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Malloc Assignment Solution

In this lab, you’ll write a dynamic storage allocator for C programs, i.e., your own version of the malloc and free functions. Specifically, your library will provide mm_malloc and mm_freeanalogous to malloc and free.

Getting Started
Start by unpacking The only file you will be modifying and handing in is "mm.c". The "usemem.c" program is a driver program that allows you to test and evaluate your solution, where a command-line flag selects a test mode. Use make to generate the driver code and run it as, for example,

$ ./usemem --single

See Driver Program for information about command-line flags to usemem.

When you have completed the lab, you will hand in only one file, "mm.c", which contains your solution.

How to Work on the Lab
Your dynamic storage allocator will consist of the following three functions, which are declared in "mm.h" and defined in "mm.c":

int mm_init(void *heap, size_t heap_size);
void *mm_malloc(size_t size);
void mm_free(void *ptr);
The "mm.c" file that we have given you implements a very simple allocator that handles a single allocation block. It passes only the --single testing mode of usemem. You will need to improve the allocator to pass other modes.

mm_init: Before calling mm_malloc or mm_free, the driver program calls mm_init to perform any necessary initialization, such as setting up the initial heap area. The mm_init function is called with a pointer to memory (allocated via mmap) as its first argument, and the second argument is the size of that memory region in bytes. The heap pointer and heap size are both page-aligned, which also means that they’re aligned to 16 bytes, and the heap size is at least 4096.
Your allocator must not call mmap, sbrk, or malloc. It must perform all allocation in the memory region provided to mm_init, which should be sufficient to run the associated tests as long as your allocator’s per-block overhead is small enough (see Evaluation).

In usemem’s --timing mode, the mm_init function is called more than once. Your mm_initfunction should reset your implementation to its initial state for each call.

mm_malloc: The mm_malloc function returns a pointer to an allocated block payload of at least size bytes, where size is greater than 0 and less than 232. The entire allocated block must lie within the heap region, the payload pointer must be aligned to 16 bytes, and the block must not overlap with any other allocated block.
If the allocator does not have space to accomodate the requested block, it must return NULL (as opposed to crashing or returning a bad block).

mm_free: The mm_free function frees the block for the given payload pointer. It returns nothing.
Beyond correctness, your goal is to produce an allocator that performs well in time and space. That is, the mm_malloc and mm_free functions should should stay close enough to the amount of memory needed to hold the payload of mm_malloc calls, and it should work quickly enough. The higher levels of completion correspond to lower overhead and higher performance.

Driver Program
The usemem program calls mm_init, mm_malloc, and mm_free in different patterns to exercise your allocator in different, increasingly demanding ways, parameterzied by a count n, size s, and iteration count iters.

--single : allocates a single block of size s and frees it. A second allocation is attempted, but a result of NULL is accepted. The initial and (possibly) second allocated block are freed. This combination is repeated iters times.
Even the starting code’s allocator passes in this mode.

--singles : allocates n blocks that are all of size n. The blocks are deallocated via mm_free in different orders for different iterations, where the mm_malloc-all, mm_free-all sequence is repeated iters times.
The initial heap given to mm_init is big enough to allow up to 32 bytes of overhead per allocated block or 16 bytes per allocated block with --compact. It also allows payload sizes to be rounded up to the next multiple of 16. Finally, it allows 64 extra bytes, which might be used for prolog and/or terminator blocks.

An allocator with an implicit free list and without coalescing can pass in this mode.

--excessive : allocates blocks between s and 2s in size, but keeps allocating until mm_mallocreturns NULL. All of the blocks are freed, and the mm_malloc-all, mm_free-all sequence is repeated iters times.
Any allocator should pass in this mode, which just checks that the allocator eventually returns NULL and can continue to work afterward.

--shrinking : allocates 1 block of size n*s/2, frees it, and allocates 2 blocks of size n*s/4, and so on. The iters parameter is not used.
An allocator with an implicit free list and without coalescing can pass in this mode, but an allocator that splits blocks badly can fail.

--growing : allocates n blocks of size s, frees them all, allocates n/2 blocks of size 2s, and so on. The progression from small to large blocks is repeated iters times.
An allocator with an implicit free list and with coalescing can pass in this mode.

--timing : allocates n blocks of size s to 2s, frees half of them, allocates replacements, and then frees all of the blocks. This pattern is repeated iters times, and the total run time is recorded. Then, the whole process is repeated with an n that is four times as large to check whether the recorded time is roughly linear in n.
An allocator with an explicit free list and with coalescing can pass in this mode, as long as insertion into and removal from the free list is constant-time.

Independent of the mode, usemem also accepts the following flags:

--n n : sets n.
--s s : sets s.
--iters iters : sets iters.
--compact : reduces the amount of heap space given to the allocator. Normally, enough space is given for the mode’s allocation assuming 32 bytes of overhead per block, but --compactreduces the assumed overhead to 16 bytes per block.
Programming Rules
Your "mm.c" must be implemented in ANSI standard C with GNU extensions, as always.
You must not change any of the interfaces in "mm.c". We will compile your "mm.c" with a fresh copy of the driver files.
You must not invoke any memory-management related library calls or system calls, including mmap, malloc, calloc, free, realloc, sbrk, brk, or any variants.
You must not define any global or static compound variables such as arrays, structs, trees, or lists in your "mm.c" program. However, you are allowed to declare types (including structtypes) in "mm.c", and you are allowed to declare global scalar variables such as integers, floats, and pointers in "mm.c".
Your grade will be calculated as follows:

A program that passes in --single, --singles, --excessive, and --shrinking modes will receive 60 points.
A program that additionally passes in --growing mode will receive 80 points.
A program that passes with --compact in all modes except --timing will receive 90 points.
A program that additionally passes in --timing mode (with and without --compact) will receive 100 points.
The makefile provides test60, test80, test90, and test100 targets that run tests for all modes for the corresponding grade. The tests include varying n and s values, and all combinations must pass. Running all tests should take under 1 second.

Compile with gcc -g and use a debugger. A debugger will help you isolate and identify out of bounds memory references.
Understand every line of the malloc implementations in the slides. The slides have a detailed example of a simple allocator based on an implicit free list, and the slides also have useful code fragments for explicit free lists.
But beware:

The slides discuss sbrk-based allocators and mmap-based allocators, and your task is neither, since mm_init is called with all of the memory that your allocator gets to use. Fortunately, that constraint makes the problem simpler.
Code in the slides includes a small mistake that does not make the allocator misbehave in general, but it makes the allocator suffer from unnecessary fragmentation in some cases. Since usemem constrains the heap size used by the allocator, to avoid running out of memory in some cases, you’ll need to discover and repair that inefficiency.
Encapsulate your pointer arithmetic in functions or C preprocessor macros. Pointer arithmetic in memory managers is confusing and error-prone because of all the casting that is necessary. You can reduce the complexity significantly by writing macros for your pointer operations. See the textbook and slides for examples.
If you use macros, put each use of a macro argument in parentheses within the macro definition, and always put parentheses around the right-hand side of a macro definition. Otherwise, it’s easy to write macros that parse differently than you expect when the macro is textually expanded.

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