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Homework 2.5 Solution

Let’s get a bit more practice with C++ and concepts of software development.  Extend your  class  as  indicated  in  the attached header  file.   Do  note  you  may  have  more methods or members  than indicated in the provided  header.  What I have given you is a minimum,  not  a maximum.   Be mindful  of making  changes  to the public  interface. As in the last assignment, I will be using it for testing.


This   assignment  is  worth  4  out  of  3  Points—3  for  compiling  with  no  warnings and passing all tests with an additional point for style.


Existing: class should maintain at least the following from 02hw for unit testing:


• constructor 1: The default constructor sets both the real and imaginary  component members to 0.0.


• constructor  2:  Accepts a double value which is assigned to the imaginary  component member.  The real component member  is set to 0.0.


• constructor 3:  Accepts two double values for the real and imaginary  component members.  The first parameter should be assigned to the real and the second parameter assigned to the imaginary  member.


• real:  The  overloaded  method  should  return the real  portion  of the Complex  instance  or set  it  if a double parameter is passed.


• imag: The overloaded  method should return the imaginary  portion of the Complex  instance or set it if a double parameter is passed.

New: In addition  to the above  methods,  you must  create  and  update  the following portions  of the public interface:


• ToComplex: This static method shall accept a string of the type described  in ToString and return a Complex  class instance. In this version of the method, you must detect and  assert the validity of the string representation.  A viable representation is, in order:


1.  An open parenthesis ‘(’

2.  0 or more space characters (no ‘\t’ or ‘\n’ characters)

3.  A possibly signed (±) integer or floating point value

4.  0 or more space characters

5.  Exactly one of

(a)  A ‘+’ or ‘−’ character, signifying an imaginary  number  is present, followed by i.  0 or more space characters

ii.  an unsigned  integer or floating point value

(b)  The character ‘i’, signifying that no real is present, or

(c)  A close parenthesis character ‘)’, signifying no imaginary  number  given, the Complex is found, and the method is done.

6.  0 or more space characters

7.  A close parenthesis


• LT and  operator<:  These  comparison  methods should  implement comparison  via the complex of a modulus number.  For a given complex v = (α + γi),  the modulus or v¯ is defined as v¯ = pα2  + γ2 . You

will need to determine a means to compare  Complex instances to ints and doubles using this logic.

CSCE  240                                                               Homework 2.5                                                             Page 2 of 2




• operator:  This function (friend or not) shall accept an istream object and Complex object.  It shall extract a string of the type described  in ToString from the stream and return a complex number.   As in ToComplex,  the method should  assert the validity of string representation.  The  function should correctly accept and return the istream object so that it behaves  as cin.


• IsComplex:  these static methods should  examine  the contents of their respective string and  stream instances  to ensure  that a Complex  can  be extracted  from the contained  representation.   Note  that the istream must be maintained—that is after you have evaluated its contents, you must place those contents back  on the stream.   You  may  want to read  the istream::putback documentation.   It will require  a modicum  of creativity to get this correct for the overloaded  stream method.



Submission: To  get  credit,  you must  upload  a zipped  (not tarred, gzipped,  or 7zwhatever- itscalled) archive  containing your submission  files in the the directory tree:


• username/hw/02  05/. The archive  file should be named:



In both cases, the username  should be your Blackboard login name.  Your two files should be named:


• complex.h, and




Late submissions  will be handled  as per syllabus with no extensions or penalty reductions applied.  Plan your work and questions accordingly.


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