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BT6270: Computational Neuroscience Solved

The details of Assignment-1 are given below

Assignment description:

We have attached the MATLAB code which simulates the Hodgkin Huxley model.

You need to run, and modify this code so as to find and plot the following:

    1. Threshold values for the external applied currents I1, I2, and I3 in which shift of dynamical behavior from one to another is seen, such as no AP, finite number of AP's, Continuous firing and then followed by distortion resulting in no more APs.

    2. A graph which depicts the firing rate (frequency) as you change the applied external current (i.e. Iext vs. Firing rate (f)). You can make this plot either in Matlab or Python.

General Instructions:

    • A valid submission requires a compressed zip or tar file named as “<ROLLNO>” containing the following files:

o A detailed report which includes the values asked for, the assumptions made, your observations, and the plots required.
o The Matlab /python code used to generate the plot required (Iext vs f). o Any other user defined functions which would be required for this
main code to run.

    • Please email the TAs the completed assignment (zip or rar file) with the subject: “ BT6270: Assignment - 1”. The email IDs of the Tas are given below,

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