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Project 2 Adding preprocessing to a Prolog-based SAT solver Solution

In this project, you will write add preprocessing steps to the Prolog-based SAT solver described in the paper A Pearl on SAT Solving in Prolog.

You should work in groups of 2, but groups of 1 or 3 are also accpetable if this works better for you (3 is the maximum.) You should use the SWI Prolog system, accessible on via the prolog command. Your code should be compatible with the provided SAT solver code.

Task 1

(Worth 8/10)

To complete the basic task, you must write code that will do a pure literal elimination preprocessing step. Recall the a literal ` is pure with respect to a CNF formula C if every occurence of ` in C has the same polarity. The polarity of ` is negative if ` is a negated variable and positive otherwise. Pure literal elimination requires the following steps:

Identify pure literals

Remove clauses containing occurrences of any pure literal

Set each variable corresponding to a pure literal to the polarity of the literal

Due to the extremely e cient nature of DPLL with unit propagation using the watched literal method, modern SAT solvers only apply pure literal elimination once as a preprocessing step.

Your implementation of pure literal elimination will use the representation of clauses discussed in the paper. In particular, a clause is a list of lists of literals. Each literal is a pair consisting of a polarity and a variable. Here is a polarity is either true or false and a variable is just a Prolog variable, e.g., X. Pairs in Prolog are represented using the - constructor. So the literals corresponding to the variable X would be true-X and false-X. The CNF ffx; yg; fx; y; zgg would have the representation


You should de ne a predicate pure literal eliminate/4. If Clauses is a list representing a CNF and Vars is the list of variables appearing in Clauses,

?- pure_literal_eliminate(Clauses,Vars,El_Clauses,El_Vars)

should succeed with El Clauses being bound to the list of clauses representing the resulting CNF (as described in (2) above) and El Vars being the list of variables with any corresponding to a pure variable being bound to its polarity. For example, we have:

?- pure_literal_eliminate([[false-X,true-Y],[true-X,false-Y,true-Z]],[X,Y,Z],El_Clauses,El_Vars).

El_Clauses = [[false-X, true-Y]],

El_Vars = [X, Y, true] .

Note here that Z is the only variable that occurs as a pure literal (with positive polarity,) so the one clause containing it is removed, and it is set to true in the list of variables.

Some ideas Prolog has built-in predicates flatten/2 which turns a list-of-lists into a list, and list to set/2 which remains duplicate entries from a list. You can use these predicates to go from a CNF formula in the given representation to a list containing all the literals that appear in the formula (without repetition.) Once you have the set of all literals, it is relatively easy to de ne a predicate purify/2 such that if Literals is the set of all literals, then purify(Literals,PureLiterals) will bind PureLiterals to the set of all literals which occur with only one polarity in Literals. Note that purify can take advantage of the fact that list to set already removed any duplicate literals (i.e., we don't have to worry about the particular polarities in the literals.)

Once we have PureLiterals, we can de ne predicates eliminate clauses/3 and set vars/3 that take case of steps (2) and (3) above. In short, we can de ne:

pure_literal_eliminate(Clauses,Vars,El_Clauses,El_Vars) :-






Complications It would be nice at this point if we could use built-in Prolog predicates such as select (to remove duplicates) and intersection (to see whether a pure literal occurs in a clause.) Unfortunately, things are complicated by the representation we are using for CNF formulas, in particular, using Prolog variables to represent variables in the formula. The predicates described above consider two terms to be equal if they can be uni ed, but for our purposes we need syntactic equality, e.g., to decide whether variables are equal to each other. Fortunately, Prolog provides the predicates == for syntactic equality, and n== for syntactic inequality. If this isn't clear, try the following:

?- X = Y.

X = Y.

?- X \= Y.


?- X == Y.


?- X \== Y.


Single equality = means uni ability. Clearly we can unify the variables X and Y, that is why the rst query succeeds (we can just set X to Y) and the second fails. For syntactic equality ==, the third query faiis. So when you are testing for an occurrence of a variable (or overlap between a clause and the set of pure literals) you will need to use ==, when you are testing for nonoccurrence (or disjointness) you will need to use n==, etc.

Task 2

(Worth 1/10)

Implement one of the preprocessing steps described in the paper E ective Preprocessing in SAT through Variable and Clause Elimination.

Task 3

(Worth 1/10)

The goal of this task is to evaluate the e ectiveness of pure literal elimination as a preprocessing step. Using the testing harness provided with this distribution of the solver, compare the performance of the solver using pure literal elimination versus static variable ordering.

Deliverables and Detailed Grade Breakdown

For Task 1, you only need to submit a single .pl le named pure literal (start with the supplied template.) For task 2, submit a separate, appropriately named source le, as well as a documentation le. For task 3, do not submit any code, just a summary report. Submit everything as a single .tar.gz le. The name of the le should be the conneX ID of the group member who submits the le (only one submission per group is required.) The submitted le should extract to a single directory with the same name as the

.tar.gz le (even if you only do Task 1 and are submitting a single le, put it in a directory. More speci - cally, to create the submission, you should be in a directory which contains the directory subid, and execute the following:

tar cvzf subid.tar.gz subid

where subid is the conneX ID of the submitter, as described above.)

The grader will test your submission as follows: after executing tar xvzf subid.tar.gz, the grader should be able to nd the Prolog source les and the report for Task 3, if you are submitting this. Include a README with a listing of all the les in the directory, as well as names and Vnumbers of all group members.

For Task 1, the grader will run your code on a selection of test cases (I will being a subset of test cases when they are ready.)

For Task 2, the grader will not necessarily try to execute your code. You should provide a separate le explaining your code, including a transcript of its behaviour on a representative sample of inputs.

For Task 3, the grader will read your report.

You only need to provide one submission for your group.

Supplied Files

The assignment page has links for the following les:

flops.pdf { the paper A Pearl on SAT Solving in Prolog

sat solver { a version of the solver that will work with SWI Prolog


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