Starting from:


Assignment: Word and Math Puzzles

Learning Outcomes

    • String manipulation, slicing, nested lists and list comprehensions, list membership test

    • OOP: constructors, instance methods, class variables, abstract methods, single inheritance

    • File input, exception handling


In this assignment, you are required to implement a single program ( for solving both word puzzles and math puzzles on a 2D game board. The program must define the following class hierarchy:



WordPuzzle    MathPuzzle

The superclass Puzzle is an abstract base class (ABC) which defines an abstract method called solve(). Two concrete subclasses named WordPuzzle and MathPuzzle are derived from Puzzle. They override the parent solve() method with their own versions for solving the puzzle with different logics – one is to locate all correct English words on the game board while another is to find the maximum product of a fixed-size list of adjacent numbers on the board.

We will divide the discussion into Part A and Part B.

Part A: Word Puzzles

Suppose that you are given a word puzzle represented by a 2D grid or array of alphabets. Solving the puzzle means finding all correct words in the grid by checking against an English dictionary (a list of words loaded from a text file). For example, given the following array in Figure 1(a), your program is to find words from the dictionary that can be spelled out in the puzzle by starting at any character, then moving in a straight line right or down. In other words, the program performs two scanning phases: (1) horizontal scanning from left to right on every row, starting from row 0; and (2) vertical scanning from top to bottom on every column, starting from column 0. Horizontal scanning is done before vertical scanning. For example, in phase (1), the word “walk” is found at row 3 as Figure 1(b) depicts; in phase (2), the same word “walk” is found in a vertical sense at column 1 in Figure 1(c). Word matching in diagonal senses is not required in this program.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    0 b e e r i x a p e

    1 j r b t e e n a g
    2 h k i t h b s w y

    3 r w a l k i n g h
    4 p a i x l d z k q

    5 t l m l q i y j y
    6 a k h a p f a b g

    7 h x m s h w y n y
    8 u j f j h r s o t



    0 b e e r i x a p e

    1 j r b t e e n a g
    2 h k i t h b s w y

    3 r w a l k i n g h
    4 p a i x l d z k q

    5 t l m l q i y j y
    6 a k h a p f a b g

    7 h x m s h w y n y
    8 u j f j h r s o t


Figure 1: An example word search puzzle


    0 b e e r i x a p e

    1 j r b t e e n a g

    2 h k i t h b s w y

    3 r w a l k i n g h

    4 p a i x l d z k q

    5 t l m l q i y j y

    6 a k h a p f a b g

    7 h x m s h w y n y

    8 u j f j h r s o t


Figure 2(a) and (b) show all the words found in phases (1) and (2) respectively. Figure 2(c) shows the combined result of the two phases (words found highlighted in red). Since our output is displayed on a colourless console screen, we will capitalize letters of each word found in the program output.


    0 b e e r i x a p e

    1 j r b t e e n a g
    2 h k i t h b s w y

    3 r w a l k i n g h

    4 p a i x l d z k q
    5 t l m l q i y j y

    6 a k h a p f a b g
    7 h x m s h w y n y

    8 u j f j h r s o t



    0 b e e r i x a p e

    1 j r b t e e n a g
    2 h k i t h b s w y

    3 r w a l k i n g h

    4 p a i x l d z k q
    5 t l m l q i y j y

    6 a k h a p f a b g
    7 h x m s h w y n y

    8 u j f j h r s o t


Figure 2: An example solved word puzzle


    0 B E E R i x a p e

    1 j r b T E E N a g

    2 h K I T h B s w y

    3 r W A L K I N G h

    4 p A I x l D z k q

    5 t L M l q i y j y

    6 a K h a p f a b g

    7 h x m s h w y n y

    8 u j f j h r s o t


The program will also list every word found and the row or column it is located as follows:

row 0: bee
row 0: beer

row 1: teen
row 2: kit
row 3: walk
row 3: walking
row 3: king
col 1: walk

col 2: aim
col 5: bid

For the exact format of the output required, please refer to the Sample Runs section. What’s worth noting is that some word may be comprised of other words. For example, the word “walking” contains two other words “walk” and “king”. These should be counted as three matches.

Your task in this part is to define a class WordPuzzle implementing an instance method called solve() to search for all these valid words by scanning the grid and checking if each candidate word is in the dictionary.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Part B: Math Puzzles

Apart from word-search puzzles, this program is to support another type of puzzles which is to solve a math problem.

For example, consider the following 20 × 20 grid:

73 24 11 28 77 12 18 28 14 56 49 02 20 64 51 88 11 43 15 50

22 71 11 17 91 36 27 02 41 97 26 25 90 92 95 22 72 53 63 29
87 88 52 50 91 45 35 53 95 23 92 23 28 11 57 54 93 71 49 29

81 46 56 50 40 12 61 20 67 19 09 94 34 76 04 40 48 75 91 76

38 42 28 19 04 07 08 59 90 93 18 82 17 88 43 18 84 46 32 82

38 59 94 75 61 32 70 75 82 23 87 82 59 86 08 70 49 47 54 03

15 77 54 88 71 31 21 04 60 36 91 52 05 04 77 05 02 24 39 25

35 49 13 39 90 48 46 84 91 25 33 12 35 29 50 92 68 58 65 44

02 26 16 82 18 85 10 50 20 56 08 09 61 94 75 82 05 32 65 43
70 33 88 35 71 03 76 95 13 67 67 70 05 41 26 89 64 04 78 43

64 15 98 36 65 41 37 36 48 11 30 84 49 42 49 61 87 88 03 83

40 11 93 02 45 87 14 95 13 49 36 48 80 66 52 43 87 95 21 79

35 12 66 93 11 57 57 28 83 32 84 48 49 29 04 30 52 67 23 07

59 92 08 85 03 23 82 79 51 60 20 61 99 56 34 54 31 21 20 57

42 65 68 88 37 90 09 57 93 76 68 24 48 18 62 02 55 69 04 33
80 67 68 92 64 62 07 78 84 14 30 41 31 81 92 32 53 56 48 22

86 58 12 14 87 67 52 21 31 10 48 40 17 16 05 32 36 28 49 85

44 84 35 17 20 67 48 47 33 34 64 69 10 45 64 37 57 86 47 40

89 69 55 67 07 08 21 90 63 09 78 73 13 81 76 03 30 87 98 76

46 73 69 09 84 51 76 60 68 82 68 98 88 30 80 51 14 49 34 44

What is the greatest product of any four adjacent numbers in the same direction (i.e., horizontally, vertically, and diagonally) in the grid? And where it happens in the grid?

The solution to this grid is highlighted in blue: 93 × 85 × 88 × 92 = 63998880. In zero-based indexing, the first number (93) composing this maximum product is located at the point (12, 3) – row index 12, column index 3.

Your task in this part is to define a class MathPuzzle implementing an instance method called solve() which scans the 2D array (a nested in Python) to compute and record the maximum product of every k adjacent numbers (k = 4 for the above example). The method returns a 3-tuple holding the maximum product value, the row index and column index of the starting element which forms the product.

Hint: to solve this puzzle, you may scan every point in the grid (say, in a left to right, and top to bottom manner); taking it as the starting point, compute the product of k numbers in adjacency of it in four directions. Take the numbers in red as an example:

× 82
× 23
× 87 = 12306150 (current max.)

× 4×84×50

× 60
× 25
×  8

    • diagonal (reversed):  75 × 21 × 48 × 18 = 1360800

Record the current maximum product and the array indexes of the starting element corresponding to the maximum product.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Data Files

In this assignment, the program needs to read some text files to obtain the input data. There are two types of files needed:


The dictionary used for checking words in this program is contained in a text file of the format below. On the first line (the header line), the two numbers denote the total number of words and the length of the longest word in the dictionary. All words are stored on second line through the last line.

3964 10






















You may assume that the list of dictionary words has always been sorted in (1) ascending word length, and (2) then in alphabetic order. So, shorter words always appear earlier than longer words. For words of the same length, they are sorted in lexicographical order, e.g. “act” < “add”, “youth” < “zebra”, etc.

There are two given sample dictionary files, namely dict.txt and dictbig.txt, for your program testing. The first file contains 3964 words; the longest word in it has 10 letters. The second file has 370103 words and 31 letters in its longest word. Your program should prompt the user to choose a dictionary file at the very beginning of the runtime. You need NOT test the program against dictionary files other than these two provided dictionary files.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


A puzzle in form of a 2D board is contained in a data file in the format presented as follows. Word and math puzzles share the same file format. On the first line (we called it the header line), there are two numbers denoting the dimensions (i.e., # rows and columns) of the “puzzle game board”.

Word Puzzle Files (wordnn.txt)

The box below shows the content of a sample word puzzle file. The first line stores 8 and 12, meaning that there are 8 rows (or in other words, 8 letters on each column) and 12 columns (or in other words, 12 letters per row). All the space characters in this file will be ignored when the data is being loaded into a 2D array in your program (you may split the data using the space as separator).

8 12

b e a r i h a p p y e n
j v s t e e n a g e r s
x i t t h n s w y d x c
r r u l y e n g h o s t
p t d x l d z k q b t e
t u i l q i y j x f w r

a e o a p f a i t h e r
h x m s h w y n o t e a

Math Puzzle Files (mathnn.txt)

The box below shows the content of a sample math puzzle file. In this example, there are 12 rows and 17 columns in the puzzle.

12 17
92 41 30 88 70 67 98 78 64 52 75 17 38 30 59 89 27
49 43 76 68 62 56 94 89 94 98 89 32 65 71 70 51 27
69 49 90 32 41 62 61 48 09 33 57 63 95 07 42 61 04

37 75 75 39 36 19 35 72 77 49 04 09 35 02 26 81 88
81 89 45 99 07 84 41 89 60 35 53 26 99 28 87 48 95
47 94 77 17 97 93 52 97 34 46 05 60 31 92 11 95 05
52 22 27 61 27 54 14 50 67 53 11 57 94 65 34 88 92
15 86 59 16 99 19 24 81 63 69 85 13 26 15 72 58 81

62 03 67 65 86 26 84 45 89 74 48 84 67 78 39 74 64
11 12 76 80 51 23 19 09 82 97 27 10 39 73 71 04 58
42 64 27 93 71 40 45 02 46 49 88 79 66 81 10 91 24
13 15 16 83 64 10 96 97 63 73 76 47 53 77 38 85 28


The header line is provided for your convenience of programming. Whether to make use of the header line to get the number of rows and columns of the puzzle is up to your program design. It is easy to count them yourself by other ways such as calling the len() and max() functions.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Program Specifications

This section describes the requirements, assumptions, hints and suggested program flow.


    1. Your program has to repeat prompting the user for the input file name of a new puzzle to solve until the user responds with a character 'n' or 'N' (implying not to continue playing the game).

    2. Your program must be able to support puzzles of different dimensions (variable across puzzle files) instead of just one hardcoded dimension.

    3. Exceptions like I/O errors must be handled properly. For example, if the specified input file cannot be found, a custom error message is printed instead of letting the program crash.

    4. Your program should follow the inheritance hierarchy described on p.1. Create an abstract base class named Puzzle defining an abstract method solve(), and subclasses named WordPuzzle and MathPuzzle that override solve() with their own versions for solving the puzzle with their logics. Note that in Python, the parent method can be overridden by a subclass’s method of the same name but with a different parameter list.

    5. Your program output should be exactly the same as that produced by our given sample executable program (same text, letter case, spacings, line breaks, etc.) except for possible trailing space(s) on each line. See the Sample Runs section for more details.


    1. This assumption on file naming rules always holds: all word puzzle files are named “wordnn.txt” and all math puzzle files “mathnn.txt” where nn = 01, 02, 03, … You may make use of this fact to distinguish word puzzles from math puzzles when handling them in your program.

For word puzzles:

    2. The dictionary file will be loaded once only at the program start. The same dictionary will be used for solving all word puzzles until the program ends.

    3. Word puzzle and dictionary files consist of only lowercase letters.

    4. All elements in the 2D array representing a word puzzle are alphabet strings of one character only.

    5. All valid words must consist of at least 3 letters, so we won’t match words like “a”, “an”, “in”, “at”, “of” that are considered too short. In other words, the word to search at a time is always 3 to cols letters long where cols refers to the number of columns of the word puzzle. You may define a global constant like below near the top of your program to allow easy scaling in the future:

MIN_WORD = 3# length of the shortest word to search

For math puzzles:

    6. For math puzzles, all elements in the array are of 2 digits at most, ranging between 1 to 99.

    7. There is only one solution for each puzzle (the largest product happens at one location only).

    8. Recap that the goal is to find the maximum product of every k adjacent numbers in the 2D array. By default, set k = 4. Again, you may define a global constant like below for future tuning:

FACTORS = 4# number of factors in the product

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Recap that for a word puzzle, we need to (1) scan horizontally from left to right on every row; and (2) scan vertically from top to bottom on every column. Each of these two scanning processes is a deeply nested loop. However, their logic is pretty similar. Do we need to write two sets of highly redundant code to handle the similar word searching processes? The answer is no. We can write such a nested loop once only in a method for doing the horizontal scanning on the puzzle array. Then for the vertical scanning, we can just reuse the same method but on a transposed version of the puzzle array.

In linear algebra, transpose is an operation that flips a matrix by switching its rows with its columns. Suppose that a is a rows-by-cols array. Transposing the array a will create a cols-by-rows array b, and transpose means that the rows of the source array become columns of the destination array as depicted in Figure 3 below.

1 1

    0 b e a r i h a p p y e n

    1 j v s t e e n a g e r s
    2 x i t t h n s w y d x c
array a    3    r r u l y e n g h o s t
    4 p t d x l d z k q b t e
    5 t u i l q i y j x f w r

    6 a e o a p f a i t h e r
    7 h x m s h w y n o t e a


    0 b j x r p t a h

    1 e v i r t u e x
transpose.    2    a s t u d i o m
    3 r t t l x l a s

    4 i e h y l q p h
    5 h e n e d i f w

    6 a n s n z y a y
    7 p a w g k j i n

    8 p g y h q x t o
    9 y e d o b f h t
    10 e r x s t w e e
    11 n s c t e r r a

array b

Figure 3: Transpose of an 8-by-12 array

There are many ways to implement a transpose function. To save your coding effort, we have provided below perhaps the most concise way to do so in Python:

def transpose(a):

return list(map(list, zip(*a)))

While you are encouraged to do more self-study for why it works, you can simply use it like a black box; you may also implement your own one based on more intuitive looping techniques.

Why we need this function is that we don’t want to implement another search method to do vertical scanning. Suppose that we have implemented a method for horizontal scanning. We can simply reuse it to scan vertically by passing to it a transposed puzzle array. This method may need to define an additional parameter, say vertical (may be given a default value False), which is used to allow the caller to signify (by passing True) that the search is now in a vertical scanning phase, and some behavior may need to change, e.g., replace “row” by “col” in the printout, if necessary.

Note also that transposing an array twice just returns the original array unchanged.

As another hint, think about how to reuse code. The logics for reading different types of files in this assignment should be very similar. You may create one function for file reading. Likewise, printing the two types of puzzles is more of less the same code except for subtle difference in the formatting requirement like zero padding for numbers. You may define one method for printing the puzzle array in the base Puzzle class, and control subtle formatting via parameter passing.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Suggested Program Flow

The program flow is described as follows. You may define whatever functions or methods as you see fit to ease your implementation.

    1. The program starts asking the user to enter the file name of a dictionary file.

    2. Load the data of the dictionary file into the dictionary array (a Python list).

    3. Ask the user to enter the file name of a puzzle.

    4. Check the file name to see if it is a word puzzle or a math puzzle.

    5. Load the data of the puzzle file into a puzzle array (a nested Python list).

    6. Print the puzzle array.

    7. If it is a word puzzle, create a WordPuzzle object. You may pass the puzzle array (of letters) and dictionary array as arguments to its constructor. Similarly, create a MathPuzzle object for a math puzzle file and pass the puzzle array (of integers) to its constructor.

    8. Call the solve() method. For a word puzzle:

8.1 Perform horizontal scanning on the puzzle array for each possible word (from shortest to longest) by looking up the word from the dictionary array.

        a. for each search word w at a location in the puzzle array,

            i. check if w is in the dictionary array (the membership test operator in may be used).

            ii. if found, print w with its location (which row it lies) and capitalize its letters in the puzzle array.

        b. increment the search word length and repeat (a) until it hits the puzzle’s width.

        c. move on to the next position in the same row, and repeat (a)-(b).

        d. move on to the next row, and repeat (a)-(c).

8.2 Transpose the puzzle array.

8.3 Perform step 8.1 again, but printing "col" instead of "row" for the location of each word found.

This in effect achieves the vertical scanning phase.

8.4 Transpose the puzzle array again.

For a math puzzle,

8.1 For every value at index [y][x] in the puzzle array, extend to the adjacent points [y][x+s], [y+s][x], [y+s][x+s] and [y+s][x-s], where s is a shift value between 0 and k – 1 (recall that k = 4 by default) being controlled by a loop, to collect four products in the four directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, diagonal reversed).

8.2 Record the maximum of these four products and the x, y values.

    9. Print the solved puzzle array for a word puzzle or the solution tuple for a math puzzle.

    10. Keep asking the user whether to continue on another puzzle if the reply is not 'y' or 'n' (case-insensitive).

    11. Repeat steps 3-10 if the user answers 'y' (yes). Or quit the program if answering 'n' (no).

Note: The above is just a suggested program flow. Your steps and the detailed implementation can deviate from it as long as your program generates correct output.

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sample Runs

In the following sample runs, the blue text is user input and the other text is the program printout. A sample program executable has been provided on Blackboard. You can use it to test for other inputs. Assume that files xyz and abc below are not existent. It is normal that accidental mixing up of dictionary files and puzzle data files may crash the program. You need not test against this issue.

Enter dictionary file name: xyz

Failed to open file xyz
(Program ends normally)

Enter dictionary file name: dictbig.txt

Dictionary loaded with 370103 words
Enter puzzle file name: abc

Failed to open file abc
(Program ends normally)

Enter dictionary file name: dict.txt

Dictionary loaded with 3964 words
Enter puzzle file name: word01.txt


b e e r i x a p e
j r b t e e n a g

h k i t h b s w y

r w a l k i n g h

p a i x l d z k q

t l m l q i y j y

a k h a p f a b g
h x m s h w y n y

u j f j h r s o t

Words found:

row 0: bee

row 0: beer
row 1: teen

row 2: kit

row 3: walk

row 3: walking

row 3: king

col 1: walk

col 2: aim
col 5: bid

Puzzle solved:

B E E R i x a p e

j r b T E E N a g

h K I T h B s w y
r W A L K I N G h

p A I x l D z k q

t L M l q i y j y

a K h a p f a b g

h x m s h w y n y

u j f j h r s o t

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): y

Enter puzzle file name: word08.txt

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


r t t e t g g o s
a o n m d p t m n

i f y e h e r e l

o r d e o o d e n

o o d e t e o d e

i r d t t a l r n

c i c t b t t a e
o v e e d e n c p

Words found:

row 2: her

row 2: here

col 4: hot
col 5: eat

Puzzle solved:

r t t e t g g o s

a o n m d p t m n

i f y e H E R E l
o r d e O o d e n

o o d e T E o d e

i r d t t A l r n

c i c t b T t a e

o v e e d e n c p

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): y

Enter puzzle file name: math01.txt


73 24 11 28 77 12 18 28 14 56 49 02 20 64 51 88 11 43 15 50

22 71 11 17 91 36 27 02 41 97 26 25 90 92 95 22 72 53 63 29

87 88 52 50 91 45 35 53 95 23 92 23 28 11 57 54 93 71 49 29

81 46 56 50 40 12 61 20 67 19 09 94 34 76 04 40 48 75 91 76
38 42 28 19 04 07 08 59 90 93 18 82 17 88 43 18 84 46 32 82

38 59 94 75 61 32 70 75 82 23 87 82 59 86 08 70 49 47 54 03

15 77 54 88 71 31 21 04 60 36 91 52 05 04 77 05 02 24 39 25

35 49 13 39 90 48 46 84 91 25 33 12 35 29 50 92 68 58 65 44

02 26 16 82 18 85 10 50 20 56 08 09 61 94 75 82 05 32 65 43

70 33 88 35 71 03 76 95 13 67 67 70 05 41 26 89 64 04 78 43
64 15 98 36 65 41 37 36 48 11 30 84 49 42 49 61 87 88 03 83

40 11 93 02 45 87 14 95 13 49 36 48 80 66 52 43 87 95 21 79

35 12 66 93 11 57 57 28 83 32 84 48 49 29 04 30 52 67 23 07

59 92 08 85 03 23 82 79 51 60 20 61 99 56 34 54 31 21 20 57

42 65 68 88 37 90 09 57 93 76 68 24 48 18 62 02 55 69 04 33

80 67 68 92 64 62 07 78 84 14 30 41 31 81 92 32 53 56 48 22
86 58 12 14 87 67 52 21 31 10 48 40 17 16 05 32 36 28 49 85

44 84 35 17 20 67 48 47 33 34 64 69 10 45 64 37 57 86 47 40

89 69 55 67 07 08 21 90 63 09 78 73 13 81 76 03 30 87 98 76

46 73 69 09 84 51 76 60 68 82 68 98 88 30 80 51 14 49 34 44

Puzzle solved:
(63998880, 12, 3)

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): y

Enter puzzle file name: math05.txt


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92 41 30 88 70 67 98 78 64 52 75 17 38 30 59 89 27

49 43 76 68 62 56 94 89 94 98 89 32 65 71 70 51 27

69 49 90 32 41 62 61 48 09 33 57 63 95 07 42 61 04
37 75 75 39 36 19 35 72 77 49 04 09 35 02 26 81 88

81 89 45 99 07 84 41 89 60 35 53 26 99 28 87 48 95

47 94 77 17 97 93 52 97 34 46 05 60 31 92 11 95 05

52 22 27 61 27 54 14 50 67 53 11 57 94 65 34 88 92

15 86 59 16 99 19 24 81 63 69 85 13 26 15 72 58 81

62 03 67 65 86 26 84 45 89 74 48 84 67 78 39 74 64
11 12 76 80 51 23 19 09 82 97 27 10 39 73 71 04 58

42 64 27 93 71 40 45 02 46 49 88 79 66 81 10 91 24

13 15 16 83 64 10 96 97 63 73 76 47 53 77 38 85 28

Puzzle solved:

(77067592, 1, 6)

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): not sure

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): yes

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): Y

Enter puzzle file name: word02.txt


b e a r i h a p p y e n

j v s t e e n a g e r s

x i t t h n s w y d x c
r r u l y e n g h o s t

p t d x l d z k q b t e

t u i l q i y j x f w r

a e o a p f a i t h e r

h x m s h w y n o t e a

Words found:

row 0 : bear

row 0 : ear

row 0 : happy

row 1 : teen

row 1 : teenage
row 1 : teenager

row 1 : age

row 3 : ghost

row 3 : host

row 6 : faith

row 6 : the
row 7 : not

row 7 : note

col 1 : virtue

col 2 : studio

Puzzle solved:
B E A R i H A P P Y e n

j V S T E E N A G E R s

x I T t h n s w y d x c

r R U l y e n G H O S T

p T D x l d z k q b t e

t U I l q i y j x f w r

a E O a p F A I T H E r
h x m s h w y N O T E a

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): no

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CSCI1040 Hands-on Introduction to Python, 2020/21 Term 2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Continue with next puzzle? (y/n): n

(Program ends normally.)

Program Testing

We have provided some puzzle data files for your program testing. You may also create your own ones based on our specified format for further testing. For dictionary files, you may simply use either dict.txt or dictbig.txt that we provided. The above sample output assumes that the files are in a right folder that your program executable can locate and open.

Submission and Marking

    • Your program file name should be Submit this file only (skip all those data files) in Blackboard (

    • Insert your name, student ID, and e-mail as comments at the beginning of your source file.

    • You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.

    • Your program should include suitable comments as documentation.

    • Do NOT plagiarize. Sending your work to others is subject to the same penalty as the copying student will.

    • Detailed marking scheme is not available. But the mark weightings on Part A and Part B are roughly in a proportion of 60% (Part A) and 40% (Part B). In this assignment, we will not just look at program correctness, but also the OOP structure of your code, and coding style (naming convention and program documentation). So, certain deductions would be made on poor code structure (e.g., without the mentioned inheritance hierarchy), heavily redundant code, incorrect naming conventions and missing of helpful comments in your code.

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