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Assignment proControl Solution

Review Exercises: 3 points each. Place your answers in ReviewExercises.txt located in the root of this project.

R1.5 Benefits of using Java over machine code (This one is already answered for you)

R2.4 Translating math expressions to Java.

R2.7 Understanding integer operations, order of precedence, and integer division.

R2.14 How the compiler interprets primitive values

R2.17 Pseudocode understading

R2.22 More pseudocode - you do not need to draw a diagram for this question

R3.19 Pseudocode for grade problem

R3.30 Boolean expressions

R4.12 Implementing loops

R4.14 Calendar problem



Programming Exercises: 7 points each. Create a Java class file for each of the following Programming Exercises from the

textbook, Big Java. Name your source files according to its Programming Exercise identifier, except replace the period with an

underscore. For example, if the Programming Exercise identifier is P1.15 or E2.4 then name your java source file or

respecitvely. See for an example.

E2.4 Print integers from CLI

E2.6 Conversions imperial to metric

E2.20 Ascii graphics - x-mas tree

P2.5 Phone number conversions

E3.14 The seasons program

P3.7 Simple income tax

P3.13 Roman numeral conversion

P3.14 Leap year

E4.1 More loops

E4.17 digital to binary - your solution will print binary units from right to left (the proper way).


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