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Assignment #5: SELECT statements Solution

With regard to the deliverable, your SELECT statements are all I need! You can insert them here in the empty spaces between questions, you can submit them here without the questions (i.e., delete the questions), or you can submit a text file that contains nothing but the three statements. That being said, the submission of a file is required, though. (That is, do NOT simply copy your statements into a text box on the Canvas submission page.)


Q1. Draw from the gymnast data model to prepare a statement showing university name and the gymnast’s first and last name. Include only the records for gymnasts who are NOT team captains. (The gymnastCaptain field contains only two values: ‘Y’ and ‘N’.) Sort by university name (ascending order) and then by gymnast last name (ascending order).

Q2. Draw from the project data model to prepare a statement showing employee first name, employee last name, employee title, and department name. Include only the records for employees who have NOT been assigned to a project (i.e., employees who do not appear in the proj2emp table). To include only such employees, your SELECT statement should use the NOT EXISTS command and an inner query. Hint #1: This statement is very, very similar to the NOT EXISTS statement in the SQL Code Part 3 file. Hint #2: Recall that when a statement contains a second WHERE clause (as this statement does), the second clause must begin with the AND command.

Q3. Draw from the project data model to prepare a statement showing employee first name, employee last name, employee title, and a calculated column based on the product of the empHourlyWage and proj2empEstHours columns. Each field in the SELECT clause should have an alias: “Employee Name”; “Employee Title”; and “Labor Cost for Employee.” Include only the records for the project ‘ERP System’. (‘ERP System’ is a value in the projectName field; it has its own record in the project table.) Sort by the calculated column in descending order.



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