One interesting place to fnd interesting patterns is Wikipedia. For example, we can play a game called WikiRacer, where we try to move from one article to another with the fewest number of clicks. Try a round online before you move on!
For your frst assignment, you will build a standard C++ program that plays WikiRacer! Specifcally, it will fnd a path between two given Wikipedia articles in the fewest number of links. We'll refer to this path as a "ladder."
To simplify this assignment, we removed the user-facing part of Wikiracer. A simple version of the front-end is available as totally optional extra practice. In this assignment, you will implement the core of this interesting search algorithm that fnds the ladder.
We already implemented what you might call the front end of our WikiRacer game. The front end is the user-facing side of the game: the code necessary to take in a flename with WikiRacer inquiries and print out the resulting WikiLadders is implemented. The function called by the front end, findWikiLadders is backend of this program: the user doesn't need to know how it works or call it directly, they just want results! This assignment, you are stepping behind the curtain and implementing parts of findWikiLadder in main.cpp and the function findWikiLinks in wikiscraper.cpp
A broad pseudocode of the algorithm that findWikiLadders will use to fnd a ladder from startPage to endPage is as follows:
To find a ladder from startPage to endPage:
Make startPage the currentPage being processed.
Get set of links on currentPage.
If endPage is one of the links on currentPage:
We are done! Return path of links followed to get here.
Visit each link on currentPage in an intelligent way and search each of those pages in a similar manner.
To simplify the implementation and allow for some testing, we will do this in two parts (A and B). For part A, you will be implementing parts of findWikiLinks in wikiscraper.cpp. This function will deal only with the part of our algorithm that gets the set of links on currentPage. In Part B, you will be implementing parts of findWikiLadder which will use the findWikiLinks function as described in the pseudocode.
IfDownloadyouhaven'talready,pleaseAndfollowSettheinstructionsUpAssignmentonthispagebeforeproceeding. Please do both the one-time instructions and the instructions for editing each assignment. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to send us an email!
ForPartpart A,Ayou will be implementing parts of findWikiLinks in wikiscraper.cpp. To test your changes with a custom autograder that will run only for code in wikiscraper.cpp, run ./test-wikiscraper.sh (instead of ./build_and_run.sh). This function will deal only with the part of our algorithm that gets the set of links on currentPage:
To find a ladder from startPage to endPage:
Make startPage the currentPage being processed.
Get set of links on currentPage.
If endPage is one of the links on currentPage:
Part A of the assignment will be to implement a function
unordered_set<string> findWikiLinks(const string& page_html);
that takes a page’s HTML in the form of a string as a parameter, and returns an unordered_set<string> containing all the valid Wikipedia links in the page_html string. For our purposes, a link must satisfy the following:
It must be of the following form:
<a href="/wiki/PAGE_NAME">LINK TEXT</a>
PAGE_NAME does not contain the characters # or :
Aside: did you know that if you click the frst link on any Wikipedia page repeatedly, you'll eventually always end up at Philosophy 97% of the time?
For those who don’t remember, an unordered_set behaves exactly like a set but is faster when checking for membership (in the Stanford library it is called a HashSet).
Webpages are written in a language known as HTML.
All you need to know about HTML is how links are formatted:
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Go take a look at the code provided in the function findWikiLinks in wikiscraper.cpp. We have set you up with the HTML prefx to look for (variable delim), as well as your return set (ret) and iterators pointing at the beginning and end of your input, parameter inp, which is a string holding the HTML for one wikipedia page. We also provide you with a while loop, which will currently loop infnitely. You will fx this in this task!
Your frst task (labeled ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 1 in the code) is to fnd the beginning of the next link (use std::search to make your life easier), and if none is found, break out of the while loop. This should take around 3 lines of code. Hint: use delim!
Task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 2 is to fnd the end of the current link, and to put it in a variable called url_end. This should be about 1 line. Use std::find to make your life easier. Hint: All links end with the double quotes character, ". Check out the side margin note on the difference between std::find and std::search.
Task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 3 is to construct and store the actual link found between the start and end found in the previous two parts. This should be about 1 line.
Finally, task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 4 is to add this link to ret only if it is valid. That is, only if it does not contain thr characters # or :. We highly recommend implementing and using the decomposed function valid_wikilink. Notice, we have implemented the logic for actually adding to the set, all you have to do is implement the isValidLink function. This should be about 4 lines, across all functions. You can either use std::all_of or a for loop to complete this task.
Here's an example of what our function should do. Given the input:
In <a href="/wiki/Topology">topology</a>, the <b>long line</b> (or <b>Alexandroff line</b>) is a
<a href="/wiki/Topological_space">topological space</a> somewhat similar to the <a href="/wiki/Real_line">real line</a>, but in a certain way "longer". It behaves locally just like the real line, but has different large-scale properties (e.g., it is neither
<a href="/wiki/Lindel%C3%B6f_space">Lindelöf</a> nor
<a href="/wiki/Separable_space">separable</a>). Therefore, it serves as one of the basic counterexamples of topology
<a href="http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=507446">[1]</a>. Intuitively, the usual real-number line consists of a countable number of line segments [0,1) laid end-to-end, whereas the long line is constructed from an uncountable number of such segments. You can consult
<a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-55608-010-4">this</a> book for more information.
In this case, our function would return an unordered_set containing the following strings:
code class="language-c++">{"Topology", "Topological_space", "Real_line", "Lindel%C3%B6f_space", "Separable_space"}
Note two things of interest here:
The function does not return links to AMS or Special:BookSources because they are not valid Wikipedia links. (The frst is not of the form /wiki/PAGENAME and the second contains the invalid character :) The Lindelöf link seems to have weird percentage signs and letters in its hyperlink. This is how HTML handles non-standard characters like 'ö'; don't worry about this!
Your solution must use the following algorithms to do the following things:
// to find the start of a link
// to find the end of a link
// Optionally use to check whether the link contains an invali
We'll get practice using algorithms in lecture. Feel free to also take a look at cppreference.com for documentation on the above algorithms.
WTe'vestingworked hard to add the ability to test your wikiscraper.cpp code before moving onto the rest of the project! We've built a testing framework for you with 8 tests in it, 7 for findWikiLinks and 1 comprehensive test for findWikiLinks that tests your code on real Wikipedia pages. We'd really recommend testing your code here and getting it working before trying to build the entire project and main.cpp with
./build_and_run.sh. To test your wikiscraper.cpp code, run ./test-wikiscraper.sh. This will run an autograder on your code and compare it to the solution code, letting you know the results of each test case! On the topic of debugging, we recommend adding print statements to print the content of your variables (link, etc.) for debugging.
Next, you'll fnish out main.cpp, after which you can test all of your code.
CongratulationsPartB on fnishing the frst part of the assignment!
The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a <a href="/wiki/Marine_mammal">marine mammal</a>
native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean.
which would display the following:
The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a marine mammal; native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacifc Ocean.
You should use std::search when looking for an occurrence of multiple characters in a row in a string, and std::find when looking for an occurrence of a single character in a string (this can be generalized too! use std::search when looking for several elements in a row in a container, and use std::find when looking for a single element in a container).
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In this next part, we are going to write the algorithm to actually fnd a Wikipedia ladder between two pages.
To test your changes, you'll use the command: ./build_and_run.sh We will be completing the function:
vector<string> findWikiLadder(const string& start_page, const string& end_page);
that takes a string representing the name of a start page and a string representing the name of the target page and returns a vector<string> that will be the link ladder between the start page and the end page. We are going to break the project into steps. From our pseudocode in the frst section of this handout, we stated that we'll have an intelligent way of visiting links on each page. As a result, frst, we need to fgure out what this "intelligent way" to visit each link on a given page might be:
TLDesR:Asigningweexplore eachthepage,Algorithmthenextlinkwefollow should be the link whose page has the most links in common with the target page.
We want to search for a link ladder from the start page to the end page. The hard part in solving a problem like this is dealing with the fact that Wikipedia is enormous. We need to make sure our algorithm makes intelligent decisions when deciding which links to follow so that it can fnd a solution quickly.
A good frst strategy to consider when designing algorithms like these is to contemplate how you as a human would solve this problem. Let’s work with a small example using some simplifed Wikipedia pages. Suppose our start page is Lion and our target page is Barack_Obama. Let’s say these are the links we could follow from Lion:
Which link would you choose to explore frst? It is fairly clear that some of these links look more promising than others. For example, the link to the page titled Federal_government_of_the_United_States looks like a winner since it is probably really close to the Barack_Obama page. On the other hand, the Subspecies page is less directly related to a page about a former president of the United States and will probably not lead us anywhere helpful in terms of fnding the target page.
In our algorithm, we want to capture this idea of following links to pages “closer” in meaning to the target page before those that are more unrelated. How can we measure this similarity? One idea to determine “closeness” of a page to the target page is to count the number of links in common between that page and the target page. The intuition is that pages dealing with similar content will often have more links in common than unrelated pages. This intuition seems to pan out in terms of the links we just considered. For example, here are the number of links each of the pages above have in common with the target Barack_Obama page:
Links in common with Barack_Obama page
Federal_government_of_the_United_States 5
This makes sense! Of course the kind of links on the Barack_Obama page will be similar to those on the Federal_government_of_the_United_States page; they are related in their content. For example, these are the links that are on both the Federal_government_of_the_United_States page and the Barack_Obama page:
Thus, our idea of following the page with more links in common with the target page seems like a promising metric. Equipped with this, we can start writing our algorithm.
The Algorithm
TLDR: You will be setting up a priority queue to decide which links to follow as we go!
In this assignment, we will use a priority queue: a data structure where elements can be enqueued (just like a regular queue), but the element with the highest priority (determined by a lambda function that you'll instantiate the queue with) is returned whenever you try to dequeue. This is useful for us because we can enqueue each possible page we could follow and defne each page’s priority to be the number of links it has in common with the target page. Thus, when we dequeue from the queue, the page with the highest priority (i.e. the most number of links in common with the target page) will be dequeued frst.
In our code, we will use a vector<string> to represent a “link ladder” between pages, where pages are represented by their links. Our pseudocode is below. Don't worry! You only have to implement the highlighted sections--everything else is done for you.
For example, a call to fndWikiLadder("Mathematics",
"American_literature") might return the vector that looks like
{Mathematics, Alfred_North_Whitehead,
Americans, Visual_art_of_the_United_States,
American_literature} since from the Mathematics
wikipedia page, you can follow a link to
Alfred_North_Whitehead, then follow a link to American, then
Visual_art_of_the_United_States, and fnally
Throughout this assignment, we will defne the name of a Wikipedia page to be what gets displayed in the url when you visit that page on your browser. For example, the name of the Stanford University page would be Stanford_University (note the _ instead of spaces).
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CS 106L: Standard C++ Programming
Finding a link ladder between pages start_page and end_page:
Create an empty
priority queue of ladders (a ladder is a vector<string>).
Create/add a ladder containing {start_page} to the queue.
While the queue is not empty:
Dequeue the highest priority partial-ladder from the front of the queue.
Get the set of links of the current page i.e. the page at the end of the
just dequeued ladder.
If the end_page is in this set:
We have found a ladder!
Add end_page to the ladder you just dequeued and return it.
For each neighbour page in the current page’s link set:
If this neighbour page hasn’t already been visited:
Create a copy of the current partial-ladder.
Put the neighbor page string at the end of the copied ladder.
Add the copied ladder to the queue.
If while loop exits without returning from the function, no ladder was found
Go take a look at the code provided to you in the function findWikiLadders in main.cpp. We have provided you with an incomplete implementation of the algorithm detailed above. First off, you should see these lines of code:
vector<string> findWikiLadder(const string& start_page, const string& end_page) {
• creates WikiScraper object WikiScraper w;
/* Create alias for container backing priority_queue */ using container = vector<vector<string>>;
• gets the set of links on page specified by end_page
• variable and stores in target_set variable
auto target_set = w.getLinkSet(end_page);
// ... rest of implementation
There are a few important things to note here: First, we have defned an alias for the container our priority queue will use behind the scenes (container). Our queue will be a queue of ladders, which are vector<string>, and the container that our queue will use behind the scenes (aka you don't need ot worry about this) to keep track of all the ladders in the queue will be a vector of ladders, or vector<vector<string>>. Second, and more importantly, we get the set of links on end_page by calling the member function getLinkSet on the WikiScraper object w. We have created this class to deal with the nitty gritty details of accessing Wikipedia for you: all you need ot know is how to collect links from a page, which we've demonstrated with target_set. Importantly, anywhere you want to call that getLinkSet function, you will need to have access to w. You should never create another WikiScraper object, it will cause major slowdowns!. If you take a look at the implementation of getLinkSet, you will see that we call your findWikiLinksfrom part A!
You will also notice we have provided you with the vast majority of the algorithm implementation (in the while). Successful and effcient excecution of this program requires proper initialization of our priority queue, which you will complete in 3 steps.
Task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 5 is to implement the decomposed function numCommonLinks, which returns the number of common links on the pages cur_set and target_set.
Task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 6 is to write the comparison function for our priority queue. This function compares two ladders and should return whether ladder1 should have higher priority than ladder2 (in other words, it defnes a "less than" function for our ladders). Remember, we want to order the elements by how many links the page at the very end of its respective ladder has in common with the target_page. To make the priority_queue we will need to write this comparator function:
We would strongly suggest you print the ladder as you dequeue it at the start of the while loop so that you can see what your algorithm is exploring. Please remove this print statement before you turn in the assignment.
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To compare ladder1 and ladder2:
page1 = word at the end of ladder1
page2 = word at the end of ladder2
int num1 = number of links in common between set of links on page1 and int num2 = number of links in common between set of links on page2 and return num1 < num2
Finally, task ASSIGNMENT 2 TASK 7 is to declare the priority queue, queue. Take a look at the documentation for std::priority_queue (in the "Example" section at the bottom of the page, there's an example of exactly what we're looking for. Can you fnd it? hint: we're looking to use a lambda to compare elements in our priority queue.) The format of a std::priority_queue looks like this:
template<class T,
class Container = std::vector<T>,
class Compare = std::less<typename Container::value_type> > class priority_queue;
This is telling us the std::priority_queue needs three template types specifed to be constructed, specifcally:
T is the type of thing the priority queue will store;
Container is the container the priority queue will use behind the scene to hold items (the priority queue is a container adaptor, just like the stack and queue we studied in lecture!);
Compare is the type of our comparison function that will be used to determine which element has the highest priority.
We recommend using the constructor that takes in a comparison function as its single parameter. We also recommend using the decltype() STL function to fnd the type of any parameters whose types you might be missing ;)
After part B, you are done! Please submit only main.cpp and wikiscraper.cpp to paperless by clicking here.
Don’tTestingforgetto test your code using the test fles in the res folder! You can compare your output with the sample runs in the sample-outputs.txt fle. See the File Reading section in the Preliminary Task section for more information on the test fles. For convenience, the following lists the expected output of the pairs in the input-big.txt fle in the res folder:
Fruit → Strawberry
{"Fruit", "Strawberry"}
This should return almost instantly since it is a one link jump.
Malted_milk → Gene
{"Malted_milk", "Barley", "Gene"}
This ran in less than 120 seconds on our computers.
Emu → Stanford_University
{"Emu", "Food_and_Drug_Administration", "Duke_University", "Stanford_University"}
Most recent solution: {"Emu", "Germany", "United_States", "University_of_Notre_Dame", "Stanford_University"}
There may be other valid solutions due to differences in the order of valid links in the unordered set from Part A. If you generate ladders that are longer than the solution ladder, but the number of common links matches the frst step of the solution given here, you should be fne! Feel free to post to Piazza if you have any questions or want to double-check. This should run in around two minutes or less.
Hint: consult the lecture on lambdas to see how you can make the comparator function on the fy. In particular, you are required to leverage a special mechanism of lambdas to capture the WikiScraper object so that it can be used in the lambda.
If you want to discuss your plan of attack, please make a private post on Piazza or come to offce hours! The code for this assignment is not long at all, but it can be hard to wrap your head around. Ask questions early if things don’t make sense; we will be more than happy to talk through ideas with you.
Note: This function will need to have access to the WikiScraper object "Wikiscraper w", so we've included it in the lambda's parameters to help you get started. To get the set of links on a page, use w.getLinkSet(page_name) (this function gets the wikipedia page for the page, and then calls the fndWikiLinks() method that you wrote)! Think about how you can write this comparison function as a lambda that can access the WikiScraper object in the function where the lambda is declared.
Running in less than four minutes is acceptable as well, due to some variation we’ve seen across Mac vs. Windows computers. (The variation most likely results from differences in the order of the unordered_set.)
In general, you don’t need to match these ladders exactly (as long as your ladder is the same length as the sample) but your code should run in less than the times specifed.
If not, double-check:
are you using references where needed?
Can you remove any redundant variables?
Are you missing any steps in the ladder algorithm?
Most often, slowness tends to come from either a small algorithm error or ineffcient design choices in the lambda.
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