Starting from:


Finding the Stars: Lists, Interface and Abstract Solution

Please  read  and  understand these  expectations thoroughly.   Failure  to  follow these  instructions could negatively  impact  your grade.  Rules detailed  in the  course syllabus  also apply  but  will not necessarily be repeated  here.

• Identification: Place you and your partner’s  x500 in a comment in all files you submit.  For example,  //Written by shino012 and hoang159.


• Submission: Submit  a zip or tar archive on Moodle containing  all your java files. You are allowed to change or modify your submission,  so submit  early and  often,  and  verify that  all your files are  in the submission.

Failure  to  submit  the  correct  files will result  in a score of zero for all missing  parts.   Late submissions and submissions in an abnormal format (such as .rar or .java) will be penalized. Only submissions  made via Moodle are acceptable.


• Partners: You  may  work  alone  or with  one  partner. Failure to tell us  who   is  your partner is indistinguishable from cheating and you  will  both receive a zero. Ensure all code shared  with your partner is private.


• Code: You must use the exact class and method signatures  we ask for. This is because we use a program  to evaluate  your code. Code that doesn’t compile will receive a significant penalty. Code should be compatible  with Java  8, which is installed  on the CSE Labs computers. We recommend  to not use IDEs for your implementations.


• Questions: Questions  related  to the  project  can be discussed on Moodle in abstract.  This relates to programming in Java,  understanding the writeup,  and topics covered in lecture and labs.  Do  not post any code or  solutions on  the forum. Do not  e-mail the  TAs  your questions  when they  can be asked on Moodle.


• Grading: Grading  will be done  by the  TAs,  so please address  grading  problems  to  them



IMPORTANT: You  are  NOT  permitted to  use ANY  built-in  libraries,  classes,  etc. Double check that you have NO import  statements in your code.





Code  Style



Part of your grade will be decided based on the “code style”  demonstrated by your programming. In general,  all projects  will involve a style component.   This  should  not  be intimidating, but  it is fundamentally important. The following items represent “good” coding style:



• Use effective comments  to  document  what  important variables,  functions,  and  sections  of the  code are  for.  In general,  the  TA  should  be able to  understand your  logic through  the comments  left in the code.

Try to leave comments  as you program,  rather than  adding them all in at the end.  Comments should not feel like arbitrary busy work - they should be written  assuming the reader is fluent in Java,  yet has no idea how your program  works or why you chose certain  solutions.


• Use effective and standard indentation.


• Use descriptive  names  for variables.   Use standard Java  style for your names:  ClassName, functionName, variableName for structures in your code, and for the file names.



Try  to avoid the following stylistic  problems:




• Missing or highly redundant, useless comments.  int a = 5; //Set a to be 5 is not help- ful.


• Disorganized  and messy files. Poor indentation of braces ({ and }).


• Incoherent  variable  names.   Names  such  as  m and  numberOfIndicesToCount are  not  use- ful.  The  former is too short  to be descriptive,  while the  latter is much  too descriptive  and redundant.


• Slow functions.    While  some algorithms  are  more  efficient than  others,  functions  that are aggressively  inefficient could  be  penalized  even  if they  are  otherwise  correct.    In  general, functions  ought to terminate in under  5 seconds for any reasonable  input.



The  programming exercises detailed  in the following pages will both  be evaluated for code style. This will not be strict  – for example,  one bad indent or one subjective  variable  name are hardly  a problem.  However, if your code seems careless or confusing, or if no significant effort was made to document the code, then  points  will be deducted.


In further  projects  we will continue  to expect a reasonable  attempt at documentation and style as detailed  in this section.  If you are confused about the style guide, please talk  with a TA.







In this project  you are going to implement a list [1] interface  to construct your own ArrayList and LinkedList  data  structure. Using these you will construct a Celestial  Bodies database to include a list  of different types of Stars  present in our  Universe.   You are  require  to  make  the  database compatible  for multiple  type of Stars  like Sequence  Stars,  WhiteDwarfs, and  Red  Giants  using concept  of class inheritance [2]. Finally,  you are going to find the  biggest  and  the  brightest stars in our own small universe of objects and also look out for Black holes.



[1].  Lists:

A List is a list of ordered items that can also contain  duplicates. In Java,  lists are constructed either using an array or linked list data  structure. The implementations for each have certain pros and cons with respect  to cost of space and runtime. In this project,  you will implement lists using both  array  and linked list data  structure from a custom  List interface.




[2].  Inheritance: Interface and  Abstract classes:

Interface  and  Abstract classes are  an  important aspect  of inheritance in Object  Oriented Programming. Both  plays a critical  role in designing objects  in the  way that makes it easy to  design and  implement complex  objects.   On  one hand  where all methods  defined in an Interface  are  un-implemented and  required  to  be implemented by  an  inheriting  class;  the Abstract classes  can  have  combinations of method  definitions  that are  implemented and some that are not,  defined as abstract   methods.   In Java  an Interface  class is inherited  by other  classes using  the  keyword  implements  while Abstract class requires  to  be inherited using extends.  See an example code below.




1    List:  An interface


A list must  consist  of specific methods  irrespective  of underlying  data  structure.  These  methods are  defined as part  of an  interface  that you are  required  to  inherit  in your  array  list  and  linked list implementations.  Refer to for methods  and  their  definitions.   Note that methods have generic types∗  and you are required  to implement your inherited  classes as generic types too (continue  reading  to see what  it means...).









∗ A generic  type is a generic  class or interface that is parameterized over types.  In the  context of List, T is the type of the  object  that is in the  list,  and  note  that T extends Comparable.





Inheritance Java  Example:


// An interface. interface IName {

public void printName();



// An abstract. abstract  class Name {

// Abstract have variables unlike interface. String firstName;

String secondName;


// An abstract method. abstract void printName();



// This class implements the Name interface. class PeopleName implements IName {

String firstName; String secondName;


// Need to implement  printName(). public void printName() {

System.out.println(”%s  %s”, this.firstName, this.secondName);




// This class extends the Name class. class PeopleName extends Name {

public void printName() {

System.out.println(”%s  %s”, this.firstName, this.secondName);







1.1    Array  List Implementation



The  first  part  of this  project  will be to  implement  an array  list.   Create  a class ArrayList that implements  all the methods  in List interface.  Recall that to implement the List interface  and use the generic compatibility with your code, ArrayList should have following structure:


public class ArrayList<T extends Comparable<T implements List<T {





The  underlying  structure of an  array  list  is (obviously)  an  array.   This  means  you will have  an instance  variable  that is an array.  Since our implementation is generic, the type of this array  will be T[]. Due to Java’s  implementation of generics† , you CANNOT simply create  a generic array with:


T[] a = new T[size];



Rather, you have  to create  a Comparable (since T extends  Comparable)‡ array  and  cast  it to an array  of type T.


† specifically  because  of type erasure

‡ had  T not  extended Comparable, you would  say T[] a = (T[])new Object[size];





T[] a = (T[]) new Comparable[size];



Your ArrayList class should have a single constructor:


public ArrayList() {





that initializes  the underlying  array  to a length  of 2.



Implementation Details



• When  the  underlying  array  becomes  full,  both  add methods  will automatically add  more space  by creating  a new array  that is twice the  length  of the  original  array,  copying  over everything  from the original array  to the new array,  and finally setting  the instance  variable to the new array.

Hint:  You may find it useful to write  a separate private method  that  does the growing and  copying


• When calling either remove method,  the underlying  array should no longer have that spot.  For example,  if the  array  was ["hi", "bye", "hello", "okay", ...] and  you called remove with index 1, the array  would be ["hi", "hello", "okay", ...]. Basically, the only null elements  of the array  should be after  all the data.

• Initially  and after  a call to clear(), the size method  should return 0.  The “size” refers to the  number  of elements  in the  list , NOT  the  length  of the  array.   After  a call to clear(), the underlying  array  should be reset to a length  of 2 as in the constructor.



After you have implemented your ArrayList class, include a  main method that tests  all func- tionality.



1.2    Linked  List Implementation



The  second  part  of this  project  will be to  implement  a linked  list.   Create  a class LinkedList that implements  all  the  methods  in  List.  Recall  again  that to  implement  the List interface, LinkedList should be structured as follows:


public class LinkedList<T extends Comparable<T implements List<T {





The underlying  structure of a linked list is a node.  This means you will have an instance  variable that is the  first node of the  list.  The  provided contains  a generic node class that you




will use for your linked list implementation§ .



Your LinkedList class should have a single constructor:


public LinkedList() {





that initializes  the list to an empty  list.



Implementation Details



• Initially  and after a call to clear(), the size should be zero and your list should be empty.


• In sort(), do  not use  an  array or  ArrayList to sort  the  elements.  You are required  to sort the values using only the linked list data  structure. You can move nodes or swap values but  you cannot  use an array  to store values while sorting.

• Depending  on your implementation, remember  that after  sorting,  the former first node may not be the current first node.



After  you  have  implemented  your  LinkedList class,  include a  main method that tests  all functionality.


You may  implement your  linked  list  as a headed  list,  i.e., the  first  node  in the  list  is a ‘dummy’  node  and  the second  node  is the  first  element of the  list,  or a non-headed list,  i.e.,  the  first  node  is the  first  element of the  list. Depending on how you choose to implement your  list,  there  will be some small nuances.


2    A Celestial Database



You will use array  list and  linked list implementations to now construct a celestial database. For this project,  this database will include a list of stars  from our Universe.


Stars  are one of the most common form of celestial bodies present in our Universe.  They  come in various  forms and  often  characterized by their  mass,  size and  lifespan.   For  this  project,  we will focus only on mass and size. Among many types or phases of stars  that exists we will include only three  types, namely Sequence Stars,  Red Giants,  and White  Dwarfs.  Sun, the closest star  and the center  of our  solar  system  is one of the  Sequence stars,  characterized by average  mass  and  size. The  Red Giants,  reddish  or orange  in color, are generally  100 times  larger  than  size of Sequence Stars  and  often seen as the  starting of dying phase  of star.   White  Dwarfs are the  remnant of an average-sized  star  that passed through  the red giant stage of its life.


You  will use the  ArrayList or LinkedList  data  structure to  construct this  Celestial  database of Stars.  You are provided  with (Refer to file for details)  which is an abstract class with three  properties:  name, mass, and size, setter  and getter,  a compareTo  function,  and two abstract methods:



• public abstract boolean isBlackHole(); — Return true if star is a blackhole, otherwise



• public abstract String toString(); — Print description  of each star  as SequenceStar, RedGiant or WhiteDwarf  with their  respective  mass and sizes.



You are  required  to  extend  the  base  Star class to  create  three  new classes for each:  Sequence, RedGiant, and  WhiteDwarf.   Each  of the  three  classes must  have  constructor (Hint:  You  cannot instantiate an abstract class from its constructor. See the  use of super().) and override the abstract methods isBlackHole() and the respective  toString() method  as follows:






• public Sequence(String name, double mass, double size)


• public boolean isSun(): Return  true if mass == 2 (×1030 KG) and size == 430 (×1000 miles), otherwise  false.


• public String toString(): Print description   for  the  star  in  the  following format:   ”< N ame :  A Sequence Star  with mass = < X X X.Y Y   KG; Size = < X X X.Y Y   miles”.


• public boolean isBlackHole():  Return  true if the  mass of the  star  is greater  than  1000 units  (×1030 KGs) and size less than  50 (×1000 miles), otherwise  false.






• public RedGiant(String name, double mass, double size)


• public boolean isSuperGiant(): Return  true if mass   100 and  size 100, otherwise



• public boolean isBlackHole(): Return  true if star is a Super RedGiant, otherwise false.


• public String toString(): Print description  for the star in following format:  ”< N ame : A RedGiant (replace with SuperGiant if above condition  is met) with mass = < X X X.Y Y   KG and size = < X X X.Y Y   miles.








• public WhiteDwarf(String name, double mass, double mass)


• public boolean isBlackHole(): Return  false (always).


• public String toString(): Print description  for the star in following format:  ”< N ame : A WhiteDwarf with mass = < X X X.Y Y   KG and size = < X X X.Y Y   miles.



2.1    The  Database



Now that you have your 3 types of stars, create a class CelestialDatabase. To create this database you will use your ArrayList and  LinkedList classes as the  underlying  object  list.  The  type  for the object in the list will be Star. Your CelestialDatabase should include the following methods:



• private List<Star list – Your underlying  list of Stars.


• public CelestialDatabase(String type) – This constructor will initialize  the underlying list based on what the value of type is. If type.equals("array"), your underlying  list should be a ArrayList. If type.equals("linked"), your underlying  list should be a LinkedList. You may assume no other  strings  will be used with this constructor.

Hint:   Both  List<Star l = new ArrayList<Star(); and  List<Star l = new LinkedList<Star(); are valid in Java  since  ArrayList and  LinkedList both implement List.

• public boolean add(Star s) – This  will add  c to  the  end  of the  list  and  return true if successful, false otherwise.

• public Star find(String name) – This will try to find a star with name field that contains

name. Note that the name is not necessary to be exactly same to the name of Star.  You can use


the  built  in String  method  public boolean contains(String anotherString)¶ .  Return

null if no Star  was found.


• public Star findSun() – This will try to find a Sequence Star  that matches  the character- istics of Sun (see isSun()). Return  null if no match  was found.

• public Star remove(int index) –  This  will remove  the  star  object  currently at  index

index, if index is out of bounds,  return null.


• public Star get(int index) – This  will return the  star  object  currently at  index index.

If index is out of bounds,  return null.


• public void sort() – This will sort the list in order of mass based on compareTo.


• public Star[] getStarsByType(String type) – This will return an array  of Star objects that have the type type. You can assume that type will only take on the values "sequence", "redgiant", or "whitedwarf".

Hint:  instanceof


• public Star getHeaviestStar() – This will return the star  with the biggest mass.  In the case where no objects are in the list, return null.

• public Star getHeaviestRedGiant() – This will return the one of the RedGiant star  with the biggest mass.  In the case where no RedGiant objects are in the list, return null.

• public Star getLargestStar() – This will return the star with the largest size. In the case where no Star objects are in the list, return null.

• public Star[] listBlackHoles() – This will return a list of stars  that are black holes. In case there  is no blackhole, return null.

• public Star[] getTopKHeaviestStar(int k) – This will return an array  of length  k con- taining  the top-k  stars  among all types sorted  by their  mass.  If no object  in the list, return null.   In case, if number  of stars  (M ) in the  list is smaller  than  k, then  return an array  of length  M .

• public Star[] getTopKLargestStar(int k) – This  will return an array  of length  k con- taining  the  top-k  stars  among  all types  sorted  by their  size.  If no object  in the  list,  return null.   In case, if number  of stars  (M ) in the  list is smaller  than  k, then  return an array  of length  M .

• public int[] countStars() – This will return an array  of three  integers  where first is the count of Sequence stars  (Sequence object) in the list, second is count of RedGiant stars,  and third  one is count of WhiteDwarfs in the  database. For example if there  exists a list of two Sequence Stars,  one RedGiant, and zero WhiteDwarfs then  output should be: 2, 1, 0





¶ The  actual signature of contains is public boolean contains(CharSequence s) but  you don’t  have  to worry about that


After you have implemented your CelestialDatabase class, include a main method that tests all functionality.  For the  methods, where return type is a Star object  or Star[] array  use corre- sponding  toString() method  to print the details  of the Star.


3    Analysis



Now that you have implemented and used both  an array  list and linked list, which one is better? Which methods  in List are more efficient for each implementation?



For  each  of the  13 methods  in List, compare  the  runtime  (Big-O)  for each  method  and  imple- mentation. Include an analysis.txt with your submission  structured as follows:




Method                           ArrayList Runtime LinkedList Runtime Explanation boolean add(T element)           O(...)            O(...)             ...

boolean add(int index, T element) O(...)            O(...)            ...


.                                                                        .                                      .                                        .





Your  explanation for  each  method  only  needs  to  be  a  couple  sentences  briefly  justifying  your runtimes.



4    Dynamic Resizing Array  (Honors)



Note:  This section is **required** for students in Honors section only.  Optional  for others  but  no extra  credits.


In the  List interface,  you implemented a method  boolean add(T element); to add  any element to the array.  In case when the array  is full, you double the length  of array.  We ask you to answer two related  questions:




1.  Find  and explain the average  runtime  analysis of sequence of add() operations. Include this in your analysis.txt file.


2.  Reimplement the methods  boolean remove(T element) and T remove(int index) for Ar- rayList  to shrink  the  length  of array  to half of the  original  array  when number  of elements (or size of array)  are less than  quarter (1/4th) the length of original array,  after removing an element.  You can keep this same for your implementations in Section 1.1.

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