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Lab 12 Solution


Implement an abstract class

Use pointers and references effectively

Question 1:

Download lab12_Q1.cpp. Triangles, and Circles are Shapes, geometric objects which can have their perimeter and area calculated. Implement a Shape abstract class, which can be used in the following manner:

void describeShape(Shape &s) {

double area = s.getArea();

string type = s.getType();

double perim = s.getPerimeter();

cout << “This “ << type << “ has a perimeter of: “

<< perim << “ and an area of: “ << area << endl;


The Shape class is provided for you. Implement Triangle and Circle classes and use the given driver program to produce the following output:

Please do not modify the driver program. No state pertaining to the Triangle or Circle may be stored in the Shape objects. Use Heron’s formula for calculating the area of a Triangle: A = √(s (s - a)(s - b)(s - c)), s = (a + b + c)/2

Question 2:

Download lab12_Q2.cpp. The following function accepts objects by reference and indicates the object that has larger area by storing a value in the variable pointed to by result. Implement the function using the classes defined in Question 1.


Determines the larger area between two Shape objects
The larger area is stored in result

void largerArea(Shape &a, Shape &b, double *result);

Use the given driver program to produce the following output:

Note, largerArea() must not produce terminal output, the value must be passed to the caller through the result pointer variable.

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