The focus of this assignment is dates. Not the fruit, but the time
and date that data is put into a file.
1. The questions below require the data frame 'reviews.txt' that
is described in the README_assign08.txt file. You can use the
code below to read in the data as a dataframe.
import pandas as pd load pandas as pd
reviews = pd.read_csv('reviews.txt',
(a) Find the date and time of the oldest review, and the
most recent review. Give the result in the form
matching "2016-10-18 17:50:43". (Times UTC)
(b) Determine the median date and time for the reviews.
Give the result in the form "Tuesday October 18 2016 17:50:43"
(Times UTC)
(c) Find the average rating for each month of the year.
(d) Determine which day of the week produced the most reviews.
(e) Determine the date and time of the first review for the 5 reviewers
who had the most reviews.
2. The questions below require the file 'pizza_requests.txt' seen
previously. All questions refer to the date and time given in
the variable "unix_timestamp_of_request_utc" for each request.
(a) Find the date and time of the oldest request, and the
most recent request. Give the result in the form
matching "2016-10-18 17:50:43". (Times UTC)
(b) Determine the median date and time for the requests.
Give the result in the form "Tuesday October 18 2016 17:50:43"
(Times UTC)
(c) Determine the number of requests for each hour of the day. Report
the 5 one-hour periods with the most requests, and the number of
requests for each.
(d) Find the hour of the day that resulted in the highest proportion
of successful pizza requests.
(e) Repeat (d), this time finding the hour with the lowest success rate.