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Assignment #4 Solution

General Instructions


• Feel free to talk  to other  members  of the  class in doing the  homework.  You should, however, write down your solutions yourself.  List the names  of everyone you worked with at the top of your submission.


• Keep your solutions brief and clear.


• Please use Piazza if you have questions about  the homework but do not post answers.

Feel free to use private  posts or come to the office hours.



Homework Submission


• We DO NOT accept  late homework submissions.  If you submission is late,  it will be awarded 0 points.


• We will be using Compass  for collecting the  homework assignments.   Please  submit your answers via Compass.  Hard copies are not accepted.


• Contact  the TAs if you are having technical  difficulties in submitting the assignment;

attempt to submit  well in advance of the due date/time.


• The homework must be submitted in pdf  format.  Scanned handwritten and/or hand- drawn pictures  in your documents  won’t be accepted.


• Please do not zip the answer document (PDF)  so that  the graders can read it directly on Compass.  You need to submit  one answer document,  named as hw4    netid.pdf.


• Please see the assignments page for more details.  In particular, we will be announcing errata,  if any, on this page.


• Please do  not submit hand-drawn graphs(B+ trees, hash tables, etc.)  for this HW; otherwise, we  will  deduct half  the points from what you  get.




1 Indexing (10  pts)


1. [7] Suppose we want to build an index on a relation  R which has a total  of x records, with each block capable of holding either  y records or z key-pointer  pairs.  Assuming x is divisible by y, please answer the following questions  (if your value evaluates  to a fraction, use ceiling          or floor          as appropriate):


(a)  [3] Suppose you construct  a simple single level index, and that  index is dense. How many index blocks are required to access all of the records of R?



(b)  [4] Suppose the  index built  is sparse.  If the  index stores a pointer  to the  lowest search key in each block, and the index is a simple single level index, how many data  blocks do we need?  How many index blocks do we need?



2. [3] True/False question - In order to use a dense index, you will have to have the data file sorted  by the search key; otherwise, you will need to use a sparse index.  Explain your reasoning.

 2 B+ tree (30  points)


Consider a B+  tree of degree 2 shown below:





1. [10] Draw the B+  tree that  would result from inserting  a data  entry  with key 13.




2. [10] Based on the B+  tree that  you drew in the previous question,  draw the B+  tree that  would result from deleting the data  entry  with key 75.



3. [10] Based on the B+  tree that  you drew in the previous question,  draw the B+  tree that  would result from deleting the data  entry  with key 89.

3  Extensible Hashing (30  pts)


Assume you have a extensible hash table with hash function h(k) = k mod 13, expressed as a binary string of size 4, and data  block of size 2 (i.e., it can accommodate  two tuples).  You are asked to index the following key values in order:  25, 13, 23, 21.


1. [20] Draw the extensible hash table  which obeys the above constraints after  the four keys are inserted.



2. [10] Using your solution  to the  previous  question,  now consider insertion  of keys 18 and 20 into the hash table,  and draw the resulting  hash table.

4  Linear Hashing (30  pts)


Consider a linear hash table with r ≤ 1.76n with each data block capable of holding 2 records (that is, the average number of record per bucket should not exceed 88% of the total number of records per block):








1. [10] Insert  1001 and draw the resulting  table.




2. [20] With  your solution from the previous question, insert 1101, 1110, 0001 incremen- tally  and draw the final table;  that  is, insert  one at  a time, check the condition,  and move to the next one.

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