The formula to calculate the monthly payment, given loan L, term T in year and annual interest rate R is:
Create a Monthly Payment Calculator webpage as below with a textbox to enter loan, a dropdown list to select interest rate, three radiobuttons to select term and a button to compute the monthly payment using PHP.
This web page must meet the following requirements:
1. The loan textbox must have a value (cannot be blank) that is between 10000 and 500000 and the monthly payment must display with a currency format with a dollar sign and two decimal points.
2. You should create a Cascade Style Sheet to format this web page. The style sheet should demo a style for a class, a style for a html element, a style for an element with an id, and a pseudo class selector to demo event such as hover.
3. You should do this assignment in two ways:
a. Use a html file to create the form and call a PHP program to process the data and display the payment.
b. Use a PHP program to present the form and call itself to process and display the payment with the input data.
4. You must use comment lines to enter your name, section and briefly explain the purpose of the program.
Test your program with the following data: Loan = 150,000, rate = 6%, term = 15 year. You may use Excel’s PMT function to verify your output.
Submit the code view and the screenshot of the page as it runs.