JSON Routes
For this lab, you will create a simple server that will provide data similar to lab 5, but this time from a server.
For this lab, you will not need to use a database. You can store your data right in your routes.
Your routes
When making a GET request to http://localhost:3000/about , this route will return JSON in the following structure (with
your own information):
"name": "Your Name",
"cwid": "Your CWID",
"biography": "2 biography paragraphs separated by a new line character (\n).",
"favoriteShows": ["array", "of", "favorite", "shows"],
"hobbies": ["array", "of", "hobbies"]
When making a GET request to http://localhost:3000/story , this route will return the following JSON:
"storyTitle": "Story Title",
"story": "Your story.\nSimply use line breaks for paragraphs.\nLike this."
When making a GET request to http://localhost:3000/education , this route will will return JSON in the following
structure (with your own information):
"schoolName": "First School Name",
"degree": "First School Degree",
"favoriteClass": "Favorite class in school",
"favoriteMemory": "A memorable memory from your time in that school"
Make sure to include at least 3 schools.
Packages you will use:
You will use the express package as your server.
You can read up on express
on requests
(http://expressjs.com/) on its home page. Specifically, you may find the API Guide section
(http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req) useful.
You may use the lecture 6 code
(https://github.com/Stevens-CS546/CS-546/tree/master/Lecture%20Code/lecture_06) as a
You must save all dependencies to your package.json file
1. You must not submit your node_modules folder
2. You must remember to save your dependencies to your package.json folder
3. You must do basic error checking in each function
1. Check for arguments existing and of proper type.
2. Throw if anything is out of bounds (ie, trying to perform an incalculable math operation or accessing data that
does not exist)
3. If a function should return a promise, instead of throwing you should return a rejected promise.
4. You must remember to update your package.json file to set app.js as your starting script!
5. You must submit a zip, rar, tar.gz, or .7z archive or you will lose points, named in the followign format:
LastName_FirstName_CS546_SECTION.zip (or, whatever the file extension may be). You will lose points for not
submitting an archive.