the top, and only the top is referenced). However, if you think carefully you may nd that this is more work than is needed for the behavior of this object, given that we never need to reference anything but the current top card.

The methods the card pile should implement are described below:

public CardPile(Card topCard)

Constructor. This should create a new card pile with the given card as the initial top card.

public boolean canPlay(Card card)

This method should check if the input card is legal to play on the current stack. As a reminder of the rules for this: a card can be played if it has a higher rank than the current top card, has the same rank as the current top card, or if it has the same suit as the top card.

public void play(Card card)

Adds another card to the card pile, making this the new top card. If the input card is not legal to play on the top of the card pile, this method should throw a IllegalArgumentException.

public int getNumCards()

Gets the number of cards in the CardPile.

public Card getTopCard()

Gets the current top card for this CardPile

4.5 AI interface

The AI (short for arti cial intelligence) interface should be a java interface, not a class. This interface describes all the behavior needed to represent a strategy for the UnoWar game. Classes that implement this, therefore, are AIs for the UnoWar game. If you want, you could also implement a human interface to this game as an implementation of the AI interface.

The AI interface has one method:


public Card getPlay(Hand hand, CardPile cardPile)

This method takes two parameters, the hand, full of cards the AI is allowed to play, and the cardPile that the AI is playing on. The AI should pick a card from the hand and return it to mark it as the card the AI intends to play. The AI can return null to indicate that they have no card that can be played on this card pile. The AI is not responsible for removing the card from the hand { this will be managed by another class. The AI should not return a card that is not in the input hand.

While this does not need to be indicated in the AI interface (it certainly can, but it doesn't have to) each AI should also implement the toString method.

4.6 UnoWarMatch

The UnoWarMatch class contains the majority of the code involving playing a game of UnoWar between two strategies that are implemented as instances of the AI interface. Broadly, this class does not represent one game of UnoWar, instead it represents a match-up between two AIs for this game. Therefore it not only has a function to play a single game of UnoWar, but also a function to play many games of UnoWar and compute the win-rate of one AI over another.

Note, the only instance variables for this class should be two AI objects. While there are other attributes such as a deck of cards, hands, or win/loss rates that you will be tempted to make instance variables, all of these are essentially local to one single method. Adding these as instance variables will make your life much more complicated, and make it much easier for you to write incorrect code.

While we only mandate the following three methods for UnoWarMatch, we recommend that you make several other private methods. The process of playing a single game of UnoWar is complicated enough that decomposing it into methods, or possibly even further classes, may be useful.

public UnoWarMatch(AI ai1, AI ai2)

Constructor. This takes the two AIs that this UnoWarMatch class is intended to compare.

public boolean playGame()

Play a single game of Uno War. This should play the UnoWar game as described earlier in the write-up until one of the AIs has won 10 rounds. The return value should be true if ai1 wins, and false if ai2 wins.

As a brief reminder: The basic ow of the game is done in rounds, with each round being worth one point. Each round the AIs take turns playing a card from their hand into the card pile. The round ends when one AI has no valid card in their hand, at which point the other AI gets a point, and plays rst in the next round.

Some details on this method:

{ This method should start by constructing a new deck, hand, and card pile objects for the current match-up. (These objects should not be re-used game-to-game).


{ This method should make sure cards are removed from the AIs hands once they are chosen for play. We do this here instead of in the AI class so that we can't write a cheating AI.

{ Remember, the AI can chose to play null if no card is valid. { AI 1 should play rst in the rst round.

public double winRate(int nTrials)

This method should have the AIs play eachother nTrials times, and report the percent of times AI 1 beat AI2 as a double. The return value should be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Since the winner of this game is partially determined by chance (the best AI can't win if it only gets bad cards) the game may need to be repeated thousands of times to get a precise estimate of the chance of one AI beating another.

4.7 AI Implementations

You are required to implement 3 further classes implementing basic AIs. All three classes should implement the AI interface. None of these classes should need any instance variables. All three interfaces should implement the AI interface method, and toString with toString simply returning the name of the class: \Random Card AI", \Smallest Card AI", and \Biggest Card AI".

The three AIs and their expected behavior as as follows:


This AI should play a random valid card from its hand. Since we do not sort the hand in any way, one easy way to implement this is simply to return the rst valid card. While we don't expect this strategy to be particularly e ective, it is traditionally to compare against the \random baseline" to help understand if an AI implements a strategy that is worse than playing with no strategy at all.


This AI should play the lowest-rank valid card in its hand every time. (Ties can be broken arbitrarily - we do not require any speci c policy)


This AI should play the largest-rank valid card in its hand every time. (Ties can be broken arbitrarily - we do not require any speci c policy)

4.8 Tournament

This is the driver class for this program, meaning it only needs to have a main method. The main method should print the win rate of every pair of AIs. The output of my program is given below: Your code does not need to output this exactly (infact, I would be surprised if it did, as estimated winRate is somewhat random) but it should contain all this information


Random Card AI vs. Random Card AI winRate: 0.499

Random Card AI vs. Smallest Card AI winRate: 0.002

Random Card AI vs. Biggest Card AI winRate: 0.842

Smallest Card AI vs. Random Card AI winRate: 0.998

Smallest Card AI vs. Smallest Card AI winRate: 0.499

Smallest Card AI vs. Biggest Card AI winRate: 0.999

Biggest Card AI vs. Random Card AI winRate: 0.156

Biggest Card AI vs. Smallest Card AI winRate: 0.0

Biggest Card AI vs. Biggest Card AI winRate: 0.491


There are a few limitations for this project. First and foremost, as usual this is NOT a collaborative project. You should not show your code to anyone, or look at any other code for this problem, nor should you closely discuss solution details with anyone else. If you need help on any part of this project please email the course sta and we can provide assistance.

Secondly, Card and Deck classes are not particularly uncommon programming assign-ments. You should be very careful if you search for assistance with this project not to search for implementation of these classes. Looking at ANY other implementation of these classes will be considered a breach of academic integrity. If you need help on any part of this project please email the course sta and we can provide assistance.

Thirdly, you should not use any of the standard java library classes other than Random and String. In particular you are forbidden from using the java collections (I.E List, Stack, Queue, etc.) the goal of the Deck, Hand, and CardPile classes is to implement these from scratch using only arrays. The only standard java classes you are permitted to use are java.util.Random and String. If you want to use any other pre-built class please email Daniel and ask for permission, I will address these on a case-by-case basis. While this is not perfectly re ective of industrial programming, using the pre-built classes defeats the purpose of the assignment in this case.

Testing and incremental development

While this project has a substantial number of things to program. Each of these can be tackled relatively individually. The idea behind a design like this is to spread the total complexity of the program enough that no one part is actually that complicated. Therefore you should plan enough time to write and test each method from each class. But in doing so remember, that you can focus on only one class a time. So long as it works correctly, you will not need to worry too much about how other classes use it.

To make this process easier I have uploaded ve test drivers for various parts of the program. While these do not test every behavior that I expect, they should serve as a good starting point for your own personal testing process. These are not intended to replace


your own personal tests. You should test every piece of code you write, using these les as a base.

Since some of these tests rely on the behavior of other classes (you can't test Deck without a working Card class, for example) there is an intended order to these tests. The intended order of completing these tests is as follows:

Note, these tests only cover some of the simpler classes. You will want to design your own tests to be sure the behavior of the nal few classes is correct.


For this project you should submit the following les:

As well as the le for any helper classes you may write. We should be able to run your code given only the les you submit, so do not forget to include any necessary le.

I've been told that canvas does allow multiple le submissions, However, to make sure there are no errors on our part in managing these les, we ask that you submit a zip le


containing these les. Please email or attend o ce hours if you need assistance submitting a zip le.

Please name your submission < before uploading it to Canvas. (We will handle unzipping the les and renaming the le for testing as needed.) This will help us resolve any issues with identifying les during automated testing that might arise. Your work must be submitted on Canvas by Monday, April 15th at 6:00PM.


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